Newsletter Term 2 Week 1

Dear Families Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Malo e lelei,  Namaste, Ni Hau, Bula, Kumusta ka A warm welcome to Term 2 especially to families who are joining our school community for the first time. We hope that you feel a sense of belonging [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:02+12:005th May 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on Newsletter Term 2 Week 1

Establishment Board of Trustees Newsletter April 2017

Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa , Malo e lelei,  Namaste, Ni Hau, Bula, Kumusta ka As the first term draws to a close, the Establishment Board of Trustees would like to thank the staff, children, school families, Parish Priests, and parishioners for all that [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:02+12:0013th April 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on Establishment Board of Trustees Newsletter April 2017

Newsletter Term 1 Week 9

Dear Parents As we draw towards the end of our first term as a school family, we give thanks for all that has been achieved as a faith community, as a learning community and as a loving, serving community.  Together we are beginning to create [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:02+12:007th April 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on Newsletter Term 1 Week 9

School Events Term 1 Weeks 9 and 10

BOARD OF TRUSTEE ELECTIONS 2017  INFORMATION EVENING MONDAY 10 APRIL, 7.00 PM, at HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL  The Establishment Board of Trustees, appointed in 2015 by the Ministry of Education and the Catholic Diocese of Auckland, has continued during 2017 to work to meet [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:02+12:0031st March 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on School Events Term 1 Weeks 9 and 10

Newsletter Term 1 Week 7

Dear Parents Father Mike Wooller from St Anne's Parish, recently shared these thoughts with us from one of his Lenten homilies. When visiting Holy Trinity School, he reflected on the new learning environments' names Whenua ... the land; Awa ... the river; Moana ... the [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:02+12:0024th March 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on Newsletter Term 1 Week 7

School Events Term 1 Week 7

 Event 1 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held this Thursday 23rd March 2017 at school Families are invited to meet with Learning Community Teachers/Kaitiaki to share school and home information, discuss recent assessments and current learning goals for your child/children. You are able to meet with [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:03+12:0020th March 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on School Events Term 1 Week 7

Newsletter Term 1 Week 5

Dear Parents We were thrilled with the number of parents and grandparents who were able to join with us for the Open Morning and LINC-Ed workshop this week. Our intention is to offer these workshops and "open" times on a regular basis so that you [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:03+12:0010th March 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on Newsletter Term 1 Week 5

School Events Term 1 Week 5

Dear Parents We look forward to our family/whanau spending time with us this Thursday 9th March from 8:50am - 10:30am. Now that we have settled into our new learning  environment, we're keen to show off  and share our learning with you. You are invited to [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:03+12:008th March 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on School Events Term 1 Week 5

Newsletter Term 1 Week 3

Friday 24th February 2017 Dear Families On Tuesday evening, our school staff and Establishment Board of Trustees members attended the Dedication Mass held at Christ the King Church in Owairaka. As a new school, joining the wider catholic community, we were welcomed and greeted  with [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:03+12:0024th February 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on Newsletter Term 1 Week 3

School Events Term 1 Week 3

Monday 20th February 2017 Beginning of the Year Mass Dear Families You are invited to join with us for our Beginning of the Year Mass. This will be celebrated in Learning Community AWA area on Thursday 23rd February at 9:00am. Father Mike Wooller will be [...]

By |2023-07-26T10:02:03+12:0020th February 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on School Events Term 1 Week 3
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