Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
As we end this term, we give thanks as a school family for all that has been achieved as a faith community, as a learning community and as a loving, serving community. Together we are continuing to create our school the way we want to be – a place of love, a happy place for all, a place where learning is expected and where we strive to excel, a place where we show compassion, respect and resilience, a place where integrity is valued and where we come together in unity!
An End of Term Prayer!
We thank you Lord, for this term. For the challenges, the successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith. Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others. To be peacemakers in our family. Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun.
Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term. We thank you for our classmates, kaitiaki, parents and a community that cares for us.
Risen Lord, may we always be conscious of you in our lives.
(sourced from Daniel Pepper/Principal St Dominics)

Staffing Update
Miss Joanna Petrie has resigned from her 0.4/2 days fixed term, part-time teaching position and will be finishing in this role at the end of Term 1.
Mrs Kirstie Thorpe will increase her teaching days to 0.8/4 days and will be teaching in Learning Community Awa from Tuesday-Friday.
Mrs Katie Williams will be the Kaitiaki in Learning Community Awa on Mondays – a 0.2 position.
Kirstie and Katie will fulfil a shared teaching role and work alongside Ms Cheryl Schuster.
We thank Jo in particular for her work with the teaching team and children in Learning Community Awa this term and for her contributions to the busy, daily life of HTCPS. We welcome Katie and know that she has much knowledge and many strengths to share with her teaching team of Kirstie and Cheryl.
Reporting to Parents/Whanau
Through our Linc-Ed communication system, we have recently published students’ learning pages for R.E., Health and Concept Relationship/Social Science which is a record of their learning from Term 1. Some students may also have comments for reading, writing and maths. Please take the time to discuss the learning comments with your child so you can share in and praise their learning successes. You are able to “like” the learning comments by clicking on the relevant icon. Further reporting will occur in Term 2.
Please make sure you are able to access the Linc-Ed parent portal or call into Reception and we will assist you to do this.
Staff and BoT Workshop
On Monday 7th May, staff and BoT personnel will be attending a Ministry of Education workshop here at school focussing on “Understanding Behaviours and Responding Safely”. This workshop is being offered to all schools. School remains open from 1:30pm to 2:50pm (normal hours) but students are able to collected by parents/caregivers from 1:00pm – this will allow all staff to attend this very important learning opportunity.

DRS News
Whole School Mass
The students of our Patrick Dunn House/Whanau led us in a wonderful school Mass yesterday with Father Percy Kimble of St Anne’s Manurewa as a our celebrant. A beautiful reminder to trust wholeheartedly in our Risen Lord and a wonderful message for us to reflect on as we rest and spend time with our families this holiday. We look forward to the future with absolute trust that our Lord has a masterplan for each one of us.
Jesus Strand
Our students are beginning to delve into the Jesus Strand in their learning for Religious Education. They will be exploring the life of Jesus and how he showed love in different ways. It’s a wonderful strand that reminds us of Jesus’ teachings and our responsibilities as his disciples in today’s world.

Altar Servers
This year, we are encouraging our students who have received their Sacrament of Confirmation to sign up for altar serving classes at their Parishes. It is a wonderful service in the Church especially during the time we celebrate our whole school Masses together. If you are interested in signing your daughter or son up to altar serve for St Mary’s Parish, Papakura or St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa, please let Mrs Silva know or get in touch with your respective Parish.
A Worm Farm
Our school has been blessed this term with the donation of a worm farm from the Baptista family. Over the last couple of weeks the students have been giving their food scraps to the worms and have learnt that just like themselves, even worms have foods they can’t eat such as citrus fruits, onions, or too much meat and dairy products. Now our students, who are ready to kick off our Enviro/Gardening Club next term, are really excited about how we can use the worm juice and castings to enrich our soil and help improve the growth of our plants.

Learning Communities – Awa and Whenua
This week Learning Communities, Awa and Whenua, have been learning about the Commonwealth Games. We have discussed and identified the different cultures that we come from. Using the Commonwealth Games, as an example of a community of athletes from different countries, has helped the children to develop some understandings around how our differences enrich our relationships with others.
Yesterday, the children were so excited about taking part in the Holy Trinity Commonwealth Games. They had so much fun participating in the different sports events and it was wonderful to hear them cheering each other on to try their best and do well. Thank you to our parents, grandparents and whanau who came along to help run some of the events and to support our tamariki.
Learning Community Moana
Learning Community Moana have been working hard to research and learn about their own personal Pepeha – who they are, their families and culture as well as the places that are special to them. Through art, they created their own Visual Pepeha which they combined to showcase who they are. You are welcome to come along and have a look next term.

Learning Community Maunga
Learning Community Maunga have been learning ‘What Makes a Good Friend’ and have created Recipes for Friendship which we are putting together into a book. Some of the ingredients are: jokes, honesty, loyalty and fun.

Concept Learning
As part of our Concept learning about relationships, Learning Community Maunga have also created a huge city on the wall. The city is called ‘HOLYWOOD’ and has all the amenities and services that a city needs – all organised and created by the students. We have two farms, a hospital, a yacht club and a museum. Come and have a look or ask your child/ren which part they helped to create.

Physical Education and Sports Term 2
Counties Manukau Sport
Next term, our Counties Manukau Sport sessions will be held on a Monday, beginning at 10am after our Whole School Liturgy and Assembly. Students will need to bring their P.E. uniform on Mondays.
Papakura Football Club will be coming in for 4 football sessions over four weeks on a Friday. Weeks 1, 2, 3 & 5. (Week 4 Friday is the Holy Trinity feast day.) Students will need to wear P.E. gear for the session.

Wheels Day
Next term, Week 1 Friday we will be having a Wheels Day. Students can bring along their skateboards, scooters, bikes or rollerblades! All students must wear a helmet. Our Travelwise team will be running the event with Travelwise Council members here checking bikes and helmets for safety. More information to come out in Week One next term.
Our three netball teams will be beginning their season on the first Saturday of Term 2, 5th May. The morning is part practice, part game time. Good luck to all our netball players and thank you to the parents who have put their hands up to support as coaches and star helpers!

Winter Uniform
From Term 2, all students are expected to be in the correct school winter uniform.
Girls Uniform: tartan skort, blue long sleeved monogrammed shirt, navy knee school socks, black school shoe
Boys Uniform: navy shorts, blue long sleeved monogrammed shirt, navy knee school socks, black school shoe
A short sleeved monogrammed shirt may also be worn as long as no other long sleeved item is worn underneath.
The navy woollen monogrammed school jumper or optional school monogrammed waterproof jacket may also be worn during the winter months. The waterproof jackets are outside clothing only.
Students are to wear black school shoes only. These may be purchased from other stockists e.g. The Warehouse, Hannahs, Number 1 Shoes.
Please clearly label all clothing items with your child’s name so all misplaced uniforms can be returned to the correct owners.
Thank you for continuing to support our school uniform guidelines by ensuring your child/ren wear the correct school uniform with pride and care. This is a fantastic way to demonstrate our school Gospel value of respect/manaakitia.
NZ Uniforms are the stockists of our school uniform. Please note they are moving premises and will now be located at Unit 5 20 Lambie Drive, Manukau. This is into bigger and better premises just up the road from their previous location (28E Lambie Drive, Manukau). NZ Uniform’s phone number and email address will remain the same ph: 09 950 6747 and email: manukau@nzuniforms.com.
NZ Uniforms will be open all of next week except for Friday 20th April.
Upcoming School Events
End of Term 1
Friday 13th April 2:50pm
Commencement of Term 2
Monday 30th April 8:50am
School Assembly and Prayer – Manutaki to lead
Monday 30th April 9:00am in Taamaua/Hall
Friday 4th May
WHEELS DAY at school
SERVICE DAY at school – provided by Sancta Maria College students
Staff and BoT Workshop
Monday 7th May Staff and BoT Workshop commencing 1:30pm “Understanding Behaviour Responding Safely” – Students may go home from 1:00pm
Mothers Day Liturgy
Friday 11th May 2:15pm in Taamaua/Hall
With God’s Blessings
Peta Lindstrom