Dear Parents

Our school vision statement is “Learn, Love and Serve –  Ka Ako, Ka Aroha, Ka Mannaki in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” and is something that we have been sharing with our children. These three key words are central to the vision for our school. How wonderful then for you, as our parents, to have this opportunity to be members of the Board of Trustees and to serve the school community in this role. Please do read carefully Philip’s information below in regards to this process.



reminder 2To all our Parents/Caregivers

There are only 7 more days to go before nominations close for the forthcoming elections for the Foundation Board of Trustees for Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School- Nominations close next Friday 26 May.

So far, we have two nominations- a special thank you to those parents for putting themselves forward. We need at least five nominations for the parent representatives.

What a great way to get involved in your children’s education- it is challenging, exciting and rewarding. Being on the Board is about contributing your unique talents and skills as we work as a team to provide the best education we can for our children- and in our case, the best Catholic education we can.

Opportunities are given to trustees for on-going training around their role and there is a lot of support available. No one goes it alone.

If you have not received your nomination form and a notice calling for nominations through the post, please contact the school office for one.

If you require further information about being on the Board,  please feel free to contact me- Ph.2664079 or email


Philip Cortesi
Chairperson Establishment Board of Trustees
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School

Official School Opening

Friday 9th June 10:30am

celebrateDuring the next few days, school families will receive their invitation to the Official Opening. This is a day to celebrate and thank all of those who have contributed to the establishment of our school.  Please keep this date free as we will be grateful for many helping hands to ensure that the occasion is a success for all. In particular, we require support and more people to help with … “flower arranging, car-parking on the day, catering set up and the BBQ for the children’s sausage sizzle.” If you are able to help with the set up for these, please leave a message at the school office – THANK YOU!

Attendance Dues and Special Character Contribution

Term 2 invoices will be emailed to families on Monday 22 May 2017.
Please note: you will not receive an invoice if you have paid the full 2017 amount for your child’s Attendance Dues and Special Character Contribution.
This is the first time the emailing system is being used so if you do not
receive your invoice by Wednesday please contact the office – phone 296 9039
or email –

Receipts for Attendance Dues and Special Character Contribution payments will be issued at the end of each term. 

DRS News

Beginning of Term 2 Mass

Today our school gathered together and celebrated the Beginning of Term 2 Mass at St Mary’s Church, Papakura.  Fr Peter Murphy led our celebration and it was wonderful to see the parents and Parishioners join us.  We look forward to living out the special theme of today’s Mass: “Love one another as God loves us”

This is at the heart of our school charism.  The Holy Trinity is our model for love.  God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  Three in One.

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It was great to see Fr Peter share with the children after Mass about the roles and responsibilities of different people in the Church.  They were able to meet the many Parishioners who serve in different ministries.  This is a wonderful example of our concept ‘Unity’ or ‘Kotahitanga’.  We are all a part of the Body of Christ.

Ascension of the Lord

On Sunday 28th May, we celebrate The Ascension of the Lord in the Church.  A day we remember our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who was taken up to heaven.  We come to reflect on our part as the disciples of Christ.  Are we continuing the work of Jesus in the way we can be of service to each other?  Are we sharing God’s love with those around us? This is a good way to reflect on our school vision statement: “Learn, Love and Serve” “Ka Ako, Ka Aroha, Ka Manaaki”

Our School Values (Integrity/Ngakau Pono)

This week we talked about ‘Integrity’.  Integrity is doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason.  There are so many things that we can do to show integrity, both at school and at home.  Sometimes the right thing to do is not always the easiest but the Holy Spirit will guide and help us to make the right choice, so let the Holy Spirit be your guide.

Learning Community News


In Awa we have been watching Pukekos who live around the school. We noticed that they come out after lunch and eat up all our crumbs. We decided to write all the things we know about pukekos and draw them. Learning Community Awa thinks the pukekos are special because they have our school colours on their feathers.

pukeko 1pukeko

Pukekos have long legs and they run fast. They have very cute babies. They have a sharp beak and they can fly. They have blue, green and white feathers.      By Harveer

I like pukekos because they can run fast. I like their coloured feathers. They are scared of people. Sometimes they attack people so I just leave them alone. They have sharp claws and a sharp beak. By Sam

Pukekos eat worms. I love pukekos because they are fluffy. The English word for pukeko is swamp hen. The pukeko lives near a swamp. The pukeko eats grass. By Rebecca T


Whenua we are learning about Jesus’ life in Palestine. We have tasted some of the food that Jesus ate. Some of us tried pita bread, hummus and olives for the first time ever and loved it! Our friends Martin and Lily love dressing up as Jesus and we are learning a prayer that Jesus prayed when he was a child. Learning Community Whenua have learned a new word to describe Jesus too, he is our Tuakana – our elder brother who cares for us all.

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Piano and Keyboard Lessons

Picture1The New Zealand Modern School of Music is pleased to offer private piano and keyboard lessons at Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School. The lessons are given during class time so parents do not have to take their children to lessons after school. If you are interested in your child learning to read and play music and would like further information, please contact Leanne Stewart  –  021 1640 996.

Car Parking

Now that we have the use of all of the marked car parking spaces in the school car-park, please park in these areas rather than using the Bus Bay at the front of the school. We have noticed two rows of cars forming in the Bus Bay which is creating a dangerous situation for those children who need to alight from the cars and cross over to the footpath. Please help us to keep our children safe by using the purpose built car-parking area.


If your child is absent from school at any time, please phone the school office to leave a message or email the office:

Winter Uniform

Winter school socks are now available from NZ Uniforms shop in Lambie Drive, Manukau. Thank you for supporting us and ensuring the children are in their correct winter uniform

With God’s Blessings
Peta Lindstrom