Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta, Namaskārām,
Sat Shri Akaal, Vanakkam and Ayubowan
Dear Families
What a wonderful, warm, heart filled welcome we celebrated with our new families and students, new staff, visiting artists and visitors on Wednesday morning. It was also great to see the happy, smiling faces of our children and whānau returning for another year of schooling earlier in the week. As our community grows, we are heartened by the kindness, arohanui and generosity of our families who reach out to support those who are new, who need a helping hand with transport, who need support and extra love as they settle into their new environment. THANK YOU – this is what it means to be Holy Trinity people and helps to “strengthen community”.
As a Catholic School we share in the goals for Catholic education … to be a place where we communicate Christ, helping to form Christ in the lives of others … a place to encounter the loving God so that each person and child experiences a genuine and ongoing encounter with Christ … a place to grow in knowledge and understandings of Christ’s teachings … a place where Christian witness is nurtured and strengthened within the community of our Lord’s disciples, the Church.
This is our hope for our school community – that together we grow/flourish in unity and in learning ka ako, loving ka aroha and serving ka manaaki, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The photos below depict our new students with their families, new staff and our visitors being welcomed with a school whakatau and receiving their welcome certificates and Holy Trinity prayer kete for home.
Liturgy and Blessing of our Mother Mary Sculpture
We were graced with a beautiful, sunny morning on Wednesday as we gathered as a school whānau to witness the unveiling of our commissioned Mother Mary sculpture.
Our overarching learning this year is about “Our Common Home” – students will independently use their learning to encounter Christ by actively seeking ways to serve, to nurture, and to sustain “our common home far and wide”. How precious it was then, to be gathered in our sacred space/prayer garden with the sculpture of Mary, our Mother – because this is Mary’s home, it is a place where we can come home to be with Mary, to pray with Mary – to express our faith and to be home in creation!
This lovely garden has become our ‘Holy place’ – a visual symbol of our faith, a place of prayer, a place to meditate, a place to spend time with God, a place to sit peacefully and enjoy God’s creation flourishing, a place to sit in silence, a place to speak from our hearts and to listen to what God is saying and a place to foster our relationship with God through prayer and reflection.
A BIG THANK YOU once again to our PTFA team who have ‘poured their hearts and souls’ into making the prayer garden a reality and to our School Board for their constant practical and financial support and encouragement of the PTFA team. We are so proud of you all!
Grateful thanks to the folk at Playscape for their careful, considerate, creative and collaborative ideas, design, build and installation.
We have been waiting a long time for a sculpture of Mother Mary for our Grotto and then … finally two very special people, with very special gifts said “YES Holy Trinity whānau, we can design and create your Mary sculpture for your prayer garden!” They knew that Mary needed to be very special and unique to Holy Trinity School. Ngā mihi nui – THANK YOU to artists Marc Lenton and Henriata Nicholas for their wonderful work – for their inspiration and artistic skills to create our Mary – THANK YOU for making our prayer garden our “common home.”
School Bereavement

DRS Report
Dedication Mass
2025 School Staffing
Due to the unexpected resignations of Mrs Esther Anitelea and Mrs Danielle Clarivette at the end of last year, there are some staff changes for the Learning Communities as we commence the 2025 year.
Our 2025 Learning Communities and kaitiaki/teachers have been organised as:
Learning Community Whenua = New Entrants, Years 0 and 1 students
Mrs Euginea Fernandes, Mrs Sydney Buzmion and Mrs Liezl Jeftha with a new teacher joining us in Week 4
Mrs Thea Guadalupe – Learning Assistant
Mrs Kafoa Chute – Learning Assistant
Learning Community Awa – Older Year 1s and Year 2 students
Mrs Geraldine Malgas, Mrs Sahlee Cortez and Miss Jennifer Anacleto
Mrs Ruth Leonidas – Learning Assistant
Mrs Tua Feagaiga – Learning Assistant
Learning Community Ngahere (relocatable rooms) – Older Year 2s and Year 3 students
Mrs Alana Sherlock and Mrs Upashna Nadan
Learning Community Maunga – Year 4 students
Mrs Lainee Davies, Mrs Ana Silva and Mrs Mavis Chung with a new teacher joining us in Week 4
Mrs Rachel Farley – Learning Assistant
Learning Community Moana – Years 5 and 6 students
Ms Kirstie Gill, Mrs Ranjita Ali and Mrs Michaela Griffiths
Mrs Venus Anand – Learning Assistant
Ms Laura Ahern, Mrs Liezl Jeftha and Mrs Mavis Chung will also be working with us in a ‘teacher release’ capacity.
Mrs Carolyn Harvey and Miss Angela Aiesi – Learning Assistants for the ESOL programme (supporting English Learning for Speakers of Other Languages)
Senior and Middle Leadership Team:
Miss Peta Lindstrom, Mrs Maria Speechlay, Mrs Ana Silva (DRS), Ms Kirstie Gill, Mrs Alana Sherlock, Mrs Geraldine Malgas and Mrs Euginea Fernandes.
Due to the differing numbers of students at each year level, our learning communities spaces, make-up and composition do change in the Year 0-3 classes for 2025.
Please note …
Learning Community Whenua = Years 0 and 1
Learning Community Awa = Older Year 1s and Year 2
Learning Community Ngahere/relocatables = Older Year 2s and Year 3
Learning Community Maunga = Year 4
Learning Community Moana = Years 5 and 6
Welcoming New Staff!
We warmly welcome Mr Peter Baker to our support staff team this year! Peter takes on the role of School Caretaker. It is always exciting to have new staff members especially when they bring a wealth of experience, knowledge and skills along with their gifts and talents to our school community. We are very blessed to have Peter as part of Holy Trinity school community and we have already seen his strengths in action as he has spent time working alongside Mr Stewart during this transition time in the caretaker’s role.
Farewelling Staff!
Mr Stephen Stewart, our wonderful Caretaker has resigned from his role and is heading into his retirement years! Stephen has been an absolute blessing to our school community. No job has been too big and no task has been too small for him – Stephen has tackled everything with his gentle demeanour, huge bag of mastery and tricks and has made himself our very own “MacGyver”! No words can every express our deep gratitude for the care and attention Stephen has given our school – the well cared for grounds, buildings and environment are testament to his care of duty and the integrity he has shown in all the work he has undertaken. THANK YOU Stephen – you are a HERO and we wish you every blessing as you now take time for yourself and your family. Well Deserved! Ka mau te wehi!
Staff/Teacher Only Day in Term 1 2025
School will be closed for students on Friday 28th February – Term 1
Teachers and Support Staff will be involved in a professional development and learning day about the newly released New Zealand Curriculum Refresh, Mathematics and Statistics Learning Area. This is a Ministry of Education approved Teacher/Staff Only Day. We received notification of approval recently.
This teacher-only day will provide our school with a dedicated time to understand, prepare and engage with changes across The Mathematics and Statistics curriculum. It is an opportunity for our kaitiaki to share ideas and expertise and to grow in our confidence in implementing the upcoming curriculum and assessment changes.
Please make alternative arrangements for your child/ren for Friday 28th February
Teaching and Learning News
This year our learning focus is centred on “Our Common Home”. Students will independently use their learning to encounter Christ by actively seeking ways to serve, nurture, and sustain our common home far and wide.
Whakatauki: Manaaki whenua, Manaaki tangata, Haere whakamua. Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward.
Our Term 1 connected curriculum concept is Kaitiakitanga – Religious Education, Social Sciences/Aotearoa NZ Histories, Health and Physical Education, The Arts will be the key curriculum Learning Areas along with English and Maths and Statistics.
The Key Understanding for learning is that:
Kaitiakitanga is about exploring ways to care for and protect our common home that helps us to serve, nurture, and sustain it.
The Essential Questions for learning are:
- What is kaitiakitanga?
- Why explore ways to care for and protect God’s creation?
- How does kaitiakitanga help us serve, nurture and sustain our common home?
The key Transfer Goal is for:
students to independently use their learning to explore kaitiakitanga in our world, and identify ways to encounter Christ through serving, nurturing, and sustaining our common home.
2025 Attendance Dues Payments
Attendance Dues 2025 statements will be sent electronically to families next week.
Please note that there are 3 options for payment of the Attendance Dues and Catholic Special Character Contribution
- Full amount paid by Internet Banking to ASB school account – details for payment are on the statement.
- Automatic Payment to be set up via internet banking to ASB school account
- Payment can be made at the school office – cash or Eftpos
Many of our families choose the AP (Automatic Payment) option to make a small payment each week or fortnight which helps families to manage their financial budget for the year. This is a very good option and one that is encouraged by our school. For those families paying by Automatic Payment (AP), please note that 2025 payments must all be completed by 1st December 2025.
Please see Carmel Stewart (Office Administrator) or Peta Lindstrom (Principal) in the strictest confidence if you have any concerns or questions regarding the payment of Attendance Dues.
Financial Assistance is available for payment of Attendance Dues.
PTFA News …
Thank you to everyone who attended the January PTFA meeting, it was great to see some new faces and we hope your children have had a great first week at school.
Here are some highlights for Term 1 from the meeting:
- Mother Mary sculpture installed in the grotto of the sacred space/prayer garden on Wednesday 5th February – a massive thank you to many of the previous PTFA members / committee leads as you have played a massive part of getting to this point
- Lunchtime Ice Block sales on Friday 14th February – keep an eye out for our mini fundraiser of ice block sales at lunchtime
- Pancake Lunch Day Tuesday 4th March – to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. We will be organising a Pancake Lunch Day fundraiser
- Math-a-thon (From Monday 4th April) – This term, we will be running a Math-a-thon fundraiser to encourage all our tamariki to spend regular time focusing on their maths knowledge and skills!
- Next Event – Lunch time Ice Block sales – Friday 14th February
We have lots of exciting events and fundraisers planned this year so we will be on the lookout for a range of volunteers to help out!
Next meeting will be Tuesday 25th February at 7pm – see you there!
Learning Community Meetings – Greet and Meet!
Student Achievement Congratulations !
Congratulations to … Alicia and Zeke Soriano! They attended their ‘Taekwon-Do’ class after school this week and were awarded a trophy each for their great performance in the Star Series competitions held across the country last year.
Last year (2024), the Star Series had 2 events, one held in Auckland and the other in Palmerston North. Both Alicia and Zeke did really well at both tournaments across four events (pattern, sparring, high kick and power). The medals they earned were converted into points and the person with the highest points in each belt/gender is awarded a trophy which is what they were presented with at their class this week.
Alicia is super ecstatic about it as she also won a trophy for ‘Overall Best White Belt’ (across both male and female and all ages) in the regional competition last year.
This is such wonderful news and a fantastic achievement at such a high level. Well Done Alicia and Zeke – you are achieving excellence/hiranga and we are so incredibly proud of you. Thank you for sharing this happy news with us. Ka mau te wehi – you are amazing!
School Traffic – Beginning and End of Day Reminders!
We would like your support in helping us to ensure that we are all following the expectation for school pick up and drop off, before and after school.
The safety of everyone, especially our children, whānau and the public, is paramount. Please read the information on the photo and discuss this with your whānau and children so everyone knows the expectation for school pick up and drop off.
For whānau who will be picking up children after school on Kapowai Boulevard, please make sure you park on the left hand side facing Kuaka Drive – DO NOT park on the yellow lines, DO NOT park in the turning bays. The side gate to/from Kapowai Boulevard will be open from 8:30am/mornings and from 2:30pm/afternoon for parents/families to access the school.
The pick up/drop off area in the front of the school (the Bus Bay area) is NOT for parking. This area is ONLY for a short time to stop and either drop off your child or to pick up your child. Please DO NOT leave your vehicles to come into school.
Whānau are welcome to park in a designated car park space in the school car park if there is a space available. Please DO NOT park in the Disabled carparks unless you have the necessary permits. Thank you for understanding this request.
On wet days we encourage you to continue to park your car around the nearby streets shown on the photo. Please come with wet weather gear (e.g raincoat, umbrella etc) or maybe have it ready in your child’s school bag to keep them dry from the rain when walking back to the car.
Remember that you are most welcome to come into school. It is a great way to meet kaitiaki/teachers and see the learning that is happening in the learning communities.
Student Attendance
As you will be aware through the media, there is a great concern around students attendance at school and the impact this is having on levels of student progress and achievement. The Ministry of Education is requesting schools to have an “intervention tier” in place so that student attendance is monitored, tracked and intervention strategies are put in place quickly and efficiently to ensure high rates of school attendance for every child.
For Holy Trinity School, our student attendance concern is with the large number of children who are regularly arriving late to school after the 8:50am bell or are leaving school early in the afternoon
The school gates open from 8:30am and children are able to be on site. This then allows time for them to organise themselves for the day ahead, greet and spend time with their kaitiaki/teachers and friends, undertake roles and responsibilities, prepare for morning karakia/prayer etc.
School begins at 8:50am with morning karakia/prayer – it’s important that the children are at school and have this time for prayer, song, reflection and meditation.
As the first intervention tier for our school, we will be …
1. monitoring student lateness and we will be communicating promptly with those families where there is regular lateness – special circumstances permitting.
2. asking parents to refrain from requesting early afternoon finishing time for their child/ren unless it is necessary or a special circumstance. If you need to collect your child early from school then you must notify school the day before where practicable.
Please do not be offended if we say “no” to your child leaving school before the end of the school day if you do not have a legitimate reason. We are abiding by the Ministry of Education guidelines.
We are confident that by working together and respecting the school bell times, we can ensure our children have the best possible opportunity for their learning!
Music Tuition
Student Mobile Phones
School Boards have a duty to prohibit the use and access of student mobile phones. Regulation 22 Education (School Board) Regulations 2020, means that all state schools, including integrated state schools, must ensure students do not use or access a phone while they are attending school, including during lunch time and breaks. This includes students who are on a school course/trip or visit outside the school grounds. However, there are exceptions to this specified in the Regulations.
Boards must ensure they have rules in place that meet these new requirements.
Our Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School Board, with the guidance of SchoolDocs which guides our policy making, ensures it complies with regulations.
Students are not permitted to have their personal phones at school. There are a few exceptions only. This is for students who are using public transport – having a phone with them at this time is a good safety measure. However, there is no other reason for a child to bring their phone to school. If a student is bringing their phone to school, then it must be handed into the school office each morning and collected at the end of the school day. Our Office Admin Team will be contacting families to confirm the need to have phones at school for these children. Thank you for supporting us with this request.
2025 School Stationery Orders
If you have not yet ordered school stationery for your child, then jump on to Simply add your details, check that you want everything on the list, then click and confirm and OfficeMax will get your delivery underway with free delivery on orders over $70*.
*Terms and Conditions apply, see for details.
If you prefer, you can call the OfficeMax MySchool team on 0800 724 440 Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm.
School Summer Uniform
Students are expected to be in the correct school uniform from Monday 3rd February, Term 1. This includes the short sleeved blouse or shirt, open toed black school sandals and the school sunhat. Please name all items of clothing so that they can be returned to the children immediately when found.
Our School uniform is only available for purchase from NZ Uniforms on 20/5 Lambie Drive, Manukau.
School Hours
8:50am School commences
8:50am-10:30am Block 1 – teaching & learning
10:30am – 11:00am Morning Tea
11:00am – 1:00pm Block 2 – teaching & learning
1:00pm – 1:40pm Lunch
1:40pm – 2:50pm Block 3 – teaching & learning
2:50pm School concludes
School Reminders:
Children are to bring their own prepared morning tea, lunch and drink bottles to school. Water is the only acceptable drink at school. Children are asked to keep litter, food-scraps and food wrappings in their lunchboxes to take home at the end of each day as part of our recycling and reusing focus. Please name all of the children’s belongings.
School Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:30am- 3:30pm
Both Mrs Carmel Stewart and Mrs Jocelyn Ochoa will be available to answer any queries families may have especially at this start of the new school year.
2025 School Dates
The School Board has approved the school term dates for 2025 as:
Term One 10 weeks Monday 3rd February – Friday 11th April
Term Two 9 weeks Monday 28th April – Friday 27th June
Term Three 10 weeks Monday 14th July – Friday 19th September
Term Four 10 weeks Monday 6th October – Tuesday 16th December
Term 1 – Thursday 6th February – Waitangi Day
Easter Holidays: Good Friday 18th April, Easter Monday 21st April, Easter Tuesday 22nd April
Anzac Day Friday 25th April
Job Vacancy
Receptionist/Administrator – Catholic Social Services, Auckland.
Catholic Social Services is looking for a part-time (20 hours – 3 days – hours can be negotiable) Receptionist/Administrator based in Ponsonby. As a faith-based professional service Catholic Social Services provides social work, counselling, out-reach and support to individual people and families.
The successful applicant would be required to provide efficient, effective, and professional reception and administrative services to the team at Catholic Social Services.
For further details please go to our website, Diocesan Services and staff vacancies.
Upcoming School Events
Dedication Mass for Catholic Schools Staff
Tuesday 11th February @ 7:00pm Christ the King Parish Church, Owairaka
Kāhui Ako SENCO and Learning Assistants Professional Learning and Development Day
Thursday 13th February @ St John the Evangelist School, Otara
Gymnastics/Fundamental Skills Lessons for Year 3 (10am-11am) and Year 4 (11am-12:00)
Thursday 13th February @ Bruce Pulman Park Recreation Centre
PTFA Ice-Block Lunchtime Sale
Friday 14th February @ school
School Gathering Liturgy and Assembly – led by Mrs Fernandes/LC Whenua and Mrs Davies/LC Maunga
Monday 17th February @ 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall
Beginning of the Year School Mass – Whānau Leaders Commissioning
Wednesday 19th February @ 9:30am Taamaua/school hall – Fr Mathew presiding
OPEN Learning Community Afternoon – Greet and Meet the Kaitiaki/teachers
Wednesday 19th February 3:00pm – 4:00pm @ school
Gymnastics/Fundamental Skills Lessons for Year 3 (10am-11am) and Year 4 (11am-12:00)
Thursday 20th February @ Bruce Pulman Park Recreation Centre
PTFA Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 25th February 7:00pm in the school staffroom
Inter-schools Tag Touch Tournament Day – Years 5/6
Wednesday 26th February @ Bruce Pulman Park
School Board Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 26th February 7:00pm in the school staffroom
Gymnastics/Fundamental Skills Lessons for Year 3 (10am-11am) and Year 4 (11am-12:00)
Thursday 27th February @ Bruce Pulman Park Recreation Centre
TEACHER/STAFF ONLY Day – school closed to students
Friday 28th February
Term 1 Concludes
Friday 11th April
2026 College Enrolments
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College
Online Enrolment Applications for 2026 are now open and will close at 9am on Friday 21st February 2025.
Sacred Heart College
Enrolment Applications for Year 7 and Year 9 for 2026 are now open:
A Sacred Heart education provides a foundation of faith and aspiration to succeed at the highest level in personal and professional life. Places are available in Years 7 and 9 in 2026, with Boarding available from Year 9. Applications are prioritised in accordance with our Enrolment Scheme. Scholarships are available.
Join us for our Open Day on Wednesday, 26 February 2025. Two sessions are being held, 10am and 1pm in our Auditorium, followed by tours of the College. Parking will be available at Gate 4, West Tamaki Road, Glendowie.
Applications for enrolment close Friday 4 April 2025. Apply online here. Visit
St Mary’s College
We are delighted to advise that our 2026 enrolments will open Monday 10th February. Then on Thursday 6th March, we will host our annual open day events.