Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei,  Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta, Namaskārām,
Sat Shri Akaal, Vanakkam and Ayubowan

Dear Families

How lovely and exciting it was to welcome our students, families and staff back to school this Monday for our last school term. It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of another school year!

On Monday, we welcomed our very newest students and their families with a spirited Whakatau – we extend a BIG Holy Trinity welcome to Hanisha, Kapeli, Alysha and Layla and their respective families. We hope it won’t take too long before you feel a special part of our Holy Trinity School.

Term 4 is a busy time with many activities, especially all of the end of the year community events. Please take note of each of these special events so you are able to spend time with us celebrating as a Holy Trinity School Community, giving thanks and praise for all we have been gifted this year through our learning ka ako, loving ka aroha and serving ka manaaki, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mission and  Missionary: World Mission Month of October 2024

What Does the Word “Mission” or “Missionary” Mean?

Both words “Mission” and “Missionary” come from the Latin “missio”, which  means an act of sending, and from the Greek word “apostle,” which has the  same meaning. From the Greek, we derived the word “Apostle”. The Apostles  were sent on a mission to “proclaim the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), and they “went forth and preached everywhere” (Mark 16:20). In the days of old, when Mass was in Latin, the dismissal at the end of Mass  was: “Ite Missa Est”. The word “Mass” itself comes from the Latin word ‘Missa”, which has the connection with the origin of the word Mission.

Who is on a Mission or is a Missionary”?

All who are baptised share in the mission of the Apostles. Jesus commissioned  all His followers; ‘“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing  them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching  them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you  always, until the end of the age.” (Matt 28:19-20). And in that sense, all who  baptised are on a mission or are missionaries!

Over and above the general idea that all who are baptised are missionaries,  some go to far distant lands to respond to Jesus’ commission to his apostles. They go not just to preach with words but with their action, working to help alleviate poverty, improving education, promoting justice and peace, or  in other words offering their service and love to the people of the world. They  proclaim and teach the Gospel by their actions.

Finally, we can also broaden our view to say that even those who are not yet  baptised are on a mission! They participate in the mission of Jesus when, in  their search for truth, they do good and avoid evil, thus participating indirectly, Jesus’ mission to call all everyone into God’s love.

By Fr Michael Pui, National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies – August 2024

DRS Report

Month of the Rosary

October is the month of the Rosary and our children are saying the rosary prayers as part of their morning Learning Community karakia/prayers. We are also gathering together twice a week as a school to pray the rosary and reflect on the mysteries that highlight the events of Jesus’ and Mary’s lives. Every day Christians around the world pray the rosary and it’s a beautiful thing to know that we can join this special prayer from anywhere at any time. When we pray, it’s important to take our time. As we pray the rosary, we ask our Mother Mary to intercede for us and help us to be more like her son, Jesus Christ.

Another way that we honour the month of the Rosary is praying the Angelus prayer as a whole school at 12:00pm midday. In the busyness of our learning and teaching, when we hear the chimes of the bell at 12:00pm, we stop and stay still as we participate in the Angelus devotional prayer. It’s a 3 minute prayer that helps to centre us and bring us to stillness as we reflect and ponder on Mary’s journey when she said ‘Yes’ to being the mother of Jesus and therefore our mother too. The Angelus is a special devotional prayer that Catholics recite three times a day all around the world. We literally come to a standstill as we turn our focus away from the buzzing of life’s tasks to be centred on God’s love for us all.

Term 4 School Mass

As we commence this term, we will be celebrating our whole school Mass on Wednesday 30 October at 9:15am with Father Mathew of St Mary’s Parish, Papakura. We invite all our school whānau to come along and celebrate with us as we begin our journey for this final term for the year. We look forward to seeing you there.

All Saints Day Liturgy

Saints are people who love Jesus and share his love with others. We can all live like the saints even while we are still on earth because we are all called to be a saint. Saints were people just like us. They felt hungry, tired, angry, and disappointed sometimes, just as we do. But the saints did difficult things even when they didn’t want to because they loved God. We will be celebrating All Saints Day with a Liturgy on Friday 1st November – 1:45pm in Taamaua/school hall. You are welcome to join with us for this special time of prayer and remembrance.

PTFA News …

Kia ora Holy Trinity whānau!
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary school and the PTFA are excited to announce that we will be holding a Christmas Twilight Market event on the evening of Friday 29th November from 3.30pm – 6.00pm.  Bring your family and friends to support our lovely school community – there will be a range of food stalls, arts & crafts, games and more!
The proceeds from the market will be put towards fundraising for new playground equipment for the school grounds.
Keep an eye out over the coming weeks as we are keen to get some support from the school community to make this a super successful event!
If you are interested in donating items or running a stall, please email the PTFA directly ( by Tuesday the 29th October. Your stall could be; food stall, face painting, lucky dip, arts & crafts, preserves or anything else you’d like to sell.
Thank you for your support and looking forward to seeing you all there!

Calendar Artwork

Your children have been working hard on some great artwork for this year’s Calendar Art sales.  These will be ready to order from Monday and orders will be open from 21st October until 4th November.
Keep an eye out for the flyers that will come home with your child/ren next week.  Thanks again for your support with this great initiative!

PTFA Monthly Meeting

Our next Parents, Teachers & Friends Association (PTFA) meeting, will be held at school, Tuesday the 29th of October. We would love to see you there!

Date: Tuesday, 29th October 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: School Staffroom

This is a great opportunity to contribute your ideas and volunteer support for the upcoming Christmas Twilight Market event, get an update on what’s happening at school, and chat to other parents.

Ngā mihi nui,
Louise Ruegg
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School
Parent, Teacher & Friends Association

Bolly Fusion Dance Event

We have an amazing group of Holy Trinity students who will be performing this Friday evening at the Inaugural Bolly Fusion Dance Event for our local schools.

Bolly Fusion is a Dance Extravaganza being held on Friday 18th October at Papakura Normal School 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Immerse yourself in the energy and vibrancy of Bollywood! This event invites local schools, students, and the community to celebrate Indian culture through dynamic dance performances and experience the joy of movement. It’s going to be a lively and colourful way to connect, express creativity, and celebrate cultural diversity together!

THANK YOU To Dhanu Jacob for leading and co-ordinating the dance group and THANK YOU to our Indian families who have worked hard over the holidays to help practice the children ready for their performance – we are very proud of you all!

This is a great initiative for our local school communities. Thank you so much!

Congratulations to …

Lucy Buzmion and her Mum, Sydney!

Lucy won 2nd place prize in the primary category of the Beautification Trust’s “Eye on Nature Creative Arts 2024 Competition”. Lucy’s entry was called “Bugs in My Garden”. She created her display from recycled and reused materials, creating a wonderful artwork of a little garden! We are very proud of her effort, and ngaa mihi to her Mum, Sydney, for supporting her through the programme.

The prize money for 2nd place in the primary category is $500. This is gifted to our school as per the judging criteria. THANK YOU LUCY!

Congratulations again for an amazing Creative Arts entry.

Francheska and Brandon Palisoc and their Dad, Bong

During the holidays, the children participated in a Basketball Tournament that featured various teams representing their respective countries and cultures. Francheska and Brandon were in Team Pilipinas and competed in the 1st Nations Polynesian Basketball Tournament held at Bruce Pulman Park. Brandon and Francheska joined the team for the Under 9 category of the 1st Nation basketball tournament. They made it to the finals and are now champions! WELL DONE to you all – a fantastic achievement! Ka mau te wehi – you are amazing!

Teaching and Learning News

Curriculum News …

Term 4 Concept Learning – MISSION

This term’s connected curriculum concept of ‘Mission’ brings together all the learning from this year through stories as taonga. As part of God’s kingdom, we are all called to help build it. Throughout the year, we’ve explored how sharing and preserving stories as taonga empowers others to respond to mission. Now, we are encouraged to reflect on how our own and others’ stories can become taonga, guiding us in responding to God’s mission. 

We want our learners to apply their understanding, knowledge, and skills by choosing how best to celebrate ‘Our Story, Our Taonga’ and empower God’s mission in others. The Nativity, the story of Jesus’ birth and the foundation of our faith, is a key part of ‘Our Story’ and a treasured taonga. Just as cultural stories shape our identity, the Nativity inspires us to reflect on our Catholic faith. By sharing and reflecting on both, learners are empowered to respond to God’s mission and celebrate the richness of ‘Our Story, Our Taonga.’

Marae Visit for Learning Community Maunga

Students in Learning Community Maunga are very fortunate to have an opportunity to visit Papakura Marae as part of our Social Sciences focus ‘making connections to people and places in our local community to strengthen our understanding of shared stories that are taonga’.  We acknowledge and thank our school principal and Board for their generous support to fund our Marae trip and make it possible for all our learners to be able to attend and gain valuable hands-on experience at the Marae. 

When:  Thursday 24th October 2024
Where:  Papakura Marae, 29 Hunua Road, Papakura

Kiwi Kids Competition

The annual Centre of Assessment and Monitoring Kiwi English, Mathematics and Science competitions are skills-based online exams that are closely aligned with the New Zealand Curriculum. Some of our Year 5/6 tamariki registered and sat these exams last term. We congratulate these students for their wonderful results achieved.
Year 5/6 Science
Eva Abin – Merit
Liliana Chang – Achieved
Jan Silver Manalo – Achieved
Eli Rojano – Participation

Year 5/6 English
Eva Abin – Achieved
Liliana Chang – Achieved
Ella Yu – Achieved
Eli Rojano – Participation
Jan Silver Manalo- Participation

Year 5/6 Maths
Liliana Chang – Excellence
Jan Silver Manalo – Achieved
Celyn Rogayan – Participation
Eli Rojano – Participation
Ella Yu – Participation

Celebrating Language Weeks

Niuean Language Week – Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue

The 2024 theme for Niue Language Week is ‘Leveki mo e Feaki e Vagahau Niue ma Anoiha – Protect and Nurture Vagahau Niue for the Future.’ This theme is part of the wider 2024 Pacific Language Week Series theme around ‘Sustainability.’

We are very grateful to Cooper Pihema’s family for coming in this week and decorating our foyer with special items made in Niue or passed down from Cooper’s grandmother. It was special to have these taonga at school to remind us of the importance of preserving and celebrating Niuean culture, traditions, and connections to our heritage.

Te Vaiaho o te Gagana Tokelau – Tokelau Language Week

To Celebrate: 27 October – 2 November

The 2024 theme for Tokelau Language Week is ‘Tokelau, tāofi mau tau aganuku, ko tō pale tēnā – Tokelau, holdfast to your culture, that is your crown.’  

The theme for Tokelau Language Week will be based on the 2024 Language Week Series theme, ‘Sustainability.’

We will be sharing more resources, including social media graphics and posters, before this week begins. Stay tuned for updates!

Learning Community News

Learning Community Moana

Whātuia te Waiora/Weaving Wellbeing Sessions – This term LC Moana will be taking part in a mental health programme designed to enhance the wellbeing of our learners. This programme, run by St John in Schools, consists of 10 x 1 hour lessons spread over the term. It gives our learners the opportunity to weave positivity into their daily lives through a range of activities in a variety of areas, including:        

  • Identifying and using their character strengths
  • Boosting positive emotions
  • Developing and nurturing positive relationships and connections
  • Building practical resilience skills
  • Developing belief in themselves through empowerment.

We think this programme will be of great benefit to all as it also ties in beautifully with our school Gospel values and our Peer Mediation programme.

Sports News

Athletics Fun Day

Today, we had a great fun day outside with all our tamariki participating in different athletics activities based on the three fundamental skills elements of running, jumping and throwing. Our kaitiaki have worked hard to teach these foundation skills in their class as part of their Physical Education (PE) lessons. This has really helped to support our tamariki today as they showcased what they have learned. It was great to see our families attend and support their children and it was even more wonderful to see the smiles of success from our tamariki. What a great way to end the first week back of the term!

North Counties Touch

Next week, we have a team of Year 4-6 boys who will be participating in the North Counties Inter-school Touch Tournament held at Bruce Pulman Park on Wednesday 23 October. Our school will be working alongside Papakura Normal School to host and facilitate this upcoming tournament. It promises to be a great day out for our boys and we pray that they enjoy the event and make our school proud!

Hauora/WellBeing News

Emergency Drills

Across this term, our students will be participating in emergency drills for earthquake, fire and lockdown. It’s important for our tamariki to know what to do when an emergency takes place and it supports them to know how to keep themselves safe. Next week, we have our earthquake drill on Friday 25 October. Our kaitiaki will help practise with their learning community before Friday so that all tamariki know how to respond safely in an earthquake by following the procedure of ‘Drop, Cover and Hold’.
DROP down on your hands and knees. This protects you from falling but lets you move if you need to.
COVER your head and neck (or your entire body if possible) under a sturdy table or desk (if it is within a few steps of you). If there is no shelter nearby, cover your head and neck with your arms and hands.
HOLD on to your shelter (or your position to protect your head and neck) until the shaking stops. If the shaking shifts your shelter around, move with it.

Staff/Teacher Only Day in Term 4

School will be closed for students on Friday 15th November – Term 4 

Teachers and Support Staff will be involved in a professional development and learning day about the newly released New Zealand Curriculum Refresh.

This teacher-only day will provide our school with a dedicated time to understand, prepare and engage with changes across The New Zealand Curriculum refresh. It is an opportunity for our kaitiaki to share ideas and expertise and to grow in our confidence in implementing the upcoming curriculum and assessment changes.

Please make alternative arrangements for your child/ren for Friday 15th November.

Term 4 Special Events and Activities

Please save the date for these ‘end of Term 4’ celebrations events and activities. These are all family/whānau events and we are delighted to warmly welcome our school families and wider school community to be part of each special event and activity where we celebrate who we are as a catholic school – rejoicing in our catholic faith, our students achievements and our school’s achievements from throughout 2024.

Wednesday 30th October
Beginning of the Term Mass 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall

Friday 1st November
All Saints Liturgy 1:45pm in Taamaua/school hall

Thursday 28th November
Orientation Morning for 2025 New Families and Students 9am – 12pm @ school

Friday 29th November
PTFA Christmas Twilight Market 3:30pm – 6:00pm @ school

Tuesday 3rd December
School Helpers THANK YOU Morning Tea 10:30am @ school

Friday 6th December
Praise-giving Awards Afternoon 12:00pm @ school in Taamaua/school hall

Monday 9th December
Liturgy and Assembly for Other School Leavers and Service/Leadership Awards 9:00am @ school

Wednesday 11th December
End of Year Mass – Blessing and Acknowledgement of  2024 Year 6 Leavers and their families 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall

Wednesday 11th December
Whānau/Family Picnic – Cultural Group performances and Nativity Liturgy celebrations 4:00pm – 7:00pm @ school

2025 School Dates

The School Board has approved the school term dates for 2025 as:

Term One    10 weeks     Monday 3rd February – Friday 11th April

Term Two     9 weeks      Monday 28th April  – Friday 27th June 

Term Three   10 weeks    Monday 14th July – Friday 19th September 

Term Four     10 weeks    Monday 6th October – Tuesday 16th December 


Term 1 – Thursday 6th February – Waitangi Day

Easter Holidays: Good Friday 18th April, Easter Monday 21st April, Easter Tuesday 22nd April

Anzac Day Friday 25th April

Term 4 School Summer Uniform

Students are expected to be in the correct school uniform from Week 3 of Term 4, Tuesday 29th October (after Labour Day weekend). This includes the short sleeved blouse or shirt, open toed black school sandals and the school sunhat. Please name all items of clothing so that they can be returned to the children immediately when found.

Our School uniform is only available for purchase from NZ Uniforms on 20/5 Lambie Drive, Manukau.

All students are required to wear the correct school uniform for summer as listed below.

Girls Uniform

Tartan skort
Blue short sleeved monogrammed blouse (summer)
Black open toed school sandals (summer)
Navy bucket sun-hat monogrammed
Navy monogrammed school polar fleece OR school jacket

Boys Uniform

Navy shorts
Blue short sleeved monogrammed shirt (summer)
Black open toed school sandals (summer)
Navy bucket sun-hat monogrammed
Navy monogrammed school polar fleece OR school jacket

Please note that the school monogrammed jersey is still able to be worn as we remain in the ‘phasing out’ period of this item. 


2024 School Leavers

If you are leaving our school at the end of this year due to a change of circumstances (other than our Year 6 students), please email the school office as soon as possible – We are currently managing our school roll numbers and this much needed information will help us to make decisions in regards to enrolments for 2025 placements. Thank you.

NZ Uniform Shop Closed Monday 21st October

Dear Holy Trinity Catholic School,

Please be informed that our Store will be closed on Monday, October 21st, 2024, for stocktake.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will resume normal operations on Tuesday, October 22nd.

Thank you for your understanding
Natalie Sarich | NZ Uniforms
Unit 5, 20 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland 2104

Recycling Week 21st- 27th October

Upcoming School Events

Cultural Groups and Nativity Practices
Monday 21st October

Whātuia te Wairoa – Weaving Well-Being lessons for Year 5/6 students
Tuesday 22nd October @ school

Monthly School Board Meeting
Tuesday 22nd October @ 7pm in the school staffroom

North Counties Inter-School Touch Tournament – Year 4-6 Boys Team
Wednesday 23rd October @ Bruce Pulman Park

EOTC Marae Trip – Learning Community Maunga – Year 4 students
Thursday 24th October @ Papakura Marae

Labour Day Weekend/Public Holiday – school closed
Monday 28th October 

Te Gagana Tokelau – Tokelauan Language Week
From Monday 28th October 

Gathering School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Mrs Davies/LC Maunga and Mrs Cortez/LC Whenua
Tuesday 29th October @ 9:00am in Taamaua/school hall

Whātuia te Wairoa – Weaving Well-Being lessons for Year 5/6 students
Tuesday 29th October @ school

Monthly PTFA Meeting – planning for Christmas Twilight Market
Tuesday 29th October @ 7pm in the school staffroom

Whole School Beginning of the Term Mass
Wednesday 30th October @ 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall

Whole School All Saints Liturgy led by Mrs Malgas and Mrs Speechlay
Friday 1st November @ 1:45pm in Taamaua/school hall

Cultural Groups and Nativity Practices
Monday 4th November

Whātuia te Wairoa – Weaving Well-Being lessons for Year 5/6 students
Tuesday 5th November @ school

Staff/Teacher ONLY DAY – school closed for students
Friday 15th November

Orientation Morning for 2025 New Families and Students
Thursday 28th November @ 9:00am at school 

PTFA Christmas Twilight Market
Friday 29th November 3:30pm – 6:00pm @ school

School Helpers Morning Tea
Tuesday 3rd December 10:30am @ school

Praise-giving Awards Celebration
Friday 6th December 12:00pm @ school in Taamaua/school hall

Liturgy and Assembly for Other Leavers and Service/Leadership Awards 
Monday 9th December @ 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall

End of Year School Mass/Acknowledgement and Blessing of 2024 Year 6 Leavers
Wednesday 11th December 9:15am @ school 

Whānau/Family Picnic, Cultural Group Performances and Nativity Liturgy celebrations 
Wednesday 11th December 4:00pm-7:00pm at school

Term 4 Concludes for the 2024 year at 1:00pm
Tuesday 17th December

Upcoming Community Events

Athletics Club

The start of the summer athletics season is almost upon us, and athletics clubs all around the country are looking for tamariki and rangatahi to get involved and give athletics a go! Your local athletics club is run by volunteers, and they are working hard to get ready for the new season!

Want to learn new skills, get outdoors, and have fun? The skills you learn in athletics are the perfect foundation for almost any sport.

Every student can give athletics a go. Our local athletics club is welcoming new members now and we encourage students to get involved and get active. In fact there’s a place for everyone on the track or in the field, no matter your age or ability!

Our local athletics club “Papakura Athletics and Harriers Club” is welcoming new members. They provide everything that you need to give it a go.

To find out more, contact your local club here