Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta, Namaskārām,
Sat Shri Akaal, Vanakkam and Ayubowan
Dear Families
At our Gathering Liturgy and Assembly on Monday, we reflected on the beautiful school Gospel values of respect/manaakitia and compassion/arohanui. These are some of our School Gospel Values that we strive to live out each day.
We especially focussed on these Gospel values because of the amazing story that had been shared with us about two of our very own students who had shown incredible maturity and compassion to look after younger Holy Trinity students when they had been inadvertently dropped off by AT Transport in the wrong area – far from their home!
We are so proud of Eli Rojano and his younger brother Ziv for showing such kindness, compassion and empathy in knowing that the little children needed help. Eli and Ziv got off the AT bus too (far away from their own place) and helped walk the children back to their home to ensure they were safe and cared for. Eli was then able to contact his Mum to let her know what had happened and that they were safe too but further away from where they should be! We are humbled by knowing these two little boys reached out to care for others when they were most in need. We are in awe of their bravery and sense of integrity to know to do the right thing in this time of need. Well Done Eli and Ziv – you have truly been the ‘face of Christ’ and have acted in love just as Jesus asks us to do – what wonderful disciples of Christ you are! THANK YOU – Ka mau te wehi!
Staffing Update …
We are very excited to welcome teaching and support staff to our Holy Trinity school community this coming week.
Mrs Ranjita Reshmi (to be known as Mrs Ali) joins us as the teacher/kaitiaki in the Learning Community Moana Year 5&6 team from Monday 12th August. Ranjita is currently teaching at an Early Childhood Centre and has previously worked in a catholic school for some years in her home country of Fiji. We are delighted to be able to appoint Ranjita to this position and extend a warm welcome to her as she resumes her primary teaching career with us. We will share more about Ranjita once she has settled into Holy Trinity School life!
Miss Jennifer Anacleto joins us as the teacher/kaitiaki for Learning Community Kohanga Year 0 students commencing school in Terms 3 and 4 as new entrants. Jennifer has been working at Holy Trinity School in a voluntary capacity since Term 1 this year and it is a privilege to be able to offer her this teaching role as she continues her teaching career in New Zealand. We have seen Jennifer’s educator’s knowledge and skills in action as she worked tirelessly to support learners in Learning Community Whenua. It’s wonderful to have you formally join our teaching team Jennifer!
We are also pleased to welcome Mrs Kafoa Chute in a Learning Assistant’s position to support new little ones entering school. Kafoa will be supporting students in Learning Community Awa and in Learning Community Kohanga. Kafoa’s strengths will be in supporting and caring for our 5 year olds as they settle into their schooling journey, helping to enhance their learning and well being.
A very warm and special welcome to you all! We are blessed as a school community to have such capable and competent personnel as members of our invaluable teaching and support staff teams.
Due to our Year 0/1 roll increasing, we have created another little learning space – Learning Community Kohanga. This space will be in our school library area. 5 year old children who are commencing schooling in Terms 3 and 4 will be class members of Learning Community Kohanga with Miss Anacleto as their teacher/kaitiaki. Our grateful thanks to Mrs Harvey, our dedicated school librarian and to our teaching staff for their support in making this happen and in sharing the library space with our newest school members!
DRS Report
Feast of the Assumption of Mary Mass
Next Thursday 15 August is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation, which our school will be celebrating with a whole school Mass at 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall. Father Kevin Murphy of St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa will be our celebrant for the Mass.We also have our Indian/Sri Lankan families actively involved in some parts of the Mass. You are all warmly invited and welcome to join us for this special Feast Day Mass.
Catholic Caring Mass
On Wednesday 7 August, six of our students attended the Catholic Caring Mass held at Christ the King Church in Owairaka. The Catholic Caring Foundation serves many different individuals and families who find themselves in positions of financial, emotional, spiritual and physical hardship. Six students from Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School were nominated and received the Catholic Caring Certificate at the Mass, presented by Bishop Steve Lowe. The certificate celebrates these students who show outstanding excellence in the way they put others before themselves and live the virtue of humility in their daily lives. We congratulate: Paul Moscoso, Janine Amposta, Jan Silver Manalo, Aiden Sunil, Celyn Rogayan and Anayah Fernandes.
Sacramental Programme
The registration for Sacramental Programme at St Mary’s Parish, Papakura for 2024-2025 is now open. You can visit the website and download the form. This is open to all baptised children from the ages 8 and up. Please make sure you register and if you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact the Parish office at (09) 299 6056.
Parish Newsletters
Please click on the links to access the St Mary’s, Papakura and St Anne’s, Manurewa Parish newsletters for this weekend – St Mary’s Parish, Papakura 11th August Newsletter and St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa Bulletin #29 – Sunday 11th August 2024
PTFA DISCO to be held Friday 16th August 6:30pm – 8:00pm in Taamaua. This year’s theme is…. “DRESS to IMPRESS!” So come along in your most impressive outfit to sing and dance the night away!
Entry is a gold coin donation. Food and drinks will be available for sale along with ‘glow sticks’ products to purchase. Our Learning Community Moana whānau will be putting on a bake sale for you to savour their sweet treats. There will also be great prizes to be won!
EFTPOS cash out will be available, but it would be great if you could bring along cash – it’s a great opportunity to clear out all your coins!
We also have some great raffle prizes including a $250 Under Armour voucher to be won!
Children must have a caregiver/parent on site with them for the duration of the Disco. A parent- zone will be set up in the staffroom for those adults who need a bit more peace and quiet time. All whānau is welcome!
Note: There will be limited parking available on the school grounds, so please use the side streets and Kapowai Blvd where possible. Also, there will be lots of young children around for the evening so please be extra vigilant in the carpark.
We are looking forward to a great evening, dancing the night away – see you there!
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School
Parent, Teacher & Friends Association
Indian Independence Day Celebrations
Namaskārām, Sat Shri Akaal, Vanakkam, Ayubowan and Greetings!
A wonderful group of families have been planning for a lovely celebration of Indian and Sri Lankan cultural activities for the National Indian Independence
Some of our Indian and Sri Lankan children will be sharing music and dance as part of our Feast of the Assumption Mass. This will be after Communion time.
Timetable for Indian Independence Day on Thursday 15th August:
9:15am: – 10:15am:
School Mass for Feast of the Assumption with song and dance after Communion time performed by our Indian and Sri Lankan children
2:00pm – 2:30pm:
School gathering in Taamaua to participate in Indian Independence Day learning. This will be a sharing of a presentation led by the senior students
Sharing of Indian sweets provided by our families (Thank you to the families who have generously offered to do this!)
Our Indian and Sri Lankan families are welcome to dress in their cultural clothing on Thursday 15th August.
Community Hui – Māori Whānau
Teaching and Learning News
Positive Puberty Plus Programme
Our senior students in Learning Community Moana will be spending a day on Monday 26 August with special educators from Nest Consultancy to unpack and explore the changes to our bodies – which is an important part of learning from the NZ Health Curriculum. The programme will also be integrated with the Religious Education programme looking at the foundation understanding that all people are inextricably and uniquely made in the image and likeness of God. There is an opportunity for LC Moana whānau to attend the information evening on Tuesday 13 August at 6:00pm in Taamaua/school hall.
Book Week Celebrations!
This week we celebrated Book Week with the theme “Totally Trad Tales”. Our learners had many wonderful experiences to help them see reading as a fun, worthwhile activity.
Duffy Books in Homes

Learning Community News
Learning Community Awa
Awa has been learning all about music. In week one we had a visit from Music Al where learners were introduced to musical instruments made from everyday items and the sounds different instruments make. Learners have been connecting this to their current learning about how we can make sounds and put different sounds together to make music.
Learners have been learning all about Hauora/wellbeing and what we can do to look after our own and others Hauora. Learners have been using various Health Activity Learning activities to practise their Maths and Literacy concepts.
This week we have been learning about the Cook Islands. We made deliberate efforts to greet each other in Cook Islands language – Kia orana and listening to stories from the Cook Islands. We added these stories as taonga to our list.
In week 5 it is our school cross country event. Learning Community Awa has been practising daily for the event and are really excited about running the course.
Learning Community Whenua
It has been a fun-filled week in LC Whenua with loads of exciting activities. For book week learners completed an amazing window poster displaying their learning of the gospel messages that are a taonga to empower their audience to mission. We had a meet and greet with the author, Hydie Balle, sharing a delightful tale about Andy and the Little Rimu Tree with beautiful illustrations. Your children saw Andy go from dismay to delight on this wonderful little adventure, leading to positive conversations with your little ones. She was very engaging with our tamariki as her sharing inspired them to create songs to share their messages of the stories that are Taonga to them. In concept, we are learning the different ways to present and preserve their chosen messages. In RE we have remembered Mary Mackillop on her feast day this 8th of August. Our learners enjoyed knowing more about her and were happy to complete some artwork about our Whanau Patron. As part of our hauora learning and oral language program our learners are learning to use emojis to share their feelings to help them cope by saying it out loud.
Learning Community Ngahere
In Learning Community Ngahere we have been exploring sounds through body percussion and everyday items around us. We noticed that we don’t have enough musical instruments in our LC to all play them at the same time, so we have been following the design thinking process to create our own musical instrument. We decided to use recycled materials to create our instruments to make our instruments a sustainable product, through recycling we are playing our part to respect and look after our common home.
We have also been sorting stories we know according to which hauora pou it fits under. We have been exploring the Olympics as a story that shows all aspects of hauora.
Learning Community Maunga
It has been a fun-filled week in Maunga learning and creating! In Religious Education, we have been learning how our faith stories reflect our mission and build on the Trinity. We have been learning the Kororia (Glory Be) in Māori as well as new school prayers.
Maunga enjoyed creating a window display on our chosen Myth and legend ‘How Maui found the Secret of Fire’ as part of our book week focus. We also had fun sharing our favourite books, designing book covers and participating in the Book Week Parade dressed in our fabulous book character costumes!
In Technology, we have been busy engineers creating our prototypes using recycled and natural materials. We are looking forward to testing our prototypes next week using the design thinking process.
Our learners had the opportunity to learn the ‘Ura’ Cook Island dance. Maunga had fun learning the basic moves for the girls and boys and singing the welcome song ‘Kia Orana’ to celebrate Cook Island Language Week.
Learning Community Moana
On Wednesday 31 July, LC Moana revisited Kirks Bush to consolidate their science learning from last term, as well as visiting the Papakura Museum and the Sir Edmund Hillary Library. At the museum and library, the learners had the opportunity to see some of the many different ways stories can be preserved, and learned about the role museums and libraries have in protecting our stories that are taonga. Our learners appreciated seeing the artefacts, photos and paintings that help keep the Great South Road story preserved for future generations. They also learned about “Kura”, an archive run by Auckland Libraries to help preserve our stories.
In Religious Education our learners are working on writing songs about a faith story. They know that they can use music to preserve stories as well as inspire others to help them on their mission. Our learners are using the design thinking process to ensure they meet the requirements of the task, and to get feedback on their ‘prototype’ song before sharing it with a wider audience.
At the PTFA Disco on Friday 16th August, our learning community will be running a baking stall to raise funds to help pay for the camp we attended last term. Please support us by coming along to the disco and purchasing some yummy treats.
Sports News
North Counties Cross Country
We have 20 students in Years 5/6 who have been selected from running trials to represent Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School at the upcoming North Counties Cross Country competition on Tuesday 20 August. We wish them well as they physically and mentally prepare themselves for this event at Te Hihi School in Karaka.
Whole School Cross Country – SAVE THE DATE!
We are excited and looking forward to our whole School Cross Country Day on Wednesday 21 August at 11:00am. These last couple of weeks, all our tamariki have been practising their running by focussing on their breathing and pace. There will be more information shared with you closer to the day but we encourage ALL our children to come to school wearing appropriate running shoes and wearing their school whānau colours. On this day, we encourage our families to park in the neighbouring streets. The driveway to the school carpark will be closed from 11:00am to 12:00pm as we have our senior students run through the carpark and down Kapowai Boulevard.
St Anne’s Shield Sports Day
Thank you to some of our whānau who have responded to the call for help and support for coaching and refereeing. St Anne’s Shield Sports Day is just around the corner and this week, we have held trials to select teams. We are taking a Year 6 netball team, a Year 5/6 mixed football team and a Year 5/6 mixed tag team. This is a wonderful tournament held at Bruce Pulman Park with x 9 Catholic schools participating. We wish our three teams well as they begin their training next week.
Hauora/WellBeing News
Our Emotions …
Identifying and explaining our emotions are a big part of being able to regulate ourselves. Use the picture to see some of the different emotions we might feel. As a family, discuss what each of the emotions means and times you might have felt these emotions. Come up with steps you can take when you feel one of those emotions, you can even use some of the steps we are using at school!
Parents and Caregivers Presentation – Internet Health and Wellbeing- raising resilient capable children
Cybercrime is a very real issue facing families in NZ, but there are easy practical steps to reduce the risk. We invite parents and caregivers to a presentation on the issues associated with the inappropriate use of computers, mobile phones and the internet.
This invaluable presentation is led by John Parsons (, a leading authority in New Zealand on Safeguarding children online.
Some of the areas covered:
– Identifies the specific challenges children face when using ICT
– Includes guidance on behaviour management processes for parents in the practical situations they will face
– This workshop empowers parents to take responsibility for safeguarding their children
– Parents leave with the tools to support their children to use ICT safely and ethically at home and at school
Date: Tuesday August 13
Time: 6-7pm
Venue: St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College
Guitar Lessons

His qualifications include an ATCL Diploma in Classical Guitar. Gareth enjoys multiple styles from Classical to Heavy Metal. He values teaching theory and good technique to build a strong foundation for the musical journey your child chooses to pursue.
NZ Playhouse Theatre Group Performance
NZ Playhouse Theatre Group has been regularly performing at Holy Trinity School and will be presenting another annual performance on Tuesday 20th August for the whole school in Taamaua/school hall. The 2024 performance is “The Reluctant Dragon”.
New Zealand Playhouse delivers educational, inspirational, extremely entertaining theatre to over 400 schools across New Zealand. Their formula is to bring the best actors and creative forces in New Zealand together to create a play that is funny, educational and inspiring. For many children Playhouse is their first ever experience of theatre!
Winter Sickness
Healthline has recommended that children stay home for at least 48 hours if they are unwell with coughs, colds, etc and even longer if children are experiencing systems of a virus, flu etc. This is to ensure children are kept warm and cared for and are able to rest until they are feeling better. We are not able to care for children who are unwell at school. If your child starts to feel unwell at school, then we will notify you immediately so that you are able to collect them and take them home for appropriate care.
Children are able to return to school when they appear well – they are happy, eating and drinking normally and can easily focus on their learning.
Advice from Te Whatu Ora:
- Rest at home.
- Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
- If you have a sore throat, suck a teaspoon of honey or gargle with salt water. Adults can also try using a gargle, throat spray or pain-relief (anaesthetic) lozenges. Don’t give honey to children under 12 months old.
- For a blocked or runny nose ask your pharmacist about decongestants and saline nasal sprays.
- For a cough sip a lemon and honey drink or ask your pharmacist about cough lozenges or medicines that may be suitable for you. Cough medicine doesn’t cure a cough but may give you some relief.
- For aches and pains try paracetamol OR cold and flu medicines (check doses carefully and ask your doctor or pharmacist what is safe for you).
Reuben O’Neill Bursary/Scholarship

Upcoming School Events
School Whānau Time 9:00am – 9:45am
Monday 12th August in Learning Communities
Super Role Model Duffy Books in Homes Event – senior student group
Monday 12th August @ Due Drop Events Centre Manukau
Year 5 & 6 Whānau/Parent Meeting for the Health Programme
Tuesday 13th August @ 6:00pm in Taamaua/school hall
Theatre Show at school – ‘Recycling’ Presentation
Wednesday 14th August
Māori Whānau – Community Hui/Gathering commencing with a shared meal
Wednesday 14th August @ 5:30pm in Taamaua/school hall
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – School Mass
Thursday 15th August @ 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall
Indian Independence Day – celebrations led by our Indian & Sri Lankan families
Thursday 15th August @ 2:00pm in Taamaua/school hall
Duffy Books in Homes Theatre Show at school
Friday 16th August
Friday 16th August 6:30pm – 8:00pm in Taamaua/school hall
Gathering School Liturgy & Assembly led by the Catholic Special Character Student Team
Monday 19th August @ 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall
Tongan Language Week
Monday 19th August – Friday 23rd August – activities across the week
Hungerball Sports Game (on site for the rest of Term 3)
Monday 19th August in Taamaua/school hall
NZ Playhouse Theatre Group performance
Tuesday 20th August in Taamaua/school hall
North Counties Inter-school Cross Country Event – Year 5/6 representatives
Tuesday 20th August @ Te Hihi School
Wednesday 21st August @ school
School Whānau Time 9:00am – 9:45am
Monday 26th August in Learning Communities
Fathers’ Day Liturgy
Friday 30th August 2:00pm @ Taamaua/school hall
Term 3 Concludes at 2:50pm
Friday 27th September
Term 4 Commences at 8:50am
Monday 14th October
Upcoming Community Events
Sustainable Papakura – After School Activities
Starting August 19th we are running our second series of After School workshops with learning about waste minimisation and sustainable practice.
Hei konā mai and have a wonderful day
Keri Tataurangi:)
Sustainable Papakura Workshop and Activities Coordinator