Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei,  Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta, Namaskārām,
Sat Shri Akaal, Vanakkam and Ayubowan

Dear Families

Welcome to another busy term of school! It was an honour to welcome our newest students to school this Monday along with their whānau and to welcome new staff who are joining our school family. We hope you feel the wairua of the Holy Trinity within you and around you as you enter this wonderful community of learning ka ako, loving ka aroha and serving ka manaaki!

Celebrating our Wonderful Grandparents!

It was so lovely to be able to gather today as a school community to acknowledge and celebrate the gift of grandparents and the vital role they play in our lives especially on the Feast Day of St Anne and St Joachim – Blessed Mother Mary’s parents.

Pope Francis said … “How important grandparents are for family life, for passing on the human and religious heritage which is so essential for each and every society. How important it is to have intergenerational exchanges and dialogue, especially within the context of the family. Children and the elderly build the future of peoples: children because they lead history forward, the elderly because they transmit the experience and wisdom of their lives. This relationship and this dialogue between generations is a treasure to be preserved and strengthened.” 

Today we thanked our grandparents for their great wisdom and experience, which they pass from generation to generation and we celebrate the gifts all our ancestors/tupuna who have shaped for us – the gifts of life and love. We give thanks for all of their love, guidance and encouragement – always!

We pray … Lord God Almighty, bless our grandparents with long life, happiness, and health. May they remain constant in your love and be living signs of your presence to their children and grandchildren. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Staffing Update

Farewell to …

Mrs Lynn Rhodé who leaves us in early August to pursue her new appointment as an Outreach Teacher to schools, supporting students with additional learning needs. Lynn will be joining Rosehill Specialist School in this new role. Lynn has been an outstanding teacher, middle team leader and SENCo for our school community these past 6 years and her loss from our teaching team will be significant. Lynn has been such a dedicated, committed and capable teacher sharing her expertise across both the junior and senior levels of the school. Lynn’s role as SENCo (Special Education Needs Co-ordinator) has evolved over time as Lynn has rigorously developed her professional knowledge, understanding and skill set in this learning support space. We are indebted to Lynn for her work with our students, teachers and families in this area as she has endeavoured to ensure each student and family has received the best support and guidance to allow them to thrive in the school setting.  THANK YOU Lynn for your willingness to serve our school community and for your invaluable contributions to our school family as a teacher/kaitiaki and colleague.

Lynn will be at Holy Trinity School until Friday 2nd August when she will commence in her new position.

Welcome to …

Mrs Ruth Leonidas who joins us as a Learning Assistant from the beginning of Term 3. We are excited to have Ruth working alongside us again! Ruth has previously worked in this role here at Holy Trinity supporting students with additional needs. We look forward to Ruth sharing her gifts and talents with us again as she contributes to the students’ learning and well being and becomes a valuable member of our Support Staff team.

Mrs Ranjita Reshmi who will be the new teacher/kaitiaki joining the Learning Community Moana Year 5&6 team from Monday 12th August. Ranjita is currently teaching at an Early Childhood Centre and has previously worked in a catholic school for some years in her home country of Fiji. We are delighted to be able to appoint Ranjita to this position and extend a warm welcome to her as she resumes her primary teaching career with us. We will share more about Ranjita once she has settled into Holy Trinity School life!

St Mary’s Parish, Papakura Retreat Day

We are excited to share that we have our Parish Retreat “Inviting the Holy Spirit” this weekend – Saturday 27th of July 2024 at St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College.
Date: Saturday 27 July 
Place: St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College in Drury.
Time:  10am and finishes around 4pm. 
The programme is also attached as we also extend our warm invitation to families and staff of Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School if anyone is available.
We welcome people to come and see.  Whatever time you are free, and stay for however long you are available.
Thanks again for all your time and support.
Humble regards,
Apaula Lautua on behalf of the Alpha Team

DRS Report

Grandparents Afternoon

Today, we had a wonderful afternoon with our grandparents and whānau who joined us for our grandparents liturgy in Taamaua/school hall. It’s a great way to honour the Feast Day of St Joachim and St Anne, who are the parents of our Blessed Mother Mary and therefore grandparents to Jesus Christ. Afterwards, we had a sharing of kai with light afternoon tea and then there was time for our grandparents to spend the rest of the afternoon with their grandchildren in their learning communities. It was a beautiful way to celebrate our grandparents and let them know just how special a place they hold in our hearts.

These are the ‘precious’ words that our grandparents shared with us today … the special things about being a grandparent … when the grandchildren say ‘I Love you”, movie nights together, they keep us young, giving the grandchildren $10 to spend at the Warehouse, pushing them on swings at the park, having story times, prayer times, meal times together, having time to give to the grandchildren, watching them grow, being able to take them places, having family gatherings and feeling the ‘love!” and so much more – We love you, grandparents!

We continue to pray for all grandparents around the world and for those who are with God, we give thanks for the gift of them in our lives.

Sacramental Programme

The registration for Sacramental Programme at St Mary’s Parish, Papakura for 2024-2025 is now open. You can visit the website and download the form. This is open to all baptised children from the ages 8 and up. Please make sure you register and if you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact the Parish office at (09) 299 6056.

Catholic Caring Mass

On Wednesday 7 August, six of our students will be attending the Catholic Caring Mass held at Christ the King Church in Owairaka. The Catholic Caring Foundation serves many different individuals and families who find themselves in positions of financial, emotional, spiritual and physical hardship. Six students from Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School were nominated and will be receiving the Catholic Caring Certificate at the Mass, presented by Bishop Steve Lowe. The certificate celebrates these students who show outstanding excellence in the way they put others before themselves and live the virtue of humility in their daily lives.

First Holy Communion

On Sunday 7 July, 26 of our students received their First Holy Communion at Mass held at St Mary’s Church in Papakura. It was a wonderful Mass where we witnessed our children receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, First Holy Communion. We pray for these children as they receive the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time as they become more active participants of our Mass. We congratulate:
Edith Aita, Christen Miles Altamirano, Kalila Borja-Sarmiento, Liam Clarito, Kai Costello, Katherine Farley, Lupea Kaloni, Mele Kaloni, Daniel Kaloni, Carl Leonidas, Matt Marcasote, Paul Moscoso, Kiera Vibal, Aiva Vaasili, Holy Vaasili, Petranelle Peter-Tulaga, Precious Peter-Tulaga, Johan Solanga, Korah Walker, Khayla Platon, Celyn Rogayan, Marion Rosales, Lacey Rumary, Zia Sarath, Zoey Swalger & Ella-Mae Leibbrandt.

Book Week

Kia ora HTCPS whānau.

Book Week 2024 is coming up in Week 3 (5-9 August), and this year’s theme is Totally Trad Tales. We’ll be focusing on traditional stories, fables, myths, and legends.

We will have our usual activities, like story time for the juniors at lunchtimes, Secret Reader, kaitiaki visiting other learning communities to share a book, and our hotly-contested Door Display contest. Keep an eye out for details about a contest your family can participate in too.

The Book Fair will also be running in the library during Book Week; it’s a great opportunity for your whānau to purchase books at awesome prices to build up your own library at home.

And on Friday the 9th of August at 9:15am, we will hold our Book Character Parade. Tying in with this year’s theme, ideas for costumes include fairies, elves, mermaids, leprechauns, unicorns, wizards, dragons, Robin Hood, Bigfoot… There are lots of ideas on Google. We would especially love to see your child dress up as a character from your own culture’s traditional stories/myths/legends. We encourage you to start planning ahead now to avoid the stress of running around at the last minute trying to sort out a costume for your child. The tamariki really enjoy this annual event, and we look forward to seeing them shine at the parade. As always, you are welcome to come along and watch our parade too.

More information will come out over the next two weeks, so keep an eye out for updates on HERO and our school’s Facebook page.

Ngā mihi,

Ms Kirstie Gill, Mrs Lynn Rhode, Mrs Carolyn Harvey, Mrs Michaela Griffiths and Mrs Upashna Nadan
Book Week 2024 Committee

Indian Independence Day Celebrations

Namaskārām, Sat Shri Akaal, Vanakkam, Ayubowan and Greetings!

A wonderful group of families met together after school on Tuesday to begin planning for a lovely celebration of Indian and Sri Lankan cultural activities for the National Indian Independence Day which falls on Thursday 15th August. This is also the Feast of the Assumption Day so our school community will be celebrating Mass together at 9:15am.

Some of our Indian and Sri Lankan children will be sharing music and dance as part of our Feast of the Assumption Mass. This will be after Communion time.

All our Indian and Sri Lankan families are welcome to join in with practices for this special performance – practices will be straight after school in Learning Community Awa commencing Monday 29th July from 3:00pm. 

Timetable for Indian Independence Day on Thursday 15th August:
9:15am: – 10:15am:
School Mass for Feast of the Assumption with song and dance after Communion time performed by our Indian and Sri Lankan children

2:00pm – 2:30pm:
School gathering in Taamaua to participate in Indian Independence Day learning. This will be a sharing of a presentation led by the senior students

Sharing of Indian sweets provided by our families (Thank you to the families who have generously offered to do this!)

Our Indian and Sri Lankan families are welcome to dress in their cultural clothing on Thursday 15th August.

Thank you all for helping to make this a special day of celebration for our school community!


PTFA DISCO to be held Friday 16th August 6:30pm – 8:00pm in Taamaua. This year’s theme is…. “DRESS to IMPRESS!” So come along in your most impressive outfit to sing and dance the night away!

Entry is a gold coin donation. Food and drinks will be available for sale along with ‘glow sticks’ products to purchase. There will also be great prizes to be won!
Children must have a caregiver/parent on site with them for the duration of the Disco. A parent- zone will be set up in the staffroom for those adults who need a bit more peace and quiet time. All whānau is welcome!

Highlights from the PTFA Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd July …

  • Disco planning well underway
  • Wave Rave at Massey Park Pools, Papakura confirmed for Friday 27th September
  • School Calendar Art preparations to commence this week in the Learning Communities
  • Pizza Lunch planned for Friday 20th September
  • Next Event – Disco 16th August (Disco volunteer meeting – Tuesday 6th August)

Second Hand Uniform Shop OPEN

The school’s second hand uniform shop will be open on Friday 2nd August from 8:30am. Please come up to the mezzanine floor (up the stairwell) in Taamaua/school hall. A BIG Thank You to Teresa Friis who does such a fantastic job of co-ordinating this service to our families!

Follow up to … Mahi Tahi Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

Thank you to the many families who attended the scheduled Mahi Tahi, Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences at the end of Term 2. These were a great opportunity for you to meet with your child’s kaitiaki/teacher. The Conferences are a valuable time for you to discuss your child’s mid-year progress and achievement in reading, writing, and maths, as well as their progress in meeting learning goals, and to share their learning and reflections from their Concept/Science and Arts learning.

If you were not able to attend the Mahi Tahi Conferences last term, please make contact with the school office or directly with your child’s Learning Community teachers so we can arrange times for this to happen early in Term 3. The teachers will also be proactive in touching base with you to have this important sharing time together.

Learning Community News


We had a great start to Term 3 and are glad to have 4 new students join us in our Learning Community Awa. We revisited stories done in Terms 1 and 2, especially our Faith stories and their message that makes the story a taonga. We are exploring the 4 pou of Wellbeing; Hinengaro (Mental well being), Tinana (Healthy Body), Whānau (Healthy Relationship), Wairua (Spiritual well being) that contribute to our overall well being. Through recount writing, students are learning to write their ideas and thoughts about events and stories in the right sequence and add more details. We look forward to preserving our learning as taonga for our mission journey and making a treasure box using the Design Thinking Process. 


Learning Community Whenua had a wonderful start to Term 3. We are connecting our concept learning from Kōrero Pūrākau and Curiosity to Create. In RE, we had a good start reviewing the stories we learned over the past two terms. We are also learning to sort and sift which stories are taonga to our faith. We were happy to have Father Mathew visit LC Whenua again. He spoke to the learners about ways they could grow and strengthen their faith, just like disciples.

Our learners were actively engaged in Russell’s musical instrument show and asked him such intelligent questions like:

When did you become a singer? (Meikiyah)

When you were little, did you like playing musical instruments? (Chloe)

How many bands did you play in? (Izzy)

Where did you get your instruments from? (Allington)

Which is your favourite instrument and the first instrument you played? (Ivanka)

Learners will apply their new learning using recyclable materials to Create their own musical instrument using the  Design Thinking Process. 


Learning Community Ngahere has had a fantastic start to Term 3! We have been learning all about the design thinking process in technology and have been working on explaining what each step of the process means. We are looking forward to following the design thinking process ourselves to create a way to preserve the message we want to share with others. We have also enjoyed learning about the elements of music. This week we focused on the elements of beat and rhythm, we played a healthy active learning game to help practise creating and keeping the beat and rhythm. 


Learning Community Maunga have hit the ground running and are motivated for the term ahead.  We welcome two new students and their families to Maunga.  Our learners have been busy using the design thinking process to create a Waka Hourua in Technology as part of our Kōrero Pāki.  In RE,  we had a lovely visit from Father Mathew who explained the special meaning of the ‘Sign of the Cross’ and shared ways we can think about God in our prayers and through meditation.  LC Maunga has also enjoyed learning new waiata this week and we are looking forward to creating ways to preserve our stories through Movement and Dance.  


Learning Community Moana are super excited for Term 3, welcoming back our treasured Mrs Chung. Students have been looking at our faith stories, in particular defining what are some of the Catholic Traditions (rituals that cannot be changed) and other traditions unique to each place of worship (that can be changed according to need). Through the lens of Technology, students will be using the design thinking process to understand how to use music as a way to preserve stories and empower mission in others. They will be learning about how music is a way to help us express and respond to God and the Church; how it unites us, enabling us to share our beliefs.  

EOTC – Connected Curriculum Concept Learning “Create” – off site learning

This term our concept is Create with a focus on the Technology curriculum. As part of our technology learning, on Wednesday 31 July LC Moana tamariki will be exploring and learning about how stories are preserved. We will be visiting Papakura Museum to hear the story of Great South Road and see artefacts connected to the story. We will also be visiting Kirks Bush in Papakura to consolidate our science learning from last term.

Curriculum News

Concept Learning – Create

Our concept learning for this term is ‘Create,’ which integrates well with the Technology, Music, Health, and Physical Education curriculum areas. Students will use design thinking to create and preserve stories that empower others to respond to our mission. In Religious Education, students will investigate how to preserve our faith stories. In health and physical education, they will explore stories to enrich hauora. We look forward to sharing more of our students’ design thinking ideas throughout the term.

The Musical Instrument Making Show

Russell from MusicAl visited our school this week. He brought along his range of string, woodwind, and brass instruments, entertaining everyone by playing all of them. The aim of his show was to explore sound and musical instrument making, which serves as a great hook for Music and Technology, our curriculum focus for this term in our concept learning, Create.

Throughout the show, Russell kept the students engaged and invited them to come up front to play an instrument and sing along. He excited them further by playing instruments made from recycled materials and explained how he created and modified the different parts to produce specific sounds.

Everyone really enjoyed the show, and it was great that Russell was able to get everyone involved in playing an instrument.

Hauora/WellBeing News

Be in the Moment!

Using our senses is a great way to ‘be in the moment’ and pay attention to what is happening around us. Slow down and appreciate all aspects of life!

Whānau Challenge:

Cut up your favourite fruit!Use your sense of sight to look at your fruit and notice the colours, the shape of the fruit and its size. Take a moment to take a deep breath and smell the sweetness of the fruit. When eating the fruit, notice the taste and texture of it.

You can try this with other everyday activities such as brushing your teeth or hair. Use your senses to be more present.

Sports News

Sports Support

Calling out to our school community! We need some support in coaching our netball team and tag team who are taking part in the upcoming St Anne’s Shield Tournament on Wednesday 28 August at Bruce Pulman Park. This is an annual sports tournament which involves a number of Catholic Primary and Intermediate schools. Please let Ana Silva know if you are interested in either coaching netball or tag.

Sports Dates Coming Up

North Counties Cross Country at Te Hihi School – Tuesday 20 August (Save Day: Thursday 22 August)

Whole School Cross Country at school – Wednesday 21 August

St Anne’s Shield Tournament – Wednesday 28 August

Whole School Athletics Day at school – Tuesday 24 September

Community Hui

Tongan Fāmili

Māori whānau

Epetoma o te reo Māori Kūki ‘Airani – Cook Islands Māori Language Week

Celebrate: 4 – 10 August

The 2024 theme for Cook Islands Māori Language Week is ‘Ātui’ia au ki te vaka o tōku matakeinanga – connect me to the canoe of my tribe’ 

This theme derives from the overarching Language Week Series theme for 2024, ‘Sustainability’. 

Have a go at learning these Cook Island Māori phrases.

Ko’ai tō’ou ingoa?  –  What’s your name?    

Ko ____tōku ingoa – My name is ____

Meitaki te Atua – God is good       Ka pure tātou – Let us pray

Pē’ea ‘ua koe? – How are you?     Meitaki ‘ua au – I’m good thank you

Congratulations to …

Mehtab Singh, Year 4 from Learning Community Maunga for his incredible achievement of FIRST PLACE  in the SIP Abacus Prodigy 2024 National Level on the 28th June. This is a mathematics competition with Mehtab achieving so highly that he has now qualified for the International level competition in his group and receives an air ticket to travel to the International event later this year.
We are so so so proud of you Mehtab! This is a wonderful example of our school Gospel value of Excellence/Hiranga – sharing your gifts and talents and working hard to achieve to the best of your abilities. Ka mau te wehi – that’s fantastic! It is also an acknowledgment of the great support that you receive from your family who help you to work hard to be successful!

Duffy Books in Homes Programme

Duffy Books in Homes is celebrating 30 years of providing books to thousands of tamariki. To celebrate this occasion, on Monday 12 August, 40 learners from LC Moana will be going to Due Drop Events Centre to enjoy the Super Role Model Assembly Event. Our tamariki will get the chance to listen to role models such as Daniel Faitaua, Phoenix Karaka, Dominic Ona-Ariki, and Island Vibes as they share their favourite music, stories, and invaluable life lessons. It is an amazing opportunity for our tamariki.
It is almost time for our learners to be choosing their next free books thanks to Duffy Books in Homes and our Board of Trustees. Later this term your child will bring home their two free books. With their Duffy books you could create a reading challenge for your child and reward them for each book read, organise a craft session to make bookmarks, book covers, or illustrations based on their favourite story, or you could even host a book exchange party where your child and their friends can bring books they’ve already read to exchange with each other.
Meanwhile, on Friday 16 August, Duffy Theatre will be visiting us here at HTCPS with their latest production called “Calling Detective Duffy, Stat”Duffy has been reading a lot of mystery novels lately and we are lucky he has because a case has come up! His cousin, Crystal Kea, is a Black Fern, but she is facing a crisis! Her stat card has been misprinted at the factory and it is really affecting her skill and confidence. Never fear, Duffy and Scruffy are on the case! Together, using their mystery books as a helpful guide, they must figure out who or what is behind the misprints so Crystal can get back to full form before her next game! 
We know our learners will enjoy this theatrical experience!

Book Club

Issue 5 of the Book Club catalogue was sent home this week. Scholastic has another great offer in this issue. If you order via Loop (online) and spend $70 or more, you will receive 3 free books, or spend $50 and get 2 free books, or spend $20 and get one free book. You will also earn a $5 credit to use towards Issue 6.
To order online or to see the latest catalogue, go to
Please note you can still order and pay via cash or EFTPOS at the school office, but your purchase won’t qualify for the special offer above.
Orders close at 3pm on Thursday 1 August.

Upcoming School Events

School Whānau Time 9:00am – 9:45am
Monday 29th July in Learning Communities

Indian & Sri Lankan Families practice afternoons
From Monday 29th July @ 3:00pm in Learning Community Awa

EOTC Day for Learning Community Moana/off site
Wednesday 31st July 

Monday 5th August – Friday 9th August – activities across the week

Cook Island Language Week
Monday 5th August – Friday 9th August – activities across the week

Gathering School Liturgy & Assembly led by LC Awa, Whenua and Moana students and teachers
Monday 5th August @ 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall

Caring Mass – Catholic Caring Foundation
Wednesday 7th August 11:30am @ Christ the King Church, Owairaka

BOOK WEEK Character Parade
Friday 9th August @ 9:15am in in Taamaua/school hall

Tongan Families – Community Hui/Gathering commencing with afternoon tea
Friday 9th August @ 3:30pm in the staffroom

School Whānau Time 9:00am – 9:45am
Monday 12th August in Learning Communities

Super Role Model Duffy Books in Homes Event – senior student group
Monday 12th August @ Due Drop Events Centre Manukau

Year 5 & 6 Whānau/Parent Meeting for the Health Programme
Tuesday 13th August @ 6:00pm in Taamaua/school hall

Theatre Show at school – ‘Recycling’ Presentation 
Wednesday 14th August 

Māori Whānau – Community Hui/Gathering commencing with a shared meal
Wednesday 14th August @ 5:30pm in Taamaua/school hall

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – School Mass
Thursday 15th August @ 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall 

Indian Independence Day – celebrations led by our Indian & Sri Lankan families
Thursday 15th August @ 2:00pm in Taamaua/school hall 

Duffy Books in Homes Theatre Show at school 
Friday 16th August 

Friday 16th August 6:30pm – 8:00pm in Taamaua/school hall 

Gathering School Liturgy & Assembly led by LC Awa and Moana students and teachers
Monday 19th August @ 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall

Tongan Language Week
Monday 19th August – Friday 23rd August – activities across the week

Hungerball Sports Game (on site for the rest of Term 3)
Monday 19th August in Taamaua/school hall

NZ Playhouse Theatre Group performance
Tuesday 20th August in Taamaua/school hall

Wednesday 21st August @ school 

Term 3 Concludes at 2:50pm 
Friday 27th September

Term 4 Commences at 8:50am
Monday 14th October

Upcoming Community Events


Kia Ora Koutou,

I hope this email finds you well.

I’m excited to share that Kuraconnect is starting back this term, this Friday 26 July with the same time of 6-8pm.

It has been amazing to connect and in some cases, reconnect with the Papakura community.

I am very proud that Kuraconnect provides the opportunity for anyone and everyone to engage through sport without any costs involved.

This term Kuraconnect will be running for 6 continuous weeks from July 26 – August 30.

Basketball, Turbo Touch, Fast5 Netball and Volleyball are the sports that will be running, teams are welcome to participate in all or however many they are comfortable with.

Our venue for this block of sports is at Bruce Pulman Arena.

Please see the attached flyer with more information.