Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei,  Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta, Namaskārām,
Sat Shri Akaal, Vanakkam and Ayubowan

Dear Families

We gather each fortnight on alternative Mondays to pray and celebrate as a school faith community. Recently students and teachers who have been leading each of the liturgies have used our school Gospel value of resilience/ngāwari for the focus of the liturgy. This has helped us to be ‘open’ to the learnings and understanding shared with each of the related Bible readings.

In the parable Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus tells us that we are the light because Christ lives in us.  The parable is about preservation and giving strength, the strength and courage to be Christ’s light so that it is there for everyone to see in the way we live.  We are encouraged to remain in the light, as putting our light under a bowl is the same as putting our light out and not radiating Christ.   With resilience, we are able to take that light out from under the bowl and put it back on a lampstand for all to see! 

We see resilience in action when:

  • we understand that God works through all people
  • we have a strong relationship with God and a genuine and ongoing encounter with Christ and his teachings
  • we understand that striving to excellence does not mean we never make mistakes
  • we show a sense of self-worth 
  • we are confident and willing to take on challenges and face adversity
  • we are not afraid to make mistakes and view them as opportunities to learn
  • we are not afraid of setbacks and are willing to be persistent in our efforts to overcome them

We have seen our children and our staff demonstrate resilience in action these past weeks as each has participated in school teaching and learning programmes … CAMP, Gym lessons, pedal power lessons, professional learning and development training, report writing, student self reflections, leading prayer, liturgies and assemblies, trying new activities and many more …  it is humbling to see ‘resilience’ in action in our school community!

Staffing Update

This week we farewelled Mrs Bronwyn Sewell from our Support Staff Team. Bronwyn has been working with us for the past two years supporting students with their learning needs. In particular, Bronwyn has specialised in her role of communication support worker and we have been so grateful for the expertise and knowledge she has shared in this area, especially with her students and with staff. We wish Bronwyn every Blessing of good health as she leaves the workforce to focus on her own haurora/wellbeing at this time.

Mrs Mavis Chung (Learning Community Moana kaitiaki) continues to rest and recuperate from her medical event and is away from school until the end of Term 2. Please keep Mrs Chung and her husband, Dan in your prayers as they both strive to return to full health. We give thanks to God for their current recoveries and ask God’s healing hand to be upon them to strengthen them in the month ahead.

NZ Catholic Education Convention

The NZ Catholic Education Convention takes place this coming week in Wellington (19th – 21st June). A number of of the staff leadership team and school board members will be attending – Peta Lindstrom, Maria Speechlay, Ana Silva from staff and Trish Martin, Alma Santos and Jason Farley from our Board.

The convention theme is: Tūhono Whakapono—Together, as one faith community reflecting on how we establish links, make connections and relate to our sisters and brothers in Christ, who through the shared experience of baptism, are our kin.

We will be attending a number of workshops and listening to keynote speakers, working with staff and Board from other Catholic schools, listening and learning so that we can return to Holy Trinity reinvigorated, inspired and energised … ready to lead our school faith community with commitment, faith, creativity and integrity!

School Board News …

Tena koutou katoa o tatou whānau Tokotoru Tapu

As we begin the winter season, we need to be mindful of the well being of each other and take care to try and keep the winter ills at bay.

With a growing number of new families joining our Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School whānau, it is timely to share a few thoughts from our School Board. They will also serve as a reminder for families who have been with us for some time.

The School Board has a stewardship role that involves planning for and acting in the interest of the school and its community. Its role is to govern the school and to ensure that everything that needs to be done, gets done- legally, ethically and as well as possible in the best interests of our students. Always, at the heart of this role, is our Catholic Special Character.

In particular, the Board is responsible for:

  • Student learning, achievement and progress, and well-being
  • Setting the strategic direction and targets for the school and plan accordingly
  • Planning and Reporting
  • Curriculum management
  • Finance and Property management
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Health and Safety
  • Employment of Staff
  • Implementation of Government Legislation pertaining to education.

The principal is both a member of the school Board and its chief executive and manages the day to day operation of the school, in line with the Board’s policies and procedures.

The Board is elected by the school community to ensure that the school community has a voice in the direction of the school and the education it provides for its students. As a Board, we welcome your thoughts and ideas and appreciate your contribution through the various gatherings we have and consultation processes we engage in.

We enjoy serving our community and are committed to our role, as we work together with all our school whānau, in providing and excellent Catholic education for our tāmariki.

School Policy

As a Board, we have the responsibility of developing policies and ensuring that they are implemented to meet all that is required of us as a board. Through SchoolDocs, an on-line service to which many schools belong, school policies are developed and tailored to meet individual schools’ needs. These are reviewed every three years, ensuring that they meet all the legislative requirements Under the Education Act 2020.

At the time of your child’s enrolment, Miss Lindstrom, our principal, will have explained how you can access our school policies on line. If you have forgotten and wish to access any of the policies, please contact the school office.

Student Attendance

School Boards are now required by the Ministry of Education to closely monitor  and track student attendance and have in place strategies that ensure high levels of school attendance for every child.

For Holy Trinity, our concern is more with the number of students who are arriving late to school and/or leaving early in the afternoon. While there has been some improvement with regard to this matter, there is still room for more.  The school gates open at 8.30am, with school commencing at 8.50am. The school day does not conclude until 2.50pm.

The Board, in fulfilling its responsibility to the Ministry of Education, and indeed its responsibility to students’ learning and well being, asks that parents get their children to school on time in the morning and refrain from requesting for their child/ren to leave early at the end of the day, unless it is absolutely necessary because of special circumstances. THANK YOU for you co-operation.

The New Zealand Curriculum

It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that the New Zealand Curriculum is being effectively planned for and implemented.

All primary and intermediate schools are required to teach 5 hours of reading, 5 hours of  writing and 5 hours of mathematics in a typical school week. This must be a priority for all schools. Staff must structure and plan their daily learning and teaching programmes to meet these requirements.

At our school, we have the additional Religious Education curriculum which we are required to teach at all levels of the school. Reading, writing and maths teaching can also be integrated into the R.E programme.

The Board would like to thank the leadership team and all staff for the commitment they make to plan for effective teaching and learning in these curriculum areas. Through the principal, the Board is assured that the school is meeting all its obligations in giving these learning areas priority. It is encouraging to see in the fortnightly school newsletters, reports and accounts of some of the great work being achieved in the school curriculum.

In Conclusion …

I again take this opportunity to thank all our whānau for their on-going support and commitment to Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School. Together we make a great team.

May our loving God continue to be our guide as together we continue the journey with our wonderful school.

Ngā mihi mahana,  me ngā manaakitanga maha

Philip Cortesi
Presiding Member of the School Board

DRS Report

Sacraments Celebration

With a thankful heart, we congratulate all our students who, in the Parishes of St Mary’s Papakura, St Anne’s Manurewa and St Lukes Flat Bush, have received the different Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion last weekend. The Sacraments allow us to see signs, symbols and rituals as visible signs of God’s love for us. Each Sacrament nourishes, strengthens and expresses our Catholic faith.

We congratulate Benson Erick, Ruby Erick, Mila Yandall and Ella Yandall for receiving the Sacrament of Baptism at St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa.

We congratulate Janine Amposta and Emily Martin who received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion at St Luke’s Parish, Flat Bush.

And finally, we congratulate all the students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St Mary’s Parish, Papakura. Edith Aita, Christen Miles Altamirano, Kalila Borja-Sarmiento, Liam Clarito, Kai Costello, Katherine Farley, Lupea Kaloni, Mele Kaloni, Daniel Kaloni, Carl Leonidas, Matt Macasote, Paul Moscoso, Kiera Vibal, Aiva Vaasili, Holy Vaasili, Petranelle Peter-Tulaga, Precious Peter-Tulaga, Johan Solanga, Korah Walker, Khayla Platon, Celyn Rogayan, Marion Rosales, Lacey Rumary, Zia Sarath, Zoey Swalger & Ella-Mae Leibbrandt

We continue to pray for our tamariki on their faith journey.

YCC Day on Thursday 4 July

We have a whole school ‘Mufti Day’ on Thursday 4 July to celebrate YCC Day which is a special annual event when Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand joins forces with all Catholic Schools across New Zealand to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need. This year, we stand in solidarity with Holy Trinity School in Papua New Guinea. This means on Thursday 4 July, we will have a school ‘Mufti Day’ where we dress up in BRIGHT COLOURS and bring a gold coin donation to go towards helping Holy Trinity School in Papua New Guinea have better access to education. A gold coin can go a long way!

End of Term School Mass

On the last day of the term, Friday 5 July, we’ll be having our End of Term School Mass in Taamaua/school hall at 1:00pm with Father Mathew Vadakkevettuvazhiyil of St Mary’s Parish, Papakura. We are inviting all our school families and friends to come along and join us for our Mass before we end the term.

R.E. Books Coming Home

This coming week, your child will be bringing home their Religious Education books to share their R.E. learning with you at home. It would be great if you can take the time to sit with your child and go through their learning. There will be a space for you to write a whānau comment in. Your comment can be about celebrating your child’s learning or a learning from school that you see has been transferred to your home or even just an encouraging comment to motivate your child to continue to learn about our Catholic faith. Each Learning Community will be sending their R.E. books home on a different date so watch this space!

Parish Bulletins

Please click on the links to access the Parish Bulletins – St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa Bulletin #21 – Sunday 16th June 2024  and St Mary’s Parish Papakura Bulletin 16th June


The Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School Parent Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA), supports the running of our school in practical ways. We co-ordinate parent helpers, organise school events, fundraise for school improvements and projects and help create a strong school community.

The Next PTFA Event … is a Matariki Breakfast Thursday 27th June – join us for Breakfast at the school to celebrate Matariki! We will be in Taamaua/school hall serving a hot breakfast to families from 6:30am. Drop in and enjoy a meal with us for free!

  • Breakfast at school at 6:30am – 8:00am for Holy Trinity whānau
  • Sausages, french bread loaf, bread, baked beans, spaghetti, samoan Cocoa Rice, fruit platter
  • Coffee, tea, milo, juice and water
  • Matariki activities for the whole whānau to enjoy
  • School parking will be available on the school field

The PTFA Annnual General Meeting (AGM) – this is a key date in the PTFA calendar. The AGM gives members the opportunity to review the past year’s events, finances and to vote in a new committee. This will be held on Tuesday 25th June at 7:00pm in the school staffroom. We will be looking to fill the roles of Co-Chairperson/s and Secretary, please enquire with us if you are interested.  There will be full support provided.

Term 3 PTFA Event 

School Disco to be held Friday 16th August in Taamaua/school hall. The Disco will be held in Taamaua/ school hall from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Gold coin donation for entry. We will be selling some snacks and glow sticks and Learning Community Moana will run a sweet stall to help raise money for their recent Camp costs.

School Wave Rave – Friday 27th September at Massey Park Pools in Papakura. $10 per ticket.

Term 4 PTFA Event 

School Christmas Market – Friday 29th November. Start thinking now about what you could make to donate to the Christmas Market. There will be food stalls, plant stalls, crafts, rides and activities for the children and plenty more. It will be a Christmas ‘themed’ market so think about what you may want to buy to use or buy to gift at Christmas time!

Matariki Breakfast

Please join us at 6:30 am for a Matariki breakfast on Thursday, 27th June, to celebrate Matariki – Te Tau Hou Māori. This event will be held in Taamaua, our school hall. As it is an early morning event and the weather may be cooler, children can come dressed warmly in their everyday clothes instead of their school uniform.

Immediately following breakfast, we will offer Matariki activities for whānau/families to celebrate Māori New Year – Te Tau Hou Māori. 

For the rest of the day, children will be immersed in Matariki activities to help grow their knowledge and understanding of Matariki.

Ngā mihi nui to our PTFA for this event!

Teaching and Learning News

National Young Leaders Day

On Thursday 23 May, some of our senior student leaders had the pleasure of attending the 2024 National Young Leaders Day (NYLD) that was held at the Due Drop Events Centre. They joined with hundreds of other Auckland primary and intermediate students, listened to inspiring stories from different speakers and we even had a couple of students have the opportunity to ask questions in the auditorium.

We attended the NYLD and our highlight was listening to William Pike. He inspired us because he survived an accident that almost ended his life. His bravery and determination inspired us to be more like him in the future. His skills with nature are shown through surviving this dangerous situation he was stuck in and he proved that you can push through any difficult situation you’re in if you try hard enough and not give up. In the future we want to be more like William Pike and show confidence in difficult times that we face.
Aiva & Mila

Learning Community News

Learning Community Awa

We have been learning about what makes a story a taonga.  In R.E. learners created their own faith story booklets. They shared the message that makes the story important and special to them. We are learning about how we can apply the message from the faith stories into our life to empower our mission. We talked about loving others, especially our parents, helping others and working together.

Learners are further exploring Curiosity/ science learning through kōrero paki and are enjoying the storytelling of ‘Takahe Trouble’. In literacy, they are learning to write a recount of this story of 2 curious and adventurous takahe that try to escape but are rescued and return home.

Through our KWHLAQ science inquiry, we identified that water is a taonga and that all living things need water. We closely looked into why we water plants? And we experimented how water affects the growth of plants. 

For over four weeks we have been working on different visual art forms; Sculpture, Collage, Painting and Drawing. Learners were proud to share and talk about their masterpiece. They compared the different art forms through the lens of what it looks like, feels like and emotions when you see the art pieces.

Learning Community Whenua

In Learning Community Whenua, our learners are engaging in kōrero paki by retelling stories. Kōrero paki is an oral language programme designed to help our tamariki develop their writing skills.

In Visual Arts, we have identified different forms of art to compare the similarities and differences in how stories are shared, and how they can inspire our curiosity.

In RE (Religious Education), we are learning to share the message from Jesus’ stories that show us how to be part of the Church.

We have learned that there are many ways to help sustain our environment. We are now working on sharing our learning about sustainability through creating a visual art piece.

In connection with the celebration of Philippines Independence Day, our Filipino tamariki shared and enjoyed a couple of Filipino games that we play during PE (Physical Education) time. We had the “Tumba Lata and Sipa”. It was a fun learning experience for our tamariki, integrating their learning in Maths, Haoura/Health, and RE.

Learning Community Ngahere

In Learning Community Ngahere we have been using our learning from our science investigation to write a report. We have been learning about how to structure our report to share the different ways of navigating. We have also been working collaboratively to brainstorm different ways we can present our learning around navigation through the Arts. 

We have also had lots of fun flying our paper planes and using different units of measurement to measure how far our planes flew. We began by using our footsteps and body spans to measure, we then used our knowledge of how to use a ruler and applied it to using a metre ruler to measure. 

Learning Community Maunga

In Religious Education, we have been learning about ways Jesus shared the Good News through parables and how the messages shared through Jesus’ stories help us to engage positively with others. Learners have also been reading scripture from the Bible and connecting scripture passages to their learning.  

During Science, we have selected three important stories from Kōrero Pūrākau that we were curious about (Bishop Pompallier, Whaitere the Enchanted Stingray and The Kauri Forests) and identified the science connections within. Each group chose a different science connection to focus on, then our next step was to ‘think like scientists’ and follow the scientific process to complete experiments such as suitable growing mediums, the PH of peat soil, what happens if the stingray’s food chain is disrupted, boat propulsion and how do boats float.

Learning Community Maunga students had a fantastic experience riding mountain bikes as part of the Counties-Manukau ‘Pedal Power’ programme.  Learners increased their knowledge of helmet and bike safety.  We had lots of fun practising bike hand signals and drills.

Learning Community Moana

In Moana, learners are using the scientific process – observing; questioning; hypothesising; experimenting (materials + procedure); analysing, forming conclusions to investigate a question they are curious about.  They are gathering information, making statements to explain how this scientific knowledge can enrich the taonga of stories. Different experiments are taking place, including the importance of earthworms in the soil, decomposition and soil quality; the results of which will be included in their report writing.  Hands are getting dirty and rich discussion is happening as they analyse the results of their experiments.  Through their experiments, learners are building a deeper understanding and awareness of the importance and value of our whenua – land – and how a small forest such as Kirk’s Bush, left after the building of Great South Road, is a taonga to us all.

Learners identified the different art forms, e.g. painting, music, digital art.  They used the skill of comparing to explain how these different art forms make people curious. They are also identifying which art form will best enrich the taonga of faith stories from the Old Testament and make people curious to learn about the stories themselves. Learners also formed conclusions on how the messages of the faith stories such as Moses and the Ten Commandments, Abraham and Sarah, inspire us to empower mission.

Hauora/WellBeing News

Peer Mediation learning in Learning Community Awa

Peer mediation ties in beautifully with the concept of Hauora, and that for us to be happy and healthy, we need to feel safe. In Learning Community Awa, the tamariki have been learning about what ‘conflict’ is. They identified and role played some conflicts we have at school, and then they looked at how they can help make LC Awa a safe place. Next they will learn about the peer mediation process so they can learn how to enrich their hauora in the playground too.

Peer Mediation learning in Learning Community Ngahere

Learning Community Ngahere have been unpacking Kaupapa 7. We have been learning to identify the different emotions and different situations where we would feel these emotions. We have also been practicing how to express these emotions through our words through roleplays. We are working towards being able to state how we feel and explain why we feel that way. We compared our emotions to Inside Out characters and came up with a chart to share feelings and the actions we can take when we feel this way.


At Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, our focus is always on the health and wellbeing – hauora – of our tamariki. Our school social worker, Allwin Shaji and our SENCo, Mrs Rhode, work alongside learners in building confidence and belief in themselves.

Circle Time – A group of learners are part of Circle Time, a play based group in which different arts mediums are used to tap into the learner’s imagination, important for critical thinking.  Instead of using the basic survival need of freeze – fight – flight, the group are learning to build top-down pathways, naming emotions and taming them in order to manage themselves in a range of situations both in the learning community and out on the playground.  The motto that anything that is shareable is bearable, speaks to effective group work facilitated by Allwin, our SWiS.  He meets weekly with these learners, providing them with the freedom to talk in a safe space and work through self-regulation processes, building resilience. 

IBOX – this programme supports learners in building confidence and belief in themselves through boxing skills and drills.  A group of students attend weekly sessions, learning about respect and self-confidence.  They are always excited to attend these sessions, working alongside peers that they would not normally engage with and engaging with adults with growing confidence.  

Through these structured physical activities, they are learning discipline, respect, emotional regulation and self-control.  It has been amazing watching them give it a go, encouraging and supporting each other to do their best.  

Sports News

Pedal Power

Our tamariki have been extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to work alongside coaches from Counties Manukau Sports who came into school and facilitated Pedal Power sessions with our students. They focused on safety with bikes and demonstrated ways of getting on, getting off and riding bikes with developing awareness of their environment. Students from Learning Communities Maunga and Moana have enjoyed time spent learning these crucial skills that will help them to be safe with their own bikes out in public areas.

North Counties Inter-school Netball

On Wednesday 12 June, we had a Year 5/6 mixed netball team take part in the North Counties Inter-schools Netball tournament that was held at Bruce Pulman Park in Takanini. They had a great day out representing our school with pride and sportsmanship. We thank Miss Angela Aiesi and Ms Leah-Jane Smith for their support of our tamariki on the day. We were blessed with good weather and even more so with our tamariki taking out 2nd place overall for Year 5/6 Netball Competition. It was great to have all the parents who came along to watch and cheer our students on!  Congratulations to our wonderful Year 5/6 team!

Filipino Community Gathering

Happy Filipino Independence Day!

Our Filipino families gathered on Wednesday night to celebrate the Philippines’ Independence Day. It was a special night organized by Alma Santos and Maila Altamirano, parent representatives on the Board, along with our wonderful staff members Sahlee Cortez, Sydney Buzmion and Thea Guadalupe. The event featured a fun quiz to help expand our knowledge about the Philippines, dancing, and everyone enjoyed the Filipino food prepared by our Filipino families. Maraming Salamat to our Filipino families!

School Organisation

New Families Information Meeting

On Wednesday 26 June, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, we will be hosting a meeting for new families at school. The session will include a presentation aimed at supporting our new families, to know more about our Catholic Special Character, school information, and offering an opportunity for families to meet with one another. We look forward to seeing you all.

Mahi Tahi/Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences – July 2-3 

Mahi Tahi Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for the afternoons of July 2nd and 3rd, which fall on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. The primary focus of these conferences will be to discuss the students’ progress and achievements in reading, maths and writing based on the Term 2 digital reports, which will be published on HERO before the Mahi Tahi sessions.

You will have two options available to choose from. The ‘Formal Mahi Tahi’ sessions will take place on Tuesday, July 2nd, where parents can schedule a 15-minute interview with their child/children’s kaitiaki/teachers. Further information regarding booking interview slots will be communicated via HERO.

On Wednesday, July 3rd, we will host the ‘Open Mahi Tahi’ session, providing an opportunity for parents to drop in and meet with the kaitiaki/teachers of the learning communities at their convenience.

Please check your HERO notifications, sent via email or on your app, and read the notices regarding Mahi Tahi Conferences.

School Photo Day

Our 2024 School Photo Day will be Monday 24th June. School photos will be taken in Taamaua/school hall.

Siblings/family photos will commence at 9:00am on this Monday. Please be at school for this time.

Children have brought home a ‘PHOTO DAY Flyer’ this week with the Photo Day information.

SIBLING Forms are on the backside of the Flyer for students who request a sibling image to be taken.

The Photo-life form needs to be returned by Wednesday 19th June to the School Office.

Online Photo Access Key will be sent to you AFTER the Photo Day to purchase.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our school office with any queries.

Music Competition Achievements!

Holy Trinity students recently competed in the local music competition. All our students are tutored by Esther-Shahn and Anika – thank you to our tutors for preparing our students so well for music success!

Congratulations to …

Jan Silver Manalo
Piano 10 years old: Sight-Reading – 1st place, Own Choice – Very Highly Commended
Zoey Schwalger and Aiva Vaasili
Keyboard Duet – 1st place
Aiva Vaasili
Keyboard Restricted 8-10 years: 2nd place
Holy Vaasili
Keyboard Restricted 8-10 years: Very Highly Commended
Mason Briones
Keyboard 8 years old: Test piece – 2nd place, Own Choice – Highly Commended
Samantha Dayao
Keyboard 7 and under: Test piece – Very Highly Commended, Own Choice – Very Highly Commended
Ryleigh Juanta
Keyboard Restricted 7 and under: Highly Commended

Health & Safety and Property Updates

New Sports Shed

We will have Contractors on site this coming week to build and install our new Sports /PE Shed. This will be sited on the concrete pad foundation at the end of Learning Communities Awa and Moana. Having the storage shed will provide much needed space for our PE (physical education) equipment and materials and also for the day to day play equipment to be stored in a way that is easily accessible and readily available for students to use!

Emergency Drills

In the following weeks, we will be practising emergency procedures for Earthquake, Fire and Lockdown scenarios. Please chat with your child about the importance of knowing ‘what to do and how to be’ in an emergency time. Mrs Silva, leads the co-ordination of the Emergency Drills and will often give reminders to the children about actions to take with each of the emergency drills.

New School Map

We have had a new school map designed and created for our new families and visitors to make it easier for them to get to know and visualise the school site with the various locations of buildings, learning communities and environmental aspects. Please click on the link to access our new site map!

Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School Map FINAL

Job Vacancies

Catholic Diocese of Auckland Job Vacancies

Database/Grants/Administration/Fundraising Coordinator:

The Catholic Caring Foundation is seeking a well-organised multitasker, loyal team player for their small, busy, and welcoming organisation.  This position is a full-time position, Monday to Friday.

The main functions of the role are donor database/donations coordination and administration, Grants coordination and support, Fundraising support and donor care, Basic accounting and Liaison with key stakeholders.

To view the full advert and position description, please visit our website under Diocesan Services and Staff Vacancies.  Applications close 25th of June.

Please find below notice for a Career Opportunity with Caritas.  Could you please circulate this within your school as well as your school newsletter.

Come work for us – Advocacy Lead at Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand:

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the Catholic bishops’ agency for justice, peace and development, part of a global federation. We’re on the hunt for an Advocacy Lead to join our team and bring about positive social justice through education, advocacy, and Māori engagement. The ideal candidate will have strong writing and research skills, experience in an advocacy and/or policy position, and a relevant tertiary qualification. Reporting to the Chief Executive of Caritas NZ and the Regional Coordinator of Caritas Oceania, they will be responsible for contributing towards the establishment of the advocacy function and framework for Caritas Oceania and Caritas NZ and coordinating programmes aligned to the Caritas mission. This role offers an exciting opportunity within a close-knit Wellington-based team.  Visit

Upcoming School Events

Student Religious Education (RE) Books going home
From Monday 17th June 

Fundamental /Movement Skills/Gym lessons for LC Moana/Year 5
Wednesday 19th June @ 10am-11am Bruce Pulman Park Recreation Centre

Fundamental /Movement Skills/Gym lessons for LC Moana/Year 6
Wednesday 19th June @ 11am-12:00 Bruce Pulman Park Recreation Centre

Catholic Education Convention
Wednesday 19th – Friday 21st June @ Wellington (Miss Lindstrom, Mrs Speechlay, Mrs Silva attending)

Monday 24th June from 8:30am in Taamaua/school hall

School Gathering Liturgy and Assembly led by Mrs Malgas/LC Whenua and Mrs Anitelea/LC Maunga
Monday 24th June @ 1:30pm in Taamaua/school hall

Annual General Meeting (AGM) PTFA
Tuesday 25th June 7:00pm in the school staffroom

New Families Information Meeting
Wednesday 26th June 9:00am-11:00am in the school staffroom

Priest Visits to Learning Communities
Wednesday 26th June 10:00am – 11:30am

Monthly School Board Meeting
Wednesday 26th June 6:00pm in the school staffroom

Matariki Community Breakfast – PTFA providing
Thursday 27th June @ school 6:30am – 8:30am in Taamaua/school hall

Matariki Learning Day at School
Thursday 27th June @ school 8:30am – 2:50pm in Learning Communities

Matariki PUBLIC HOLIDAY – school closed
Friday 28th June

School Gathering Liturgy and Assembly led by RE Team Leaders
Monday 1st July @ 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall

Mahi Tahi – Student/Parent/Teacher “Formal Conferences”
Tuesday 2nd July  1:30pm – 6:30pm Booked 15 minute interviews

Mahi Tahi – Student/Parent/Teacher “Open Conferences”
Wednesday 3rd July  3:30pm – 6:30pm Open interview times

YCC School Mufti Day – Caritas Fundraising
Thursday 4th July

End of Term School Mass with Fr Mathew
Friday 5th July 1:00pm @ school in Taamaua/school hall

Term 2 Concludes at 2:50pm 
Friday 5th July

Term 3 Commences at 8:50am
Monday 22nd July