Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta, Namaskārām,
Sat Shri Akaal, Vanakkam and Ayubowan
Dear Families
Welcome to another busy term of school! It was an honour to welcome our newest students to school this Monday along with their whānau and to welcome new staff who are joining our school family for the first time. We hope you feel the wairua of the Holy Trinity within you and around you as you enter this wonderful community of learning ka ako, loving ka aroha and serving ka manaaki!
As this year progresses, we continue to prepare for the restructuring of our school to a Year 1-6 contributing primary from 2024. At the end of this year 2023 – all of our Year 6, Year 7 and Year 8 students will leave Holy Trinity School to begin schooling at either St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College in Drury in 2024 or at another school with Year 7, 8 or 9 students in 2024. We are having a number of meetings with the Ministry of Education and the Catholic Diocese of Auckland to ensure that all is in place for this transition time. We will make sure to keep you informed as we learn more about the possible changes this may have on our school with enrolments, staffing and funding.
Eternal Rest Linda

THANK YOU – from Linda’s family.
Welcome to New Staff and Families
We extend a warm welcome to our new staff member, Mrs Martha Ligamate who is joining the teaching team in Learning Community Whenua. Martha comes to us with a very strong and experienced teaching background in the Early Childhood sector which is a great bonus as we welcome our new students (5 year olds) from this education setting. Martha has been very involved in developing and leading transition to school programmes. We are looking forward to benefitting from all the gifts and talents that Martha has to share with us. Welcome to Holy Trinity whānau!
Welcome to our New Families
Along with Mrs Ligamate, it was wonderful to also welcome our new school family members with a Whakatau on Monday. During this time, we share the stories of our mana whenua on whose land we reside and our own Holy Trinity school story. Our hakas that we perform tell of who we are and where are are from and what we are here to do! So when we perform our Holy Trinity Haka ‘Ko te Tokutoru Tapu’, we share how we stand before you as a catholic school, with a desire to learn, to be compassionate and loving and to be a servant of others!
Celebrations and Congratulations!
Congratulations to Mrs Amandeep Kaur, our Year 7&8 teacher, who successfully completed her 2 years of provisional certification at the end of Term 2. Aman now becomes a Fully Registered teacher. We are delighted for Aman as she has worked incredibly hard to grow and develop in her teaching and learning capabilities as a young teacher. Aman is very committed to her students and to our Holy Trinity School family and it has been a privilege to support her during this beginning teacher phase of her teaching career. Congratulations Aman – this is a well deserved achievement – we are very proud of you!
Student Achievements!
Congratulations also to Ashleen Kaur and Mehtab Singh for their fantastic results and success in the Prodigy Competition. Ashleen achieved 2nd prize at the National Level for Abacus and qualified for the International Level which will be held in Sri Lanka this October 2023. WOW that is an amazing accomplishment Ashleen and we wish you very success as you work and study towards the International competition – we are hugely proud of you!
DRS Report
Sacraments at St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa
On Sunday 9 July and Sunday 16 July, eight of our students received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion at St Anne’s Parish in Manurewa. We congratulated and celebrated these students at Monday’s assembly and our school community will continue to pray for their faith journey.
Congratulations to: Lucien Chang, Liliana Chang, David Strub, Elijah Tatireta, Kalaifua Tatui, Jane Tatui, Elijah Bautista and Thia Vitan.
Caring Foundation Mass
On Tuesday 1 August, there will be a special Caring Mass celebrated by Bishop Steve at Christ the King Parish in Owairaka. This annual Caring Mass also celebrates and acknowledges student nominees from different Catholic schools who demonstrate love and care towards others in their church community. We congratulate our six candidates who will receive Caring Certificates which are made extra special when presented to them by none other than Bishop Steve Lowe.
Congratulations to: Chaesi Alosio, Norma Stephens, John-Paul Feagaiga, Carla Witbooi, Ma Larracas and Raiden Dawinan.
St Ignatius of Loyola Feast Day Mass
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College has invited our school to celebrate with them their Feast Day on Monday 31 July, with a special Mass held at St Patrick’s Parish in Pukekohe. We are looking forward to taking some of our Year 6 students as representatives of our school to celebrate this special Feast Day with them.
Kaitiaki2Share Competition
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand runs an annual Kaitiaki2Share competition which invites and challenges all our young Catholics to share original ideas on how we can care for God’s creation. The theme for the challenge was ‘Act today for a better tomorrow’. There were more than a 100 entries from different Catholic schools in New Zealand and we are so proud to celebrate one of our students who made it to the finalists for her work of art which she submitted. Huge congratulations to Chaesi Alosio who was rewarded with a special tree planted in her name in the Auckland region and her artwork displayed for all to see on the Caritas website: Check it out!
Feast of the Assumption Mass (Monday 14th August)
New Zealand’s first bishop, Bishop Jean Baptiste Francois Pompallier dedicated our country, Aotearoa New Zealand, to our Mother Mary, Assumed into Heaven. This year the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation, is on Tuesday 15 August. Our school will be celebrating our whole school Assumption Mass on MONDAY 14 AUGUST at 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall. Our Mass will be celebrated by Father Kevin Murphy of St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa. You are all welcome to come along and be a part of this special Mass as we commence our journey this term.
Michael Mangan Concert
On Thursday 17 August, our school will be having our very own music concert with Michael Mangan at school. Michael Mangan is a composer, teacher, performer and liturgist who is based in Brisbane, Australia. A former specialist music teacher, he has composed over 250 pieces which are widely used in Liturgy and Religious Education programmes in schools and parishes throughout Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. We’ll be learning and singing along with some of his new and well known songs.
Parish Bulletins
Please click on this link to access the St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa Bulletin for this Sunday. St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa Bulletin #26 – Sunday 23rd July 2023
Mahi Tahi Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Next week, we have scheduled the Mahi Tahi Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences on Wednesday, July 26th and Thursday, July 27th. These conferences are a valuable opportunity for you to discuss your child’s mid-year progress reports and Tōku Reo on HERO, with their kaitiaki/teachers. We strongly encourage you to attend so that you can discuss their learning goals for Reading, Writing, and Maths (next steps) and celebrate learning success.
There are two options available for you to meet with your child’s kaitiaki/teachers.
Wednesday, July 26th: Formal interviews are available between 1.00 pm to 5.45 pm. You will have already received a notification from your child’s learning community on HERO, inviting you to book an interview time for this day. Once you have booked an interview, then the learning community kaitiaki/teachers will send confirmation.
Students can be collected from school at 12:30pm Wednesday. In case you are running late, please come into the school and collect your child/ren from Taamaua. Students remaining at school for the afternoon, will be supervised in Taamaua until the normal end of day routines at 2:50pm
Thursday, July 27th: Open afternoon in the learning communities. Parents/caregivers can visit between 3.15 pm and 5.00 pm. No appointment is needed for this day, so feel free to drop by. Each learning community will be serving our attending families hot soup that will be prepared and cooked at school on the same day!
We appreciate your ongoing support, and we are eagerly looking forward to seeing you at the Mahi Tahi Conferences.
Parent Workshop – Oral Language Ideas for Home
Del Costello, a Facilitator currently working with us for professional learning and development to support our teaching of oral language, will be presenting a workshop for parents on Thursday 3rd August 9:00am in the staffroom. Del will be sharing ideas to support oral language development for your child. We hope to see you there!
Celebrating Language Weeks
‘Epetoma o te reo Māori Kūki ‘Āirani – Cook Islands Language Week, Sunday 30 July – Saturday 5 August.
The theme for this year is “Connect me to the traditions and culture of my homeland.” It builds upon last year’s theme, which was about connecting to the soil of our ancestors. This year’s focus is to strengthen our connection to our culture and language, particularly for Cook Islanders, by embracing the traditions, cultures, and languages of our various islands.
We look forward to celebrating Cook Island Language Week during our Whanaungatanga time. The cultural leaders and staff have planned some cultural activities for students to participate in at lunch time.
Kiribati Language Week 
Kiribati Language Week was celebrated in the second week of the school holidays. The theme was, ‘Ribanan, karikirakean ao kateimatoan ara katei ma ara taetae ni Tungaru,’ which highlights the importance of nurturing, enhancing, and sustaining the Tungaru language and culture. Tungaru, the name given by their ancestors, plays a significant role in shaping their identity and well-being.
We celebrate together with our Kiribati family and people to honour Wikin te Taetae ni Kiribati. We appreciate the unique contributions of our Kiribati family and their diverse culture, which enriches our school community. It’s a special opportunity for everyone to acknowledge and respect Kiribati culture, identity, and language.
PTFA Matariki Disco!
Get ready to groove and celebrate Matariki at our dazzling Matariki Disco! Join us on Friday, July 28th for an evening filled with music, dancing, and a whole lot of fun!
Calling all Juniors, Years 0-4, the dance floor awaits you from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Show off your best moves and compete for the title of Best Dancer!
For our Seniors, Years 5-8, it’s your turn to shine from 7:30 to 8:30 PM! Prepare to be blown away by our amazing DJ, who will bring the tunes and awesome lights that will make the dance floor come alive with energy!
Please note that children must have a caregiver on-site for the duration of the disco to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment. We welcome all whānau to join us in the parent-zone, located in the staffroom. The session times provided are a guide, but all children are more than welcome to attend both the junior and senior disco sessions if they wish.So mark your calendars and gather your friends and family for an electrifying night of Matariki celebrations. Let’s come together, dance the night away, and make lasting memories at our Matariki Disco. See you on the dance floor!
To have a great evening for the children and adults we do need some volunteers to help run some stalls, we’re looking for 6 volunteers per session. If you are keen to get involved and help out at the sessions please let us know by emailing
Ngā mihi,
Parent, Teacher & Friends Association
Learning Community News
Learning Community Newsletters
Each Learning Community will be posting a Term 3 newsletter on HERO so that you can read all about the teaching and learning focus areas for this term along with events, routines and expectations for each team. Please keep this as a handy reference of school information.
Learning Community Moana
LC Moana learners have had a fantastic start to Term 3! This week we have explored innovations through different stories of Matariki and through our korero pai story – The Cracked Pot. We have also had a great time learning to code from the MOTAT team. We worked with dashbots and Ipads to create a code to make our dashbots move. We had heaps of fun completing a range of challenges with the dashbots!
Curriculum News
Concept Learning – Innovation
This term, our connected curriculum concept is Innovation. We want our learners to use their past learning to independently create innovations that can inspire themselves and others to make a positive difference and strengthen communities.
To help our learners explore the concept of Innovation, we have essential questions:
- What is innovation?
- Why is innovation important?
- How can innovation inspire us to strengthen communities?
Through these questions, our students will develop a deeper understanding of innovation, its significance, and how it can be a catalyst for positive change in the world around them.
Our students enjoyed having the MOTAT educators at school this week. Students were able to use DASH robots and bee bots to learn about coding. They worked in small groups, engaging in interactive learning experiences where they collaborated and problem-solved together. These fun activities not only developed their coding skills but also enhanced critical thinking and teamwork. MOTAT educators’ sessions encouraged exploration and experimentation, fostering a future generation of tech-savvy and creative problem-solvers.
Hauora – WellBeing!
Outdoor Adventures
The Department of Conservation has developed great ideas to promote hauora.
Whānau Challenge: What moment in Nature will you put into practice as a whānau over the next two weeks?
- Take a Moment to Read in Nature – Head outside to a cosy spot and spend time reading!
- Take a Moment to Notice Nature – Head outside and breathe in the fresh air. What can you notice around you?
- Take a Moment to Discover Nature – Head outside on a fun scavenger hunt. The items to find are located here.
- Take a Moment to Create in Nature – Head outside with a pencil or art supplies and draw or paint what you see.
- Take a Moment to Listen in Nature – Head outside to focus on hearing the experience of outside!
Peer Mediation Programme
On Friday 16 June, Ms Gill held a training day with the Year 5s who are our very first peer mediators. At HTCPS they are called the ‘Awhi Team”. The current members of the Awhi Team are: Izzy Porter, Alexei James, Eli Hennessey, Janine Amposta, Aiden Sunil, Aidan Singh, Anayah Fernandes, Paul Moscoso, Jan Silver Manalo, Liliana Chang, Luisa Stephens, and one other student.
The tamariki learned lots of things, including what it means to be a peer mediator, about different kinds of conflicts, which conflicts they can help with (minor), which ones need to be referred to an adult (major), and how to be effective listeners.
The Awhi Team will be practising their peer mediation skills with Learning Community Maunga, with the intention that they will be experts by the time they begin peer mediation in Term 1 of next year with the rest of the school.
Ka mau te wehi – that’s amazing Awhi Team!
Sports News
Term 2 Cross Country Results
It was a hard last week of Term 2 but we still managed to beat the weather conditions by completing our whole school country before the big downpour on Wednesday 28 June! We are so proud of all our tamariki who came dressed in the colours, completed the course and shared their whānau chant with us. A huge thank you to all our parents who came along to cheer and support our children as they participated in our school cross country – it was great to see a lot of our whānau come wearing their whānau colours as well! The top ten students from each year group earned whānau points which went towards the overall whānau winners, the top 3 received certificates. We congratulate everyone who participated and to the winning whānau group! Here are the results from the day!
Year 0/1 Girls 1st Freya Ah Ling /MacKillop; 2nd Everly Taualai /Aubert; 3rd Ivanka Paulvin /Pompallier
Year 0/1 Boys 1st Xander Farley /MacKillop; 2nd Lennox Mauala /Aubert; 3rd Thomas Isip /Patrick Dunn
Year 2 Girls 1st Petra Levkovska /Aubert; 2nd Aelwyd Job /Pompallier; 3rd Lilith Farley/MacKillop
Year 2 Boys 1st Matthew Jumma/Patrick Dunn; 2nd Marcel Tatireta /Patrick Dunn; 3rd Johan George/Patrick Dunn
Year 3 Girls 1st Sam Balbona /Aubert; 2nd Emily Martin /Aubert; 3rd Sierra-Marie Watkins/MacKillop
Year 3 Boys 1st Makarios Jumma /Patrick Dunn; 2nd Saione Mahoni /Pompallier; 3rd Daniel Thorpe/Pompallier
Year 4 Girls 1st Petranelle Peter Tulaga /Aubert; 2nd Jane Tatui /Patrick Dunn; 3rd Zia Sarath/MacKillop
Year 4 Boys 1st Lavin Fox /Aubert; 2nd Liam Clarito/Aubert; 3rd Jaeyoung Hwang/Aubert
Year 5 Girls 1st Jan Silver Manalo /MacKillop; 2nd Amadea Azuro /Aubert; 3rd Maria Mangalaserry/Pompallier
Year 5 Boys 1st Saxon Cooper /Pompallier; 2nd Aiden Sunil/Patrick Dunn; 3rd Langi Aiesi/Pompallier
Year 6 Girls 1st Bella Harman/MacKillop; 2nd Jana De Vera/Patrick Dunn; 3rd Evelyn Henderson/Pompallier
Year 6 Boys 1st Ebenezer Ofori-Anyinam/Aubert; 2nd Jovan Levkovski/Aubert; 3rd David Strub/Patrick Dunn
Year 7&8 Girls 1st Marija Levkovska/Aubert; 2nd Emereziana Lautua/Aubert; 3rd Ma Larracas/Aubert
Year 7&8 Boys 1st Sebastiano Simonetti/Aubert; 2nd Konrad Karena/Pompallier; 3rd =Martin Thomas/Pompallier; 3rd = Alleyne Pisalbon/Aubert
Resilience/Endurance Certificates:
Meikiyah Tautua LC Whenua
Keisha Bulamba/Endurance LC Moana
Olivia Li LC Moana
Simone Paterson LC Ngahere
Zachary Poh LC Ngahere
Emereziana Lautua LC Ngahere
Overall Whānau Points |
Patrick Dunn | 43 | 1st |
Aubert | 39 | 2nd |
Pompallier | 31 | 3rd |
MacKillop | 24 |
4th |
Emergency Drills
Our school will practice emergency drills with our students early this term. We focus on the three main drills – Fire Earthquake and Lockdown – to help familiarise our tamariki to know how to take safe actions in an emergency. Our kaitiaki have been great in helping to walk our students through what they need to do for each drill.

We will have our usual activities of the Book Fair, Secret Readers, contests, and lots more. Plus, this year we will have an author visiting us too! On Friday 11 August we will have our character parade where learners can dress up as their favourite book character.
Ms Gill
Here is a Roadsafety video created by our Travelwise leaders to help keep everyone safe when driving in and around school.
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 5 of the Scholastic Book Club is out now. This issue is extra special as you can choose free books when you order at least $30 worth of books online.
To place an order, either complete the order form in the catalogue and pay by cash or EFTPOS at the school office, or view the catalogue and order online at
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College 2025
If you are intending to enrol your child in St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College in 2025, please go online to their school website page and complete the Expressions of Interest online form as soon as possible. This is for Year 5 students in 2023 who will be Year 7 students in 2025.
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School Enrolments 2024
It is really important that we know of all younger brothers and sisters that are commencing schooling with us in 2024. If you have little ones at home, please contact the school office to make a time to meet with Miss Lindstrom so they can be assured of a placement at Holy Trinity School for when they are ready to start in 2024.
School enrolments for 2024 CLOSE by 31st August 2023 and
placements for 2024 will be confirmed by 30th September 2023.
Upcoming School Events
Mahi Tahi Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Wednesday 26th July from 1:00pm – 5:45pm with 15 mins interview – bookings required to meet with kaitiaki
Mahi Tahi Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Thursday 27th July from 3;15pm – 5:00pm open afternoon to meet with kaitiaki
School Board Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 26th July 7:00pm in the school staffroom
Friday 28th July 2023 in Taamaua/school hall: JNRS 6:30pm-7:30pm; SNRS 7:30pm-8:30pm
School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Moana
Monday 31st July @ 9:15am in Taamaua/school hall
Cook Island Language Week
Monday 31st July – Friday 4th August
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College Feast Day Mass
Monday 31st July 10:30am @ St Patrick’s Parish Church, Pukekohe
Caring Foundation Mass
Tuesday 1st August 11:30am @ Christ the King Parish Church, Owairaka
Vaccinations Catch-Up for Year 7&8 students
Tuesday 1st August 9:30am-10:30am
Parent Workshop – Nurturing Oral Language in the Home
Thursday 3rd August 9:00am in the school staffroom
Monday 7th August – Friday 11th August
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College Community Update (for 2024 enrolled students)
Tuesday 1st August 6:30pm-7:30pm in Taamaua/school hall
Term 3 Concludes at 2:50pm
Friday 22nd September
Term 4 Commences at 8:50am
Monday 9th October
Sacred Heart College Presents – We Will Rock You!
This jukebox musical is based on the songs of the British rock band Queen and a book by Ben Elton. The musical tells the story of Bohemians who struggle to restore the free exchange of thought, fashion, and live music in a distant future where everyone dresses, thinks and acts the same.
Join us for this amazing performance which will run over four nights from Wednesday 26 July to Saturday 29 July, including a matinee performance at 2pm on Saturday.
To purchase tickets please click here.
Come along and support everyone who has put an incredible amount of time and dedication into this fantastic show. We look forward to seeing you there!
Upcoming Community Events
MŌRENASchool holidays are coming up, and our latest issue is jam-packed with content to help Kiwi parents https://issue2306. What’s in this issue for parents? » Epic winter school holiday ideas Ask your tamariki to find this issue’s Te Reo Māori words including kirikiri, hararei, pūtea, rēmana, maki, hātepe, kaiako and makariri. Thank you to everyone for supporting our digital magazine, it means we are able to share our magazine with more kiwi parents and whānau, in a format that is super visual and user friendly! |
Kuraconnect Whānau
Happy to say we will be playing FAST 5 & TURBO TOUCH, we have secured three courts! It is your choice on what you want to play, you can play one or both up to YOU
- All Ages * Whānau Teams * Mixed teams
Registration form has slightly change
- If you have registered B4, you can use your SP# and DOB and you deetz will come up.
OPTIONS ARE: Enter details manually or SP Reference Number DOB then click Get details - If you are over 18 years old you DO NOT have to complete Parent/Caregiver sections
- If you have a team, the person looking after you guys will be able to register all players. This option will be at the bottom of the page ADD ANOTHER PERSON