Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
As we enter into this season of Lent, we turn to God and to each other as together, we journey towards Easter. At our Beginning of Year Mass last Friday, Fr James shared with us that ‘following the Cross’ makes us one, ‘following the Cross’ makes us family and helps us to enter into a life with God and ‘following the Cross’ helps us to enter into the Trinity especially as Holy Trinity School people! We know that we are striving to do this each time we learn ka ako, love ka aroha and serve ka manaaki in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – living out our school vision statement!
Pope Francis too, asks us to use this Lenten season to strengthen our prayer life, our outreach of alms-giving (sharing with others) and of fasting (going without). May we open our hearts and minds to being the “Body of Christ” to others this time of Lent.
Here is a lovely Lenten prayer to pray together as a family …
Open our hearts to you word, O Lord, that we may be renewed
Open our hands to receive and to give, that we may be replenished
Open our minds to the silence of Your presence, that we may be refreshed – Amen
Caring Foundation Cyclone Relief Appeal
As a school, we have been remembering to especially pray for all those whose lives and livelihoods have been devastated by the recent extreme weather conditions. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers have certainly been with our fellow New Zealanders as we have watched and read some of the harrowing stories of survival, courage and recovery.
A note from Bishop Steve Lowe ….
We have all seen the devastation across some of the places in New Zealand that was caused by the recent cyclone event. With thousands of people being severely impacted, Hamilton and Palmerston North Dioceses are two of these places who are in need of assistance. Our Auckland Diocese has reached out to offer support.
Bishop Steve Lowe, Bishop of Auckland has asked on behalf of Hamilton and Palmerston North for monetary donations to go towards the Catholic Caring Foundation in support of these two Dioceses.
During the next two weeks, our staff and students will be involved in activities to support contributions to the Catholic Caring Foundation with these donations being used for recovery relief in theDioceses of Palmerston North and Hamilton.
Please keep an ‘eye out’ for further information on HERO.
DRS Report
School Mass
Last week we celebrated our school thanksgiving Mass to mark the beginning of a new year. Father James Mulligan led this beautiful Mass which was made extra special with the commissioning of our 2023 student leaders. We continue to pray and ask God to walk with us and guide us this year as we endeavour to strengthen our community by building whānaungatanga.
Student Leaders 2023
Whānau Leaders
Aubert – Marija Levkovska, Norma Stephens & Sebastiano Simonetti
MacKillop – Rosaria Soo Choon, Euan Tamonte & Thomas Hunt
Pompallier – Simone Paterson, Becca Thorpe & Gabriel Benliro
Patrick Dunn – Toiaimalo Taimalie, Lani-Bella Winter & Frankie Aita
Catholic Special Character
Chaesi Alosio, Annie Yu,Emereziana Lautua, Sione Soakai & Franco Calutan
Pau Taimalie, Martin Thomas, Alleyne Pisalbon, Renayee Nuia, RyderMaifea, Ma Larracas & Jairus Penaia
Skylar Vibal, Jasleen Singh, Faustina Finau, Summer Beza & Sitaleki Finau
Konrad Karena, David Aiesi, Jeremiah Soakai, Taylah Sepuloni, Kalai Tatui, Zachary Vargas & Ziane Alcantara
Alfroi Hinto, AlyssaYeo, Raiden Dawinan, Samipeni Finau, Nastasia Tchika & Zachary Poh
Ash Wednesday/Lent
This week we gathered as a school community to celebrate the beginning of Lent with a special Ash Wednesday liturgy. The 40 days of Lent are not literally 40, rather the number evokes all other uses of 40 in the Scriptures. Jesus fasted for 40 days as he prepared to proclaim the Good News. Long before Jesus, Moses and Elijah had their 40 days fasting. It rained on the earth and on Noah’s ark for 40 days and it took 40 years for the people of Israel to find their way to the Promised Land. We can say that the number 40 tells us that something important is about to take place. Lent is the period before Easter, a time of waiting and preparation. I wonder….what is that significant event we are preparing for?
Lenten Reconciliation
Our senior students will be participating in our Lenten Reconciliation on Tuesday 28 February in Taamaua/school hall led by Father James Mulligan and other assisting priests. This is an opportunity for our children to reflect personally on their Lenten journey and ask for guidance from God in their life as they journey through this year.
Year 7/8 Retreat Day
Our Year 7/8 students will be attending a special Retreat Day at St Francis Retreat Centre on Friday 3 March. Father Kevin Murphy of St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa will be facilitating this special time of prayer and reflection for our senior students. We continue to pray for our tamariki as they journey through this year of new learning and new opportunities.
School Board News …
Tena koutou katoa to tatou hapori Tokotoru Tapu
Warm greetings to all our Holy Trinity Catholic School families as we begin another school year of learning, loving and serving.
Being faced with floods in many parts of Auckland and then being hit by Cyclone Gabrielle, has made the beginning of our 2023 school year a very challenging one. Here we are at the end of Week 4 of the school year, with the school only having been open for just on 12 days!
While our school community and local surrounding areas have been blessed to have escaped the worst of these climate disasters, the Board is aware that there may be some of our school families who have loved ones that are struggling in other parts of the country, coping with the devastation from the flooding and cyclone. We continue to keep all those affected in prayer and if we can do anything to support you or your extended families, please let us know.
Welcome …
A SPECIAL WELCOME goes to all our new families- welcome to our Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School family. We hope that you enjoy your time with us and we look forward to meeting you all soon.
The school is blessed to have the following new staff join our school whānau- Mrs Raquel Biggar, Mrs Geraldine Malgas, Mrs Sahlee Cortez and Mrs Euginea Fernandes. From the Board, welcome to you all, and we look forward to getting to know you, as you share the wealth of teaching experience and Catholic education you bring with you.
THANK YOU to our amazing, hard working staff, under the excellent leadership of Peta Lindstrom, for the great start you have all made to the 2023 school year, and managing the challenges that has brought with it. The time, thought and energy you are putting into providing a safe learning environment for the children and into the planning and preparation of the school programmes, is much appreciated.
It is wonderful to see so many of our children eagerly returning to school, with smiles on their faces and keen to get into their learning. THANK YOU to our families for preparing your children so well for their return to school, particularly in this unsettling time.
Introducing the School Board …
What does the School Board do and who are its members?
I am aware that many of our new families, especially those who have children starting school for the very first time, may not know about the School Board and who its members are and what we do, so hopefully the following will give you an idea:
The Board, elected every three years, acts in a stewardship/governance role, and is accountable for the school’s performance, focusing on strategic leadership, sets the vision for the school, provides a safe environment and high quality Catholic education for all children. It is also mandated to ensure that the school complies with legal and policy requirements.
The School Board delegates authority and accountability for the day to day management of the school to the principal, the chief executive of the school, who is required to work with both the Board’s policy framework and N.Z education legislation.
The Board:
Philip Cortesi: Presiding Member/Bishop’s Appointee
Jason Farley: Deputy Presiding Member/Parent elected member
Apaula Fruean-Lautua: Bishop’s Appointee
Anna Soo Choon: Bishop’s Appointee
Alma Santos: Bishop’s Appointee
Trish Martin: Parent elected member
Vineetha Uthamaputhiran: Parent elected member
Maila Altamirano: Parent elected member
Lenis Martin: Parent elected member
Peta Lindstrom: Principal
Lynn Rhode: Staff elected representative
The Board meets regularly, usually on the fourth Wednesday of each month of the school year.
Strategic Planning …
Last year we reviewed and further developed our school’s three year strategic plan. In this process, we were very appreciative of the thoughts and ideas shared from so many of our parents and caregivers.
Our 2023-2025 strategic plan has three big goals that sit under our vision of Learn- Ka Ako, Love- Ka Aroha, Serve- Ka Manaaki, in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT
- Catholic Special Character: our living faith is the heart of our school.
- Excellence in Teaching and Learning: all akonga experience rich and responsive learning.
- Community Hauora/Well Being: unity/kotahitanga is strengthened through inclusive community partnerships.
Within these three big goals sit the government’s priorities:
- Learners are at the centre
- Barrier free access
- Quality teaching and leadership
- Future of learning and work
- World class inclusive public education
AND our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, with our plans, policies and local curriculum reflecting local tikanga Maori, matauranga Maori and te āo Maori.
In reflecting on the input from our community during last year, it is evident that most ideas sit within our three big goals and the government priorities. Over the next three years, our community’s ideas and aspirations will be developed into specific initiatives and actions to support the achievement of our three big goals- this part is the responsibility of the principal, school leadership team and staff.
In all of this, we are always mindful, first and foremost, of our responsibility to provide the best Catholic education we can for our children-your children!
In Conclusion …
Together we grow as a faith community, and as we journey together through this season of LENT, may we continue to pray for one another, asking for God’s blessings and protection, especially for those in need.
Warm wishes and LENTEN blessings to you all.
Philip Cortesi
Presiding member of the Board
Mahi Tahi – Student/Parent/Teachers Conferences
Next week, we have our Mahi Tahi Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, 1st March and Thursday, 2nd March. There will be two options available for you to choose from.
First option: The school will finish early at 12.30pm on Wednesday, 1st March to allow more whānau to book a formal time to meet with their child’s kaitiaki. The allocated time is 15 minute slots that must be booked online. The first meeting time is at 1.00pm, and the last interview time is at 5.45pm.
You can use the following link to book a slot to meet your child’s kaitiaki: and select the ‘Make a booking’ button. Enter the event code 9cv7g to make a booking (really important that you enter this code).
Students remaining at school from 12:30pm on Wednesday, will be supervised in Taamaua/school hall until the normal end of day bell and routines at 2:50pm.
Online bookings for Wednesday will be closed on Tuesday 28th February at 4.00pm.
Second option: The Mahi Tahi Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday 2nd March afternoon is from 3.15pm to 6.00pm. This is an informal time where you are invited to come in at any time between those hours and chat with kaitiaki from the learning community that your child is in.
The focus for the Mahi Tahi Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences is around our Tōku Reo (learners’ profile). Throughout this term, your child has reflected on ways they have collaborated in their learning with others and kaitiaki/teachers in their learning community. During Mahi Tahi, they will share goals created from their reflections based on the three capabilities of Relating, Engaging and Collaborating. You will have a chance to discuss with kaitiaki-teachers any queries or questions you may have. It is a wonderful opportunity to share information about how they have started the year.
We look forward to seeing you all in person, and to korero with you in regards to your wonderful child. Any queries or questions, please don’t hesitate to make contact with your child’s kaitiaki.
Learning Community Newsletters
In these next few days, each Learning Community will be posting a HERO notification to each of their respective learning community whānau. The HERO posts will contain information about homework expectations, home learning opportunities, Concept and Religious Education curriculum learning, school uniform requirements, park and walk traffic before and end of the day reminders AND general reminders!
Please read carefully!
PTFA News …

The PTFA is holding a special meeting, and would like to invite you to get involved with one of our biggest events of the year – the Twilight Market! We would love to see you there!

St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College, Drury

Primary Teachers Union Meetings
This coming Monday 27th Febraury, teaching staff will be attending Paid Union Meetings to discuss and vote on the Government’s offer in relation to Primary Teachers Collective Employment Agreement.
Primary teachers and principals are making their case to the Government for the best investment in Tamariki.
School remains open on Monday as meetings are held in shifts and teachers will be on site for teaching /learning.
Learning Community News
Learning Community Whenua
In Whenua, we have been connecting with the outside community and building whānaungatanga by hosting Harold, the giraffe, from Life Education and learning about What makes us special and unique? The tamariki were amazed at what makes them special and different from everyone else. The learners actively engaged in learning about our basic needs and how to ensure that we take care of our unique selves. When we returned to our learning community, the children eagerly drew pictures and wrote about their Life Education experience.
In Religious Education, we have been learning about Lent which began on Ash Wednesday. The learners were able to talk about the ashes , where it came from, and why we have the ash sign of the Cross on our forehead. They also learnt what to say after the Cross was made on their forehead. The tamariki showed reverence and respect when the ashes were placed on their forehead and responded by saying “ Amen” during the Ash Wednesday Liturgy. Ka pai Whenua!
Learning Community Moana
Moana learners have been extremely excited to participate in their learning in the Life Education caravan. They have learnt all about ‘personal identity’. They participated in discussions about what makes them unique and discussed how sometimes there’s a lot more to a person than what we see on the surface. Learners gained an understanding of the importance of their actions and how this impacts their reputation.
In Religious Education, Moana learners learnt about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. They created their own Lenten promises that focussed on Almsgiving as a way to turn back to God on their Lenten journey.
Learning Community Maunga
This week, LC Maunga have been learning about the concepts of identity, conforming, and reputation. They had two sessions with Daniel in the Life Education trailer. LC Maunga enjoyed the interaction with Harold and the role play of ‘walking in someone else’s shoes’. The learners also found it interesting to try and figure out what sort of personality they are – a fox, lion, turtle or bunny!
Learning Community Ngahere
In Ngahere, we have been enjoying our Life Education sessions where we have been learning how to deal with social media platforms and the expectations on how to be safe online. In Religious Education, tamariki have unpacked all they know about Lent. We had a beautiful Liturgy to celebrate Ash Wednesday and were reminded that the ashes used to mark our foreheads are also in our hearts and minds. In Numeracy, tamariki are continuing to work on decimals and compatible numbers. In maths, we have started with our measurement strand learning.
Curriculum News
Life Education 
We have been very lucky to have Daniel Garland, the Life Education teacher with Harold the giraffe, who is the Life Education mascot, at our school. The students have been very excited about having to go into the mobile classroom and learn in a different space.
Each year level has had a different learning focus aligned to the Health curriculum. The teaching and learning experiences have supported students to develop their personal identity and to build relationships with others which has helped to grow their understanding and knowledge about Whānaungatanga.
Learning Community focus:
WHENUA Yr 1: What makes us special and unique?
We are all special and unique. Children will explore topics including self-identity, self-awareness, and relating to others.
AWA Yr 2/3: How can I be a good friend?
Students discuss what a good friend is, and how to develop the qualities to enable strong and positive relationships with others.
MOANA Yr 3/4: Why are my reputation and identity important?
What gives us our identity and how do we create our reputations? What do they mean to us now, and what will they mean later in life? How do we show people who we really are? Depending on needs identified this could include personality, gender stereotyping and/or gender identity, physical and social expression, or other aspects discussed during the planning.
MAUNGA Yr 5/6: Why are my reputation and identity important?
What gives us our identity and how do we create our reputations? What do they mean to us now, and what will they mean later in life? How do we show people who we really are? Depending on needs identified this could include personality, gender stereotyping and/or gender identity, physical and social expression, or other aspects discussed during the planning.
NGAHERE Yr 7/8: How do the decisions I make online and/or offline affect me and others?
Our behaviour (online and offline) affects others as well as ourselves. How can we make good choices in a digital environment? What differences are there between our behaviour in a digital environment compared to a physical one?
Traffic Reminders!
We would like your support in helping us to ensure that we are all following the expectation for school pick up and drop off, before and after school.
The safety of everyone, especially our children, whānau and the public, is paramount. Please read the information on the photo and discuss this with your whānau and children so everyone knows the expectation for school pick up and drop off.
For whānau who will be picking up children after school on Kapowai Boulevard, we ask that you remain over there and a staff member will bring the children over to Kapowai Boulevard. We have identified that traffic delays happen when groups of children and people use the crossing at different times and this can cause traffic queues on Airfield Road.
On wet days we encourage you to continue to park your car around the nearby streets shown on the photo. Please come with wet weather gear (e.g raincoat, umbrella etc) or maybe have it ready in your child’s school bag to keep them dry from the rain when walking back to the car.
Remember that you are most welcome to come into school. It is a great way to meet kaitiaki/teachers and see the learning that is happening in the learning communities.
Upcoming School Events
School Liturgy and Assembly – led by learning Community Moana
Monday 27th February @ 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall
Primary Teachers Paid Union Meetings – school remains open
Monday 27th February
LENTEN Reconciliation for Year 5-8 students
Tuesday 28th February in Taamaua/school hall with Fr James Mulligan
PTFA Meeting
Tuesday 28th February @ 7:00pm in the school staffroom
Kāhui Ako Student Leadership Day
Wednesday 1st March @ Holy Cross Primary School
Priest Visits to HTCPS
Wednesday 1st March – Fr James Mulligan from St Mary’s Parish, Papakura
MAHI TAHI Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences
Wednesday 1st March from 1:00pm – 6:00pm – interview times to be booked
MAHI TAHI Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday 2nd March from 3:15pm – 6:00pm – interview times open
Year 7 & 8 Retreat Day
Friday 3rd March @ St Francis Retreat Centre in Hillsborough
School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Awa
Monday 6th March @ 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall
PTFA Meeting – TWILIGHT MARKET Organisation
Tuesday 9th March @ 7:00pm in the school staffroom
Year 5 & 6 Whānaungatanga Day – Team Building
Friday 10th March in Taamaua/school hall
Term 1 Concludes
Thursday 6th April
Sacred Heart College
Enrolment Applications for Year 7 and Year 9 for 2024 are now open
A Sacred Heart education provides a foundation of faith and aspiration to succeed at the highest level in personal and professional life. Places are available in Years 7 and 9 in 2024, with Boarding available from Year 9. Applications are prioritised in accordance with our Enrolment Scheme. Scholarships are available.
Join us for our Open Day on Wednesday, 8 March 2023. Two sessions are being held, 10am and 1pm in our Auditorium, followed by tours of the College. Parking will be available at Gates 3 & 4, West Tamaki Road, Glendowie.
Applications for enrolment close Friday 31 March 2023. Apply online here. Visit for more information.
Upcoming Community Events
After Schools Programme – STEAM
STEAM Academy for kids STEAM Term 1 After-school Programmes:
Transform your child’s future with the
STEAM Academy for kids! Enrolling now
for term 1 in Pukekohe & Manukau.
Powered by William and Stanley, our locally
operated and Kiwi owned programs are designed
to unlock your child’s full potential through a
curriculum that focuses on real-world applicable
From science and technology to engineering,
arts, and mathematics, our programs offer hands-
on, interactive learning experiences that foster
creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical
Affordable and inclusive, our programs welcome children of all abilities and provide a sensory- friendly platform to ensure that everyone is included.
Don’t just educate your child, empower them with the STEAM Academy. Enrol today and watch
them soar! Email: Phone: 09 963 0960
Visit our website for more information:
Free Whānau Touch Footy
Unfortunately, Kuraconnect has had to relocate to Papakura Sea Eagles League Club due to Papakura Athletics having prelims at Massey Park this Friday. Kuraconnect will run the remaining term at Sea Eagles.
Papakura Sea Eagles Rugby League Sports Club –
If you haven’t registered as yet please register on the link below and you will go into the draw to win a $50 PAKnSAVE Voucher!
Papakura Wasps Junior Rugby Muster Day 2023
Artz On Show Performing Arts Workshop
Youthtown Parent Survey