Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
How lovely and exciting it was to welcome our students, families and staff back to school this Monday for our last school term. It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of another school year!
On Monday, we welcomed our very newest students and their families with a spirited Whakatau – we extend a BIG Holy Trinity welcome to Enzo and Felicity and their respective families. We hope it won’t take too long before you feel a special part of our Holy Trinity School.
Term 4 is a busy time with many activities, especially end of the year community events. Please take note of each of these special events so you are able to spend time with us celebrating as a Holy Trinity School Community, giving thanks and praise for all we have been gifted this year through our learning ka ako, loving ka aroha and serving ka manaaki, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October is also the month we especially dedicate to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Each day, at school, we are praying a decade of the Rosary, a scripture-based prayer. As we pray each of the mysteries, we reflect on the events of Christ’s life from the Gospels. There are four sets of mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and (added by Saint John Paul II in 2002), the Luminous mysteries.
The Rosary is a devotional prayer, often prayed in families. As a young child, along with my brothers and sister, we would be expected to pray the rosary together each night, before we were able to watch TV! And my Mum, tells us of how, when my Dad was ‘courting her in the olden days’, he would pick Mum up from her home, where my Grandad would be waiting and they would all say the Rosary together before they could go off on their date!
During this month of October, it would be wonderful if, as a family, you could also make time to pray a decade of the Rosary together – one Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be. The gentle repetition of the words of the Rosary, help us to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ’s spirit dwells.
DRS Report
Huge congratulations go out to our students who received the Sacrament of Eucharist and made their very first Holy Communion to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, on Sunday 2 October at St Anne’s Parish in Manurewa. We continue to keep our tamariki in our prayers as they continue their spiritual journey of faith. Congratulations to:
Aiden Singh, Jasleen Singh, Danny Chau, Hannah Chau, Leon Dang and Liz Dang.
Mission Sunday
This Sunday 23 October is World Mission Sunday, a special time of grace to reflect and express solidarity towards our brothers and sisters who are living in situations of poverty, violence and oppression. Our Bishops are asking everyone to donate to Missio Aotearoa, which represents the Pontifical Mission Societies in New Zealand with generating spiritual, material and financial support for those working in mission and Third World territories. Everything you give to Missio Aotearoa helps missionaries continue their work.
Month of the Rosary
October is widely known as the month dedicated to the Rosary and so in celebrating this special time, our staff and tamariki have been praying the mysteries of the Rosary in their Learning Communities. We pray the prayers of the Rosary and ask our Mother Mary, to intercede on our behalf and pray for us and with us to her son, Jesus.
All Saints Day and All Souls Day
November begins with double Feast Days in remembrance of those who have died. On Tuesday 1st November, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints and the following day on Wednesday 2nd of November we commemorate All Souls Day. On both these days we are reminded of all who have lived as faithful Christians. We pray for all those who have died, especially in our own families and school community. We continue to pray for their souls and cherish their memories with love. Our Catholic faith tells us that one day, we will all be reunited with God in heaven, because we share in the resurrection of Jesus. This belief is known as the Communion of Saints. Some of our senior students will be able to share their learning about the Communion of Saints with you at home.
Our students from Learning Communities Awa and Ngahere will be leading an All Saints/All Souls Day Liturgy in Taamaua/school hall at 9:00am on Tuesday 1st November. You are welcome to come along and attend this special time of prayer and remembrance.
Parish Bulletins
Please click on the link for this week’s St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa, Sunday Bulletin St Anne’s Parish Bulletin #39 – Sunday 23 October 2022
School Fun Run Coming Soon!
Dear Whānau
We’re holding the School Fun Run as a major fundraising event this year! The event will be held on Friday, 4th November 2022 at school 5:30pm-7:00pm. We are continuing to raise money which will go towards our Sacred Space/Prayer Garden Project.
The sponsorship forms came home with the children at the end of last term. Once you have the form, you should sign up for a Student Profile Page at You’ll be able to access online fundraising from here by creating a student profile page and sharing your online fundraising link via SMS, Email and Social Media with family and friends.
Students who raise $10 or more will receive a reward, and the more money you raise the better the reward, and the more you help the school!
We’re looking for all students to participate and we’re organising a great day for our community, so we’d love everyone to come down to support the kids.
About the Event …
Your children come to school on the evening of the School Fun Run and … run with their fellow classmates, friends and students through a fun run course around the school field, sometimes even the teachers and families get involved! This will be one of the most exciting days on our school’s calendar, with everyone’s participation the aim, so please make sure you can attend on the day and cheer everyone on!
Prizes …
In addition to supporting our school, students will get to choose a prize – go online to have a look at the prize catalogue. Children also took home School Fun Run flyers at the end of last term.
Remember, ordering online is the best way to ensure you get what you’d like as a prize!
If you have any questions about the Fun Run please contact the School Fun Run Office on 0800 377 170, or email the PTFA at
Thanks for supporting the school and we hope to see you at the event!
Laura Cooper and Michelle Porter
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School
Parent, Teacher & Friends Association
Staffing News!
We warmly welcome Mrs Jocelyn Ochoa to the very special role of Office Administrator! Jocelyn commenced in her new position this week and has been busy getting to know more of the day to day operations of the school along with the students, families and staff of Holy Trinity whānau. Jocelyn is mum to Maddison and Mason, who are here as Holy Trinity students so we are sure it won’t take long before Jocelyn is well and truly settled into her new role. We are very grateful to have the skills and experience of Jocelyn and look forward to her becoming an integral part of the Admin Team!
And we say farewell to Mrs Amila Wijesuriya as she leaves to pursue her family business interests. Amila is one of the foundation members of our school, having commenced working with us as a Learning Assistant in 2017, our first year of opening. Amila has been instrumental in supporting our students with additional literacy and numeracy lessons. She has been especially focussed on ensuring the students work to their potential, celebrating their strengths and working with them to learn from her deliberate acts of teaching so that they can be their best! THANK YOU Amila for your years of dedicated service to our children and to the support of our staff – you have been gentle and kind, hard working and committed and a wonderful Holy Trinity team member. We wish you every blessing as you grow your new business venture.
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College Update!
Online 2024 ENROLMENTS for St Ignatius Catholic College are NOW OPEN.
If you are intending to enrol at the College for your child in Year 7, Year, 8 or Year 9 in 2024 then it’s very important that you ENROL ONLINE NOW.
To enrol: Go to the school website
Other information on the website: Enrolment zone and priorities, Attendance Dues form, Fees information, Catholic Diocese form, Preference information and form
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you complete the 2024 enrolment forms as soon as possible so your child does not miss out.
This term, Term 4 2022, there will be interviews at our school, Holy Trinity for 2024 enrolment at St Ignatius Catholic College – you will only be able to have an interview if you have completed the online enrolment form.
Interview dates are: Wednesday 26th October and Monday 31st October
We are happy to answer any questions via the email address enrolment@saintignatius.
End of Year Dates
The end of the year is fast approaching! Please note these important schools dates so that you don’t miss out on any of the activities and events leading up to the end of term. We will advise immediately if there are any changes.
Friday 4th November
PTFA School Fun Run Fundraiser from 5:30pm
Thursday 24th November
Orientation Morning for 2023 New Families and Students 9am @ school
Friday 2nd December
Praise-giving Awards Afternoon 1:00pm @ school
HERO End of Year Reports published online
Friday 9th December
End of Year Mass/Leavers acknowledgement 11:00am @ school
followed by School Leavers/Families lunch and ‘School Helpers’ Lunch
Tuesday 13th December
Family Picnic and Nativity Liturgy celebrations 5pm @ school
Thursday 15th December
School-wide Tabloids Sports Day @ school
Friday 16th December
Liturgy and Assembly for Other Leavers and Service Awards 12:00pm @ school
Friday 16th December
School concludes for the year 1:00pm
Learning Community News
Learning Community Whenua
What a great start to Term 4!
Our tamariki have come back relaxed, refreshed and rearing to go. We have had a busy week doing reading, writing, maths, RE , PE and art. The highlight of the week was incorporating writing and art. The children drew pictures of their favourite holiday activity and shared their story with their kaitiaki. The children outlined their pictures with pencils, then drew over the outlines with oil pastels and then painted over with dye. They were amazed at the transformation that took place.
The children have shown great improvement in the ability to talk about their picture plan. Ka pai Whenua!
Learning Community Moana
Learning Communities Maunga and Moana had a wonderful day trip to the Due Drop Event Centre in Manukau, to watch ‘Whale Rider’ in the theatre. Learners represented our school with pride and were very interested to learn more about the legend of Paikea and his magical spears. The show was entertaining and told the story beautifully, using small dolls as props to resemble the main characters. Whale Rider inspired tūmanako in us as we learnt that we too must be kaitiaki of our land.
Moana Learners have had a wonderful start to Term 4. This week learners have shared what they value about their cultures – THANK YOU whānau for getting involved and helping our learners to learn more about their heritage, they have been extremely excited to share about themselves and to teach others about their culture too.
Moana Learners have also been unpacking our school Gospel values and have been learning about how the Gospel stories are stories of hope. Learners have shared some great ideas about how they can inspire tūmanako in others and help others to follow in Jesus’ footsteps by showing the Gospel values.
Curriculum News
To celebrate our end of year, we are going to tell the story of our Year of Kotahitanga learning through the lens of ‘Hope’. We want to use our learning to bring new gifts of Tūmanako /Hope for all, and to share these with our community. From all our learning about Tūmanako, we will end with our greatest story of Tūmanako of all – the birth of Jesus Christ!
We have decided to portray the Nativity Story – the Birth of Jesus through cultural groups. Last term the children completed a survey to decide what cultural group they wanted to be a part of for the nativity story. Starting from next week the cultural groups will gather to practice their scene for the big performance of the Nativity on Tuesday, 13th December.
Sports News
St Anne’s Shield Sports Day
On Tuesday 27 September in the last week of Term 3, we took three teams to represent our school for the very first time at the St Anne’s Shield Tournament held at Bruce Pulman Park. It was a fantastic day where nine Catholic schools, spanning from Pukekohe to Onehunga, gathered for a day of sporting competition for the St Anne’s Shield. Being our first time, we had some awesome results with our Year 5/6 soccer team winning every game and being presented with the trophy for the soccer and our Year 8 netball team coming 3rd place overall in their year level. Thank you to all our staff, parents/whānau who came along on the day to cheer our tamariki from the sideline. Special thanks to Ms Adern who answered our call to come to school and help coach our soccer team, to Miss Lautua for her invaluable time spent coaching the netball teams and to Miss Lindstrom, Mrs Speechlay and Mrs Silva who organised and spent the day with the children.
- Year 8 Netball Team
- Year 6 Netball Team
- Year 5/6 Soccer Team
School Summer Uniform
Students are expected to be in the correct school uniform from Monday, 7th November. This includes the short sleeved blouse or shirt, open toed black school sandals and the school sunhat. Please name all items of clothing so that they can be returned to the children immediately when found.
Our School uniform is only available for purchase from NZ Uniforms on 5/20 Lambie Drive, Manukau.
All students are required to wear the correct school uniform for summer as listed below. NZ Uniforms have school jerseys available to purchase for $50.00. Our preference is for students to wear their jerseys inside and wear school jackets only for outdoor activities.
Girls Uniform
Tartan skort
Blue short sleeved monogrammed blouse (summer)
Black open toed school sandals (summer)
Navy bucket sun-hat monogrammed
Navy woollen monogrammed school jumper OR school jacket
Boys Uniform
Navy shorts
Blue short sleeved monogrammed shirt (summer)
Black open toed school sandals (summer)
Navy bucket sun-hat monogrammed
Navy woollen monogrammed school jumper OR school jacket
Big ShakeOut Emergency Drill
ShakeOut will take place on Thursday 27 October nationwide to remind everyone of the right action to take during an earthquake. Drop, Cover and Hold. You can also practise a tsunami hīkoi (evacuation) if you live in a coastal area.
We know that when kids are involved in preparing for emergencies, they encourage their families to be more prepared. And they play a more active role in responding to and recovering from emergencies.
Book Club News

Celebrating Students’ Success!
Congratulations to two of our Learning Community Maunga students who did so well in their soccer this season. David won ‘Player of the Year’, and Jovan won ‘Most Improved Player’. Ka pai boys for showing the school Gospel value of hiranga/excellence!
Music Tuition

sKids Before & After School Care
“sKids Term 4 Out of School Care is now available to book, visit
School Term Dates 2023
Term One 10 weeks Thursday 2nd February – Thursday 6th April
Term Two 10 weeks Monday 24th April – Friday 30th June
Term Three 10 weeks Monday 17th July – Friday 22nd September
Term Four 10 weeks Monday 9th October – Monday 18th December
Upcoming School Events and Dates!
Monday 24th October
TOKELAU Language Week
Monday 24th – Friday 28th October
DIWALI Celebrations
From Monday 24th October
Mathex Competition Years 6/7/8 Teams
Tuesday 25th October @ Papakura Normal School from 5:00pm
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College 2024 Enrolment Interviews
Wednesday 26th October 1:00pm – 4:00pm @ Holy Trinity
School Board Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 26th October 7:00pm in the school staffroom
The NZ Big SHAKEOUT Emergency Drill
Thursday 27th October @ school
Gathering Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Maunga
Monday 31st October 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College 2024 Enrolment Interviews
Monday 31st October 8:00am – 1:00pm @ Holy Trinity
All Saints Day/All Souls Day Liturgy
Tuesday 1st November 9:00am in Taamaua/school hall
Touch Sports Tournament for Years 5-8
Tuesday 1st November @ Bruce Pulman Park
PTFA School Fun Run Fundraiser
Friday 4th November 5:30pm – 7:00pm @ school
Term 4 2022 Concludes
Friday 16th December at 1:00pm
St Mary’s School Annual Gala!

Sports News
YouthTown Her Ride Bike Programme!
Upcoming Community Events