Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
Welcome to a very busy Term 2! It was lovely to be together for the first time in Taamaua/our school hall on Monday morning as we celebrated the Easter Season with a Liturgy followed by our first ‘face to face’ Assembly as a school whānau since August 2021.
We were very impressed with the way our students participated in the Liturgy with reverence and respect and also involved themselves in our first Assembly on site. The students demonstrated such kotahitanga/unity in knowing how to be, remembering the rituals, practices and school expectations that we have for these school-wide gatherings. It certainly makes us very proud. Ka mau to wehi tātou!
We also extend a warm welcome to all of our new students and their families and new staff joining Holy Trinity Whānau – we hope, that through our words, actions and interactions, it won’t be long before you feel the Holy Trinity charism/gift too and can share in our journey of learning, loving and serving in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We have a very busy term ahead with many activities happening … Mothers Day Liturgy, Parish Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion/Eucharist for older students, Mahi Tahi Conferences, Water Safety Skills programme, CAMP for Learning Community Ngahere, Book Week, St John’s First Aid Training for students, Get Wise Financial programme for seniors, Holy Trinity Feast Day … just to mention a few! Please keep an eye out for HERO notifications that will have all the details for each event.
And as we continue in our Easter Season let us pray …
Risen Jesus – we gather together
With Alleluia in our hearts – we gather together
In the spirit of the Resurrection – we gather together
Risen Lord – centre of our community, whenever we gather, You are with us
Whenever we gather You make of our hearts, one heart
Risen Lord, we welcome You into our midst.
School Board News …
A warm welcome back to school to all our families, as we begin another term. Term 1 was another challenging one, amidst changing restrictions in a COVID world. On behalf of the Board, thank you to Peta Lindstrom, our principal and the staff for the great work they have continued to do to keep our school operating so smoothly, with the top priority being the children’s wellbeing and their learning. We are blessed to have such a dedicated staff.
A special thank you goes to you, our school parents and whānau for your support in following the ever changing school processes and procedures that have to be put in place, to manage the challenges of this virus. Now that we are in the Government’s orange light system for managing COVID, we hope and pray for a more settled time ahead.
Community Consultation
The School Board is made up of representatives of the school’s key stakeholders. Together with the principal, these board members have the mandate to govern the school as they see fit, within legislation. In doing so, the board also has a responsibility to consult whenever it is developing or reviewing key aspects of its operations. However, we cannot do this alone.
To do this effectively, consultation with all those we serve, is an important aspect of community engagement. Community collaboration enriches opportunities for students to become confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners. Within the context of a strong Catholic environment, where the Catholic Special Character of the school shines, this is what we aim to achieve.
Over the next couple of terms, the Board will be engaging in various ways with you, our school families, as we work towards reviewing our Strategic Plan. In preparation, you might like to consider the following questions:
- Why do I send my children to Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School?
- What do I expect from the school with regard to my children’s education and learning?
You might also like to think about the strengths of the school and areas you would like to see us further develop and improve.
Coming Up…
- Next week, during the Mahi Tahi times (Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May), there will be a Board presence by the staffroom area, where we encourage you to share a thought or two about the above points. There will be “post it” notes to jot down your ideas.
- In Week 4 of the term (from Monday 23rd May), there will be an on-line survey in the form of a HERO Google form, where again we encourage you to respond to a few questions.
- Gatherings for different ethnic groups are being planned at different times during the term. Watch out for the details in the next few weeks.
Please become involved and have your say– we need your feedback and ideas, so our school continues to reflect the community it serves. All your feedback is captured and considered as we move forward in the development of the school, always remembering that well-being and the progress of our children is top priority.
School Board Elections – September 2022
Being on the Board is a wonderful way to become involved in the life of your children’s school and their education. It is a commitment and a very rewarding one, where Board members have the opportunity to contribute to and live out our school’s vision- “Ka Ako, Ka Aroha, Ka Manaaki, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
During this term, you will start to get information leading up to the elections on 7 September and about the process involved.
We will have some vacancies on the Board as some of our members have indicated that due to other commitments, they will be not be seeking re-election. You might like to give this special ministry your consideration.
If you would like to know more about what it means to be a Board member, I am more than happy to talk with you.
May our God continue to bless us all, as together we continue to go forward on the exciting journey of Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School.
Blessings to you all
Philip Cortesi
Presider of the Board.
DRS Report
Sacrament of Confirmation
On Friday evening, some of our students received the Sacrament of Confirmation at a special Mass held at St Mary’s Parish Church in Papakura. Our very own Bishop Michael Gielen led this beautiful Mass with Father James Mulligan. There are seven Sacraments in the Catholic Church and each sacrament nourishes, strengthens, and expresses Catholic faith through the gift of God’s grace. Confirmation is one of three Sacraments of Initiation where we are sealed with the sign of the Holy Spirit and complete the grace of Baptism. We pray for the following students as they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and we look forward to celebrating with them soon when they receive the final Sacrament of Initiation – Eucharist.
Katherine Balbona, Ethan Clarito, Raiden Dawinan, Madison De Leon, John Paul Feagaiga, Ron Rafer Floresca, Bella Harman, Evelyn Henderson, Jan Silver Manalo, Immanuel Nau, Kiean Platon, Rosaria Soo Choon, Andrea Vergara & Carla Witbooi
Mothers Day Liturgy
This coming Sunday, our nation celebrates all our wonderful mothers on Mothers Day. That’s all our mums, grandmas, aunties, godmothers and all those who are a ‘mother figure’ in our lives. Our school will be holding a very special Mothers Day Liturgy on Monday 9 May in Taamaua/hall at 9:15am. It is one of our special liturgies of the year where we showcase our love and appreciation to our amazing super mums in our school community! We invite all our whānau to come along and celebrate these wonderful role models that deserve recognition for their role as ‘mothers’.
Please click on the link for the St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa Bulletin – Bulletin #15- MOTHERS DAY- Sunday 8th May

Mahi Tahi Conferences – Wed 11th & Thurs 12th May
Mahi Tahi Conferences will be held next week – Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May from 3:15pm – 6:30pm each day.
We will offer 15 minute interviews for families to meet for the Mahi Tahi Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences. Teachers/Kaitiaki will be present on both afternoons/evenings.
These parent/family, student, kaitiaki conferences are a chance to discuss what your child is learning, how well they are going with their learning, and the learning goals they are currently working on. It is also an opportunity to build on our home school partnership and a great time to identify learning steps moving forward and to celebrate successes.
You must book the 15 minute time slots online. Our first meeting time is at 3.15pm, and our last is at 6.15pm.
Online bookings will be closed on Tuesday the 10th at 4.00pm.
Please read the HERO notification sent to families this week, that gives you access to the school interviews portal to make a booking for your preferred day and time.
We are very much looking forward to being able to meet with our families face to face and to have rich learning conversations about the students’ learning progress and achievement.
Teacher Only Day – Friday 20th May 2022
School will be closed for students on Friday 20th May. Teachers and Support Staff will be involved in a workshop day with Manuel Beasley, our Vicar for Māori in the Catholic Diocese of Auckland. We will be deepening our knowledge and understanding of Māori spirituality.
Please make alternative arrangements for your child/ren for this day – Friday 20th May.

At the request of our South Auckland Catholic Schools Kāhui Ako/Community of Learning Schools, the proposed Teacher Only Day for Friday 3rd June 2022 has now been postponed to Term 3 Friday 2nd September.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause families who have already made arrangements. We will provide further detail about this day in Term 3.
Orange Light Setting – Covid Protection Framework
We continue to have a number of guidelines in place, that reflect the Orange Light setting of the Covid Protection Framework that will ensure we keep our staff and our children as safe, well and happy as possible.
These public health measures need to be in place for the safety and well-being of all who are on the school site. Please note the following measures:
Parents/Caregivers/Families on site …
All are welcome to be on site. However to be on the school site you must …
– enter through the front Reception Area by the Hall
– stop and sign in using the Vistab ipad or sign in on the Visitors register form that will be available on the small side table in the foyer
– wear an approved face mask when indoors / masks do not need to be worn outdoors
– keep a physical distance of 1 metre or more from other people
– go straight to your child’s Learning Community area but refrain from going inside unless absolutely necessary
– leave school as soon as appropriate
– exit through the central student entrance stairwell – you do not need to sign out
If you are needing to see our Office Admin personnel (Viv Smith or Carmel Stewart), please stay behind the perspex shield in the Office area when conversing.
Students on site …
All students are able to attend school. However to be on the school site they must …
– all students in Learning Communities Moana, Maunga and Ngahere are strongly encouraged to remain wearing masks indoors
– students in Learning Communities Whenua and Awa are not required to wear masks but may do so if they wish
– students do not need to wear masks outdoors
– dispose of masks appropriately
– use masks available at school for students, if needed
– sanitize regularly using the sanitiser provided
Staff on site …
All staff are able to attend school. However to be on the school site they must …
– wear an approved face mask when indoors / masks do not need to be worn outdoors
– sanitize regularly using the sanitiser provided
– keep a 1m physical distance where practicable and working in close proximity to the children and with other staff members
– plan to have many mini breaks and outside activities across the school day to give the students and themselves a rest from mask wearing
School will …
– continue to ensure good ventilation is in place. During this cooler term, windows and doors will be opened slightly in the Learning Communities to allow fresh air to circulate. As a new build school, we have fresh air ventilation and extraction systems in place and operating across all of the school buildings.
– continue monitoring of Co2 levels
– ensure sanitiser and masks are available and accessible for all on site
– organise for gatherings/events as planned for students and/or our families. This means school Assemblies, Masses or Liturgies will again be held regularly in Taamaua/school hall – indoor health and safety measures will be adhered
School drop off and pick up times …
– parents and caregivers dropping off or picking up students before and after school are strongly encouraged to wear masks
– in the mornings, Senior Leadership staff will generally be outside in the drop off area to welcome our students for the day
– in the afternoon, staff will bring the students outside to the pick up area from 2:50pm. We will assist the children to their families’ cars
– if the children are walking home with you, please wait for them by the big tree outside the front of the school
– families are welcome on site to collect their child/ren from the Learning Communities but must abide by the above protocols for being on the school site
Car-parking …
– please park in a designated school park if you are coming into school
– please park in a neighbouring street and walk into school
– please do not park in the school drop off, pick up zone at any time. This is a transit area and needs to be clear so vehicles can move safely during drop off and pick up times
Families may attend Assemblies, Liturgies, Masses and gatherings in Taamaua/school hall following the above guidelines for being indoors – i.e. wearing of masks and physical distancing.
Most importantly, all staff, students and our families are to stay home if unwell and to take time to rest and recuperate before returning to school.
THANK YOU for continuing to support our school community and in following these public health measures.
Attendance Dues Payments
Attendance Dues 2022 statements will be sent electronically via HERO to families next week.
Please note that there are 3 options for payment of the Attendance Dues and Catholic Special Character Contribution
- Full amount paid by Internet Banking to ASB school account – details for payment are on the statement.
- Automatic Payment to be set up via internet banking to ASB school account
- Payment can be made at the school office – cash or Eftpos
For those families paying by Automatic Payment (AP), please note that 2022 payments must all be completed by 1st December 2022.
Please see Carmel Stewart (Office Administrator) or Peta Lindstrom (Principal) in the strictest confidence if you have any concerns or questions regarding the payment of Attendance Dues.
Financial Assistance is available for payment of Attendance Dues.
Curriculum News
Water Safety Skills Lessons
Next week from Monday 9th May to Friday the 13th May, Year 1 and 2 students from Whenua and Awa will be heading over to the Massey Park Pools in Papakura to take part in Water Safety Skills lessons. Water safety is a vital skill for students to learn, especially in Auckland where we are surrounded by water; swimming pools, beaches, rivers, streams and lakes.
We will be travelling every day by bus, in groups and at different times. The students will have 30 minutes in the water and 30 minutes of dry lessons – in total an hour long session. All lessons will be delivered by qualified and certified instructors. The organised groups are as follows:
Group 1 – Year 0 & 1 – Whenua – Lessons times – 11.30am – 12.30pm
Group 2 – Year 2 – Awa – Lesson times – 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Our Year 3 students in Awa will remain at school, and will have their swimming lessons in Week 5.
Each day, students will need to bring to school their named togs, towel and a swim bag/plastic bag to take their wet gear home in. Swimming Caps and goggles are optional, but the students may find it more comfortable for the swimming sessions to wear goggles, due to chlorine in the water.
Also, if you’re free and available and can make your own way to Massey Pools, please let us know and we’d be happy to have your help.
We cannot stress enough the importance of these lessons, and expect that every student will take part in the swimming lessons. The lessons reflect and enhance our school values of: Excellence – Hiranga, Resilience – Ngāwari, Unity – Kotahitanga
If you have any questions please email or contact Mr Malele or your child’s kaitiaki.
Learning Community Ngahere Camp – Monday 16th May to Wednesday 18th May
Students in LC Ngahere will embark on their long awaited camp in Week 3 at Camp Adair in Hunua. Students will participate and experience activities that will not only work alongside Level 4 Health and Physical Education Curriculum expectations, but provide lifelong experiences that students can add to their kete taonga.
Many thanks to those wonderful families that were able to attend our first parent meeting in person for 2022 on Thursday the 5th May – it was fantastic to see you all in the flesh and great to hear the enthusiasm for your child attending CAMP.
We look forward to sharing photos of the experience with you all in the next newsletter and to hear some personal reflections from some of our LC Ngahere campers.
GetWise ASB Financial Literacy Programme
Next week on Tuesday, 10th of May Learning Communities Maunga and Ngahere will have the opportunity to work with GetWise ASB at school. GetWise ASB will run workshops to teach students about the fundamentals of money. They will learn the difference between needs and wants, learn why and how to save, set up a budget and more.
If you would like to support your child to learn more about the fundamentals of money please click on this link:
NanoGirl Labs @ Holy Trinity School!
In the school holidays, our wonderful teachers gathered at school for some much needed professional learning around STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). Our day began with the keynote speaker, Dr Michelle Dickinson, who is an engineer and nanotechnologist, and creator of Nanogirl. She gave a wonderful presentation that has inspired us as teachers to ensure that we plan for opportunities for students to experience and enjoy learning with STEM – science, technology, engineering and maths.
Book Club and Book Week Coming Up!
Look out for notices about the fun activities and contests we will be running this year.
Winter Uniform
From Term 2, all students are expected to be in the correct school winter uniform.
Girls Uniform: tartan skort, blue long sleeved monogrammed shirt, navy knee school socks, black school shoe
Boys Uniform: navy shorts, blue long sleeved monogrammed shirt, navy knee school socks, black school shoe
A short sleeved monogrammed shirt may also be worn as long as no other long sleeved item is worn underneath.
The navy woollen monogrammed school jumper or optional school monogrammed waterproof jacket may also be worn during the winter months.
The navy woollen monogrammed school jumper are now priced at $50 – an excellent price for purchasing!
Students are to wear black school shoes only. These may be purchased from other stockists e.g. The Warehouse, Hannahs, Number 1 Shoes.
Please clearly label all clothing items with your child’s name so all misplaced uniforms can be returned to the correct owners.
Thank you for continuing to support our school uniform guidelines by ensuring your child/ren wear the correct school uniform with pride and care. This is a fantastic way to demonstrate our school Gospel value of respect/manaakitia.
NZ Uniforms are the stockists of our school uniform and are located at Unit 5 20 Lambie Drive, Manukau. NZ Uniform’s phone number and email address ph: 09 950 6747 and email:
Car Park Traffic
Thank you for continuing to be careful and safe in the school car park …
1. The children only enter and exit the cars when you are stopped in the pick up/drop off bus zone at the front of the school. We do not want children getting in and out of cars that are in the queue or still approaching the pick up/drop off zone. It is too dangerous for children to be this close to moving vehicles.
2. You must drive the full loop of the carpark. Please do not remove the cones at the entrance – they are there for a reason. It is safer for you to drive the full loop of the carpark and enter the pick up/drop off bus zone in that way.
Thank you for following these guidelines and keeping all our children safe.
Upcoming School Events
Mothers Day Liturgy and Assembly
Monday 9th May in Taamaua/school hall 9:15am
Water Safety Skills Programme for Year 0-2 students
Monday 9th May – Friday 13th May @ Massey Park Pools, Papakura
GetWise Financial programme for LCs Maunga and Ngahere
Tuesday 10th May
Mahi Tahi Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences – 15 min interviews
Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May 3:15pm – 6:30pm
PTFA Sausage Sizzle/Raffles and Second Hand Uniform activities
Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May 3:15pm – 6:30pm
School Board Community Consultation & Engagement
Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May 3:15pm – 6:30pm
School Gathering Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Awa
Monday 16th May 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall
Bullying-Free NZ Week
Monday 16th – Friday 20th May
School CAMP for Learning Community Ngahere
Monday 16th – Wednesday 18th May @ Camp Adair, Hunua
School Board Community Consultation & Engagement with our Indian Families
Tuesday 17th May 3:00pm – 4:00pm
PTFA Meeting
Tuesday 17th May 7:00pm in the staffroom
Staff /Teacher Only Day – school closed for students
Friday 20th May
Monday 23rd – Friday 27th May
Term 2 Concludes
Friday 8th July
Term 3 Commences
Monday 25th July