Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
Last Sunday’s Gospel reading was the beautiful parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). This is the special Gospel story that helps us to live out the school Gospel value of arohanui/compassion here at Holy Trinity.
When we ‘open’ this Gospel parable with the children, we share about what compassion/arohanui means and what this looks like for us at school, at home and in our community. We talk about …
– showing empathy towards and considering the needs of other people
– being the Face of God to others as we reach out in love in all we say and do
Through the parable and the actions of the father, Jesus illustrates his message of God’s unlimited love and compassion for each of us, no matter who we are, or what we may have done. In turn God asks us to “go and do the same”- that is to reach out in love to one another. Compassion /arohanui is a gift that keeps on giving.
Compassion/arohanui is about:
- treating others how you wish to be treated – with dignity, respect and love
- showing empathy and understanding of others
- caring and considering the feelings of others
- putting ourselves in the shoes of others and reflecting on the impact
- encouraging and supporting others
- forgiving others for any wrongdoing within restorative justice practice
At school, we are trying very hard this lenten season, to show the grace of forgiveness and to reach out those whom we may have hurt or who may have hurt us and to do this in the spirit of arohanui /compassion!
DRS Report
Stations of the Cross
As we journey through Lent, Holy Week approaches. This is a reminder for us of that solemn time when Jesus prepares himself for his hardest trial … a time where our beloved Saviour Jesus, walked the way of pain. During Holy Week, our tamariki will be walking in prayer, to pray the Stations of the Cross in Taamaua/Hall in their Learning Communities. The fourteen stations have been shared between the different Learning Community students who will create collaborative artwork that will be displayed in Taamaua as part of the focus for the Stations of the Cross liturgy. It will be a special week of prayer, preparation and waiting in expectation for Easter.
Priest Visits
It was wonderful to have Father James Mulligan of St Mary’s Parish, Papakura visit our tamariki on Wednesday. Father James will be sharing his visiting time between our school and St Mary’s school. The children and staff have enjoyed his time with us this week.
Next week on Thursday 7 April, our senior students will take part in a special Reconciliation liturgy with Father James Mulligan of St Mary’s Parish, Papakura. The Sacrament of Reconciliation helps us to recognise the bad choices we make and to ask God for his forgiveness. Our God is a God of love and mercy, so no matter what we do, he longs to offer us forgiveness – compassion /arohanui!
Parish Bulletins
From St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa – St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa Bulletin #10 – Sunday 3rd April
A reflection from a senior student …
God’s greatness is incomprehensible to the human mind. Being able to be part of our conscience while simultaneously be the king of heaven and earth. He is more powerful than the moving mountain, more wise than earth’s greatest geniuses and more righteous than any human in existence. Talent hits a target nobody else can reach, genius hits a target nobody else can see, but God’s target is higher than the Heavens. His omnipotence is more powerful than every human on Earth, by more than tenfold.
You can read Exodus Chapter 3 to read about how he spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai. Quote: ‘There an angel of the Lord appeared to him from a burning bush.’ Moses saw the bush on fire, but it was not burning up. In this verse God literally defies physics. This is only a small example of God’s power.
God is omniscient. His wisdom transcends us all. A good way to look at this is that God prompted David and Solomon to write the entire Book of Proverbs: testimonies of wisdom.
God is omnipresent. Part of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is something that is embedded into our consciousness. The entire chapter of Acts Chapter 2 tells us how the Holy Spirit confronted the Apostles. I would advise you to read it yourself but here’s a short summary: The Holy Spirit creates gusts of wind, appears in tongues of fire and allows the Apostles to speak languages that are spoken all across the world.
Yet all of this and God is still a righteous person. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But this doesn’t apply to God. He has saved the Israelites from slavery, given us the Holy Spirit and loved us so much that he sent his only Son. This is greatness. Having all the power in the universe but using this power for good.
God’s greatness transcends us all!
By Trey Hennessy, Year 8
From our Catholic Bishops …
Our Catholic Bishops welcome Covid restrictions easing in time for Easter. The Catholic Bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand are relieved that the use of vaccine passes is ending and restricted numbers of people allowed at Mass eased in time for Easter
“It is really welcome that these restrictions are being eased in the middle of Lent and with Easter just over three weeks away,” said Bishop of Auckland Stephen Lowe, Secretary of the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference.
Click on the link to read the full message from our Bishops Catholic Bishops response to Covid changes
Staffing Update
We have changes happening to our teaching team at the end of this term. Ms Laura Ahern, kaitiaki from Learning Community Moana, is commencing maternity leave and will be away from school for the rest of the year. We extend our hearty congratulations to Laura and her partner, Jason Harris, on the imminent birth of their first child and send every blessing and good wish for a wonderful start to parenthood. May the joy and love of having a new little family member continue to delight you both!
Mrs Rewa Vowles will join us as kaitiaki in Learning Community Moana from the beginning of Term 2. Rewa has recently been teaching in our Auckland catholic schools so it is great to be able to welcome her to Holy Trinity whānau. Rewa is spending time with us this term as part of her induction programme to Holy Trinity and also as an opportunity to get to know the children, teachers and learning assistants in LC Moana. We know that Rewa, (Mrs Vowles) will be taken great care of by the amazing team in LC Moana!
And … Farewell to Mr Allan Quarterman! Allan has finally hung up his Caretaker’s cap and tools and headed away to Australia for a well deserved holiday and time catching up with his children and grandchildren. Once Allan returns to New Zealand in Term 2, we will have a BIG farewell and celebration of him to say ‘thank you’ for the wonderful way he has cared for our school so diligently these past few years. I’m sure the children will have some super stories to tell of Mr Quarterman’s handiwork around the school.
We are in the process of appointing a replacement caretaker in Mr Quarterman’s position.
Term 1 Reporting
Term 1 digital reporting will be available to families from Tuesday 12th April on HERO through each student’s individual learning pages. You will be able to read statements about your child/ren’s learning in Religious Education and a General Comment as well as tracking the children’s progress in meeting their learning goals.
Dues to Covid -19 Red Traffic Light restrictions, Mahi Tahi Conferences will not be held this term but hopefully in early Term 2,
Learning Community Ngahere Senior Camp – Week 3 Term 2
We have planned for an overnight Education Outside the Classroom Camp for our LC Ngahere students in Week 3 Term 2 (Monday 16th May to Wednesday 18th May) to be held at Camp Adair, Hunua.
It is an opportunity for students to engage in activities that will challenge their own comfort, build on their resilience, commune with nature, with each other and with God and to take risks and build character.
Camps are more than just an opportunity for our students to challenge themselves in an outdoor setting. It is a memorable occasion that inspires growth in our tamariki and the fostering of leadership that all our students have the potential for. Camp will be an amazing time for all!
Next Thursday the 7th of April, there is a Camp Parent meeting for Learning Community Ngahere parents. Because of our current ‘Red Traffic Light’ level, the meeting will be held virtually over a Google Meet. The link to this meeting will be shared on a HERO post closer to the time. The meeting will start at 7pm.
In the meantime, a letter has gone home with more details, and with a few forms that we will need our whānau to fill in. If you do have any questions, please email Mr Malele
Health & Safety in the Red Traffic Light Setting
Face Masks
They must be worn by ākonga in Learning Communities Moana, Maunga and Ngahere when indoors. The mask must be attached to the head by loops around the ears or head and cover the nose and mouth properly. This can be a well-fitting reusable fabric mask (three layers are recommended) or a medical-grade disposable mask (the blue surgical mask).
They must be worn by teachers and staff who are supporting students when indoors. They are required to wear a medical-grade mask such as the widely available blue disposable masks that many New Zealanders are already wearing.
They must be worn by visitors including parents and caregivers, when indoors.
Parents and caregivers dropping off or picking up students before and after school are encouraged to wear masks at all settings of the framework.
Activities with large numbers of children/students such as assemblies should not go ahead unless outdoors.
An indoor activity should not exceed 200 people.
Only essential visitors should be onsite.
Events should be limited
Non-essential visitors shouldn’t be onsite
All visitors, including parents and caregivers – if they do come onsite, are required to wear a mask when inside.
Monitor entrances to minimise non-essential visitors from coming onsite. One entry point, school Reception entrance is the most practical way to manage visitors.
The School Board Health and Safety Team will be meeting this coming week to review our school’s procedures and systems in line with the changes taking effect from Tuesday 5th April. We will communicate any updates to our school community as soon as possible.
Learning Community News
Learning Community Whenua
Learning Community Awa
We are excited to be collaborating as teachers and learners across Learning Community Awa. We have had the opportunity to work on many group projects and it has been a wonderful way for Awa learners to build relationships. When learning about Tūrangawaewae (places that I feel connected to and encourage me to stand tall, feel proud and know that I belong) Awa learners, have had the opportunity to research Takanini and work on a poster reflecting their findings. Learning Community Awa teachers look forward to more fantastic collaboration this year!
For Religious Education we are learning about the Stations of the Cross, to help us remember Jesus’ last days here on earth. We are creating our own Stations of the Cross booklets so we can share our learning with our whānau and pray the Stations of the Cross at home.
Learning Community Ngahere
Learning Community Ngahere has been busy exploring and unpacking the different elements that are a part of their Tūrangawaewae. They have created a korowai artwork with representations from their cultural heritage as well as their pepeha. A pepeha is a traditional Māori way of introduction that envelopes everything that is significant to who we are. Our students have written their own pepeha and created a visual representation of this pepeha. It is a special way for students to express their tūrangawaewae.
Curriculum News
Tūrangawaewae Whānau Sharing
Our whānau are embracing the concept of Tūrangaewaewae by helping to complete learning activities with their children at home and then sharing the learning at school.
Some of our families have shared stories about family recipes, special events and celebrations from their Tūrangawaewae, places and people they are connected to.
Mason and Maddison, Learning Communities Awa and Maunga
Thank you Mason and Maddison for sharing your story about Dia de Muertos .
Aiden, Learning Community Moana
My traditional dress is called Kurta(top) and Dhoti (bottom) and I wear it on the day of Onam. Onam is the harvest festival celebrated in the Indian state of Kerala where my parents are from. The festival goes by the myth … the king Mahabali, was a generous and legend ruler who had once ruled Kerala, is believed to visit the people in Kerala once in every year. On the day of Onam everyone wears the cultural costume, participates in varieties of games and eats food served on banana leaves.
Evelyn and Genevieve, Learning Communities Maunga and Awa
Evelyn and Genevieve shared their great grandmother’s scone recipe, written in her own hand. “It is a recipe that has been passed down to all of our family and one that we still frequently make. Both my girls have eaten and loved the scones!”
Eye on Nature Beautification Trust Learning
Eye on Nature is the Beautification Trust’s signature environmental education programme. Through action packed events, hands on activities and engaging lessons, Eye on Nature encourages tamariki and their whānau to connect with the environment and learn how to be more sustainable in everyday life. Every year they have a different theme, The Eye on Nature theme for 2022 is Incredible Kai.
Learning Community Maunga was very fortunate to be part of an interactive workshop looking at “bees”.
Why are bees important? presented by “The Bee Lady” .
Students learnt about pollination, bee conservation and food systems.
From the students … “I learnt that not all bees are the same. Some make honey and some don’t. When the students in Maunga tasted raw honey, my senses were not really feeling it. It tasted like sugar and salt together because we had it on a cracker. This probably made my sense of taste a little bit better. I would probably study more about bees so I can know a little more and maybe eat honey one more time.”
“We also made a candle out of wax. It was really fun and easy to make. I loved it. When I went home, I put my candle somewhere where everyone could see it. I put my candle in the lounge so when we do prayers we can use my candle.” by Chaesi Alosio
Upcoming School Events
School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Senior Students and Miss Lindstrom
Monday 4th April – online from 10am via the HTCPS Home Learning google site link
Reconciliation for senior students
Thursday 7th April – at school from 10:00am
Learning Community Ngahere online PARENT CAMP Meeting – Google Meet
Thursday 7th April 7:00pm -8:00pm
Footsteps Dance programme – for all classes
Friday 8th April 9:00am -11:45am
School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Awa
Monday 11th April – online from 10am via the HTCPS Home Learning google site link
Holy Week
Monday 11th – Thursday 14th April
HERO Online Digital Reporting
From Tuesday 12th April – student reporting comments posted on HERO
Stations of the Cross
Wednesday 13th – Thursday 14th April: Way of the Cross prayer reflection in Taamaua/Hall
Parish Priest, Fr James Mulligan visiting Learning Communities
Wednesday 13th April – at school 10:00am-11:30am
Term 1 Concludes
Thursday 14th April
Term 2 Commences
Monday 2nd May
sKids Holiday Programme

Upcoming Community Events