Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
As we complete our first full week of schooling for Term 1, we extend grateful thanks to the children and families for the way you are closely following the school guidelines in the Red Setting of the Covid Protection Framework.
As we work and journey together through these uncertain and challenging times, let us remain steadfast in prayer and in faith, asking for God’s blessings and protection especially for those most in need.
Now that we are in Phase 2 of the Red Setting, we must continue to follow the public health measures that are helping to keep us all safe and well:
If your child is unwell, please keep them at home
Students in Learning Communities Moana, Maunga and Ngahere are required to wear masks indoors.
Students in Years 1/2/3 are not required to wear masks but may do so if they wish.
Students do not need to be vaccinated to come to school although it is strongly encouraged.
Students do not require vaccine passes to be on the school site.
Students continue to sanitise regularly
Students continue to have regular planned outside breaks and activities throughout the day
Students are organised into ‘bubble’ groups within their Learning Community to support physical distancing
All school areas are well ventilated throughout the day. Our school has an extraction and fresh air ventilation system operating
All staff and visitors on site are required to wear masks indoors
Managing Cases of Covid-19 in Phase 2
The Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Health (MoH) have provided very detailed guidelines to schools to enable us to action and process the management of a school Covid-19 case at school:
We will be notified by the MoE/MoH or by families if our school is connected to a positive covid case. When this happens, we will:
Notify parent/families by HERO notification and by email
As soon as possible, school will identify close contacts and send information to families about what to do if your child/ren have been identified as a close contact
Close contacts will need to self isolate at home for 7 days and be tested on Day 5
Close contacts can return to school on their Day 8 if their Day 5 test is negative and they are symptom free
School will remain open for all other students
Students who are at home self isolating will be able to access the HTCPS Home Learning google site for distance/home learning
School will also work closely with the MoE for further support and guidance
It is very important that you check and read the HERO notifications as this remains as our main means of communication to our school families.
Teacher Only Day – Friday 25th February 2022
School will be closed for students on Friday 25th February. Teachers will be involved in the Religious Education/Health writing development of the HTCPS health curriculum. This will be the completion of our final task for the “Having Life to the Full” RE study work we have undertaken for the past year.
Please make alternative arrangements for your child/ren for this day – Friday 25th February.

The Teacher Only Days are part of the Primary Teachers Collective Agreement and are used for teacher professional learning and development. This means that schools can close on a day to allow for all teachers to attend various professional development.
In 2022 – Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School will be closed:
Writing of health curriculum sexuality education schoolwide programme – Term 1 Friday 25th February 2022
Planning programmes for target/accelerant students – Term 1 Friday 25th March 2022
Understanding Aotearoa NZ Histories through a catholic lens – Term 2 Friday 20th May 2022
Kāhui Ako/Community of Learning Day – Term 2 Friday 3rd June 2022
DRS Report
School Mass
Next week on Tuesday 22 February, our senior student bubbles from Learning Community Ngahere will be joining Father James Mulligan of St Mary’s Parish, Papakura for Eucharistic Mass in Taamaua/our school hall. Our Mass will commence at 11:15am and will be live streamed to the rest of the Learning Communities so that our whole school is able to gather together ‘virtually’ for this special Mass to begin the year.
Senior Students Retreat Day
On Thursday 24 January our senior students in Learning Community Ngahere will be spending the day on Retreat at St Francis Retreat Centre in Hillsborough. It will be a great day of reflection which sets the students up for the year ahead and focuses on collaboration to build kotahitanga/unity. We continue to pray for our seniors as they explore opportunities to grow as leaders within the school this year.
On the very same day, our students in Maunga will have a reflection day here at school. It is an opportunity for students new to the Learning Community, and those that have been there before to make new connections and prepare their journey of faith and learning together. Like Ngahere the day will be spent looking at effective ways we can enhance collaboration and build on kotahitanga/unity. The reflection day will be lead by Mr Malele and held here at school.
Ash Wednesday/Lent
Ash Wednesday falls on the 2nd of March this year and this marks the beginning of our Lenten journey. Lent is a special Season of the Church’s Liturgical year. It begins on Ash Wednesday where Catholics around the world attend a special liturgy where we are marked with the ashes on our foreheads. It is a period where we as Christians pray, fast and give. The 40 days of Lent are not literally 40, rather the number evokes all other uses of 40 in the Scriptures. Jesus fasted for 40 days as he prepared to porcelain the Good News. Long before Jesus, Moses and Elijah had their 40 days fasting. It rained on the earth and on Noah’s ark for 40 days and it took 40 years for the people of Israel to find their way to the Promised Land. We can say that the number 40 tells us that something important is about to take place. Lent is the period before Easter. I wonder….what is that significant event we are preparing for?
Mass for Bishop Lowe
Under the covid-19 protection framework, there will be a special Mass of installation this Saturday 19 February, to formally install Bishop Steve Lowe as the Bishop of the Auckland Diocese at 11:30am. This will be live streamed from St Patrick’s and St Joseph’s Cathedral in Auckland city. There will be two separate streams. The primary one for most people and a secondary one that will include the NZSL interpreters for those who have hearing impairment. This link will connect you to both streams:
Parish Bulletins
Click on the link to access St Anne’s Bulletin #4 – Sunday 20th February
Learning Community Meetings with Families – online!
Usually at this time of the year, we would be meeting with our families/whānau at a “Mahi Tahi Teachers/Parents/Students Working Together” time here at school but due to current covid-19 restrictions we are unable to meet in this way.
However, we are very keen to share Learning Community information with our families through online zoom meetings. We will be organising for these online meetings to take place in the week of Monday 28th Feb – Friday 4th March. Teachers/kaitiaki will prepare a powerpoint presentation with Learning Community information including teacher introductions, curriculum programmes, home learning expectations, routines, etc.
Please make sure, you take the opportunity to join in with these meetings – the meeting links will be sent out to families on HERO closer to the time.
Update on School Roll and Student Enrolment Numbers
Our school roll is now CLOSED as we will have reached our maximum roll of 300 by the end of the 2022 year. Any further school enrolments for the 2022 school year and beyond, need to be discussed with the school principal, Miss Lindstrom.
At Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, we believe that all children from Catholic families are entitled to a Catholic education. Ideally, we would like to enrol every Catholic child who wants to come to our school.
However, we are required to work within our maximum roll, which is stated in the school’s official Integration Agreement with the Ministry of Education. Currently, our maximum roll is set at 300. This means we are unable to exceed 300 students at any one time.
Our permanent buildings were constructed to cope with a maximum of 250 students and the two relocatable classrooms that are situated on the field, allow us to go to 300.
In communicating with the Catholic Diocese of Auckland regarding our growing roll and accommodation, we have been informed that there is no more funding at this time to provide additional accommodation to go beyond our maximum roll.
For enquiries regarding student enrolment, please contact the school office by email or phone 09 296 9039
It is really important that we know of all younger brothers and sisters that are commencing schooling with us in 2023. If you have little ones at home, please contact the school office to make a time to meet with Miss Lindstrom so they can be assured of a placement at Holy Trinity for when they are ready to start in 2023.
School Enrolment Guidelines
For the purpose of managing our maximum roll, the following guidelines will be adhered to process enrolments:
All new enrolment applications for siblings of current students to start during 2022, will need to meet with the Principal
All enrolment applications for 2023 must be submitted by 31 August 2022
Acceptance of these enrolment application will be dependent on the status of our existing maximum roll. Families will be notified of confirmation of enrolment acceptance by 30 September 2022 for the 2023 school year
Enrolments will be processed in the following order:
- Siblings of current students
- Siblings of former students
- Students who are a child of an employee of the Board or a child of a member of the Board of Trustees
- All other students
Provision will be made for unsuccessful applications to have their names recorded on a ‘waiting list’
Health & Safety
End of Day Traffic
With Covid restrictions in place, it was never going to be easy, but with your patience, help, assistance and support, we have managed to get our children into their respective vehicles safely.
Thank you to those families who stay in their vehicles as your child(ren) show us their independence and click themselves in. Thank you to those who hop out of their vehicles with masks on. Thank you to those who park on the surrounding streets and walk their way to the school and have kept a safe distance from the gathered children. Thank you to those that have staggered their time of arrival, so Airfield Road is not inundated with traffic. And a huge thanks to those who have paper signs on their windscreens to let kaitiaki know which child you have come to pick up – you’re all amazing!
All your efforts, help and support have ensured that we can get Airfield Road flowing and congested free. Whilst we continue to look at how we can make the end of day process better and safer with the help of Auckland Transport and the local Police, we’re are encouraged to have a supportive community whose patience we are blessed to have.
Learning Community News
Learning Community Awa
Learning Community Maunga
Maunga students have been unpacking tūrangawaewae: how tūrangawaewae enriches kotahitanga – unity. They created a treaty, sharing common goals to make Maunga an awesome LC.
Generated from rich small group discussions, students created a word wall, showcasing the importance and relevance to each person: culture; history; unity; experiences; diversity; taonga. As part of an oral language activity, students were challenged to use these words to explain their understanding. Students are using this vocabulary and understanding in their writing, learning to record, share and display their stories in different ways.
Curriculum News
We begin the year with the learning concept Tūrangawaewae. We want our students to understand that Tūrangawaewae is shaped by the connections we make with who we are, the important places and people in our lives that enrich kotahitanga.
The essential questions that will help us to unpack our learning further are: What shapes tūrangawaewae? How does tūrangawaewae enrich kotahitanga?
Sports News
Netball Opportunity at Holy Trinity!
Kia ora koutou HTCPS Netball Community!
It’s that exciting time of year where we start preparing for the Netball season for 2022.
If you are interested in your child(ren) playing netball, please register them using the link below. If you are also interested to help with your child’s netball team, please also register your details and select the ‘Star Helper‘ or ‘Volunteer‘ option for yourself. If you have never helped or coached before, don’t worry as you will attend a compulsory Future Ferns workshop led by Papakura Netball Centre (PNC) – there you will learn everything you need to know.
Link to register:
Registering your child does not confirm them playing this season. It allows me to see if there is enough children and parent help to make enough Teams to enter for the season. Last year, sadly we had to cancel 4 Teams due to the lack of Parent Help – so please, if you can help or have any questions, just let me know.
Because our games are held with PNC at Bruce Pulman, their conditions of entry to the facility and participation in any activity is with a Vaccine Pass. Children over 12 years and 3 months will also be required to show their COVID 12 Vaccine Pass.
Future Fern Netball Fees
Year 1 – 6 – $100 per child
Year 7 & 8 – $120 per child
Please wait for my confirmation of your child in a Team before you pay.
Fees due Wednesday 23rd March 2022. Your child’s fees must be paid for them to play, no exceptions. You can pay Fees at the School Office or through online banking to Holy Trinity Catholic Primary. If online banking, please reference ‘Netball’ and your child’s name.
Future Fern Season and Key Dates
- Year 1 – 4 – Saturday 7th May – Saturday 30th July 2022
- Year 5 – 8 – Saturday 20th April – Saturday 20th August 2022
- Year 5 – 8 – Grading Day – Saturday 2nd April 2022
- Year 5 – 8 – PNC Prizegiving – Saturday 27th August 2022
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Ngā mihi,
Ashton Vaitaki
Parent Volunteer – 022 197 5869
Now that we’re back and ready to learn, love and serve, we need to share with you a few reminders and expectations.
School Gates
Our gates will be open to the students from 8.30am. We ask that those that come early and before the opening time, remain seated on the bench area outside the Admin block.
School Stationery Orders
Office Max has informed school that they are running behind on delivery of stationery packs to families. Please don’t worry if your child hasn’t received their stationery yet – it will arrive before too long. In the meantime, we have stationery at school that children are able to use.
A reminder that stationery can be purchased though ‘OfficeMax’ on their MySchool website –
Type “Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School” in the search space.
Please click on the Year level and Learning Community that your child is in this year to access the stationery list requirements for 2022.
School Summer Uniform
Students are expected to wear the correct school uniform. This includes the short sleeved blouse or shirt, open toed black school sandals and the school sunhat. Please name all items of clothing so that they can be returned to the children immediately when found.
Students must wear their school hat when outside. If they don’t have their hat with them, then they play in the shaded areas during break times. They also need to bring a water drink bottle to keep hydrated throughout the day.
Treat Foods
Lollies, chocolate and chewing gum is not permitted at school. Please keep these food items for home time treats.
Litter from school lunches
As part of the strong emphasis on ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ programmes in schools, our children will be bringing home their morning tea and lunch litter/packaging etc in their lunchboxes. Thank you for supporting this initiative!
Caretaker Postion
Our dear Mr Quarterman is wanting to retire! He has been wonderful by continuing to work with us across the summer holiday period, but we are now needing to seek a new Caretaker to take on this role as soon as possible.
Position: Caretaker for 15 hours per week with responsibilities for property maintenance and repair and gardening care.
Please send letters of application to our school office – The start date will be immediate.
For further inquiries, please contact our School Office Administrator – Carmel Stewart ph: 09 296 9039
If you know of anyone who may be suitable for this position, please let them know to contact us here at school.
Positive parenting during COVID-19
To support mental health, resilience and emotional wellbeing for our tamariki and rangatahi, the Ministry of Health has partnered with Whāraurau to offer parents, whānau and caregivers free online versions of the Triple P: Positive Parenting Programme across the country.
Find out more about Triple P and register for programmes.
There are three free Triple P online programmes available to help positively support children to reduce anxiety, build emotional resilience and life skills and cope with challenges:
- Fear-Less Triple P Online – for parents and caregivers of children and teenagers (aged six to 14 years) who have significant anxiety
- Triple P Online – for parents with toddlers to 12-year-olds
- Teen Triple P Online – for parents with ‘tweens’ or teenagers aged 10 to 16 years.
These programmes will also provide whānau a toolkit to help them to guide behaviour positively and encourage children’s learning.
College Years!
Baradene College
BOOKINGS REQUIRED (opening 9.00am Monday 21 Feb)
Tour times: 9.00am, 10.00am, 11.00am, 12.30pm
Book at
Book your time by 3.00pm 1 March
Enrolments for Year 7, 2023 and for limited places in other Year levels are being accepted now and will close on Friday 18 March, 2022.
St Paul’s College
Upcoming School Events
School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Awa
Monday 21st February – online from 10am via the HTCPS Home Learning google site link
Beginning of the Year School Mass – online with Fr James Mulligan
Tuesday 22nd February – live streamed from11:15am in Taamaua/school hall
Year 7&8 Boostrix/Gardasil Talks
Wednesday 23rd February with CMDHB Public Health Nurses
Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 23rd February 6:00pm online
Learning Community Ngahere Retreat Day
Thursday 24th February 9am -2:30pm @ Franciscan Retreat Centre Hillsborough
Learning Community Maunga Reflection Day
Thursday 24th February 9am -2:30pm in Taamaua/school hall
TEACHER ONLY DAY – School closed for students
Friday 25th February
School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Maunga
Monday 28th February – online from 10am via the HTCPS Home Learning google site link
Learning Community Meetings for families/whānau – online evening meetings
From Monday 28th February – Friday 4th March online via zoom/google meet links
SHROVE Tuesday
Tuesday 1st March
Catholic Schools Dedication Mass – celebrated by Bishop Steve Lowe
Tuesday 1st March – streamed online from 4:00pm @ Christ the King Parish, Owairaka
ASH WEDNESDAY Liturgy – the beginning of the Lenten Season
Wednesday 2nd March – pre-recorded and online form 9:15am
Footsteps Dance programme – for all classes
Friday 4th March 9:00am -11:45am
Term 1 Concludes
Thursday 14th April
Upcoming Community Events
2022 Tots to Teens Information
2022 Tots to Teens digi-magazine is https://issue2202.totstoteens.
What’s in this issue for parents?
» Handling school drop-off
» Filling the lunchbox
» Making maths fun for kids is the trick
» How to manage attention-seeking behaviour
» Parent guide: Teaching kids to ride a bike
» Fears and phobias?
» The dyslexia checklist
and (as always) EPIC GIVEAWAYS
Ask your tamariki to find this issue’s Te Reo Māori words including wharekura, ngaunga, pahikara, tarawewehi, and tina
Thank you to everyone for supporting our new digital magazine, it means we are able to share our magazine with more kiwi parents and whānau, in a format that is super visual and phone user friendly (70% of your parents will be reading on their phone!).
We are proud to be Aotearoa’s favourite parenting magazine, with 550,000 free magazines distributed each year through schools, pre-schools, libraries and Plunket, for the last 19 years. We also distribute digital copies to over 5,000 New Zealand ECEs, primary and intermediate schools nationwide.