Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
As we light our first and second purple candles which symbolise hope and faith, on the Advent Wreath, let us pray …
” Jesus you are light even in dark places, shine hope into our hearts we pray”
Thank you to our fantastic community who have been united with us every step of the way in this unusual year! Along with the children and staff, you too are the heartbeat of Holy Trinity and we salute you for the many ways you have supported us throughout this particular year of challenge and change, of hardships and rewards, of problems and solutions, of compassion and kindness, of generosity and positivity – together we have continued to learn, love and serve as Holy Trinity people. We are very proud of you and are looking forward to all we can achieve together in 2022!
There are many people in our school community who enact our vision of SERVE Ka manaaki. On behalf of the school community, we acknowledge and thank …
Our Governance Team, the School Board – Philip, as Presider and our Board members who ably lead our school, who embrace and honour their respective governance roles and work tirelessly on our behalf.
Our PTFA for endeavouring to be so active! Although it has not been possible to action many of the community events this latter six months, we know the PTFA team will bring renewed energy and enthusiasm to 2022. Thanks to Laura Cooper and Michelle Porter who continue to lead the PTFA so brilliantly.
We give thanks for another year of Fr James Mulligan’s presence with us (and Fr Iosefa Euese for a short while) throughout this year. We are grateful for the love, care and spiritual guidance they share with us.
Finally …
May the promise of hope, peace, love and joy be with you this Christmas Season.
Wishing you all a Holy and Blessed Christmas and restful, relaxing and safe holidays!
Peta Lindstrom
End of Term School Days
Thank you for the great way you are continuing to support school during our ‘partial opening’ phase. Please note that Auckland Schools will keep their current organisation through to the end of the school year. This is a directive from the Ministry of Education. Therefore school days will remain as …
Next week:
8:50am – 2:50pm Monday 6th December and Tuesday 7th December – MacKillop and Aubert Whānau groups
8:50am – 2:50pm Wednesday 8th December/Thursday 9th December – Pompallier and Patrick Dunn Whānau groups
8:50am – 2:50pm Friday 10th December – ONLY essential workers children as pre arranged
There IS A CHANGE for the last week of school as we finish our school year on the 14th December. We want to be fair to all whānau groups and ensure we have a chance to farewell all our students who are attending school this term, therefore the days for the last week of school are …
Last week of school:
8:50am – 2:50pm Monday 13th December – MacKillop and Aubert Whānau groups
8:50am – 2:50pm Tuesday 14th December – Pompallier and Patrick Dunn Whānau groups
School CLOSES for the year on Tuesday 14th December at 2:50pm.
School REOPENS for 2022 school year on Thursday 3rd February 8:50am.
Congratulations …
Today, we celebrated a very special member of our support staff … Mrs Carolyn Harvey! Carolyn has reached an amazing milestone of having been in continuous service to education for the past 25 years! Carolyn spent her first 20 years working as a support staff member at St Anne’s Catholic Primary School in Manurewa before joining Holy Trinity School as a foundation staff member 5 years ago. We have been delighted to have Carolyn on board with us as she has shared her knowledge, wisdom and expertise as Librarian, Learning Assistant especially in leading the ESOL programme for the children (teaching english to speakers of other languages) and running our curriculum resource area. Carolyn is multi talented and has generously involved herself in sewing, quilting and embroidery for our school events! Thank You Carolyn for your dedication and commitment to school, for your love and care of the children and for your huge support of the teaching staff. Congratulations on a wonderful achievement!
DRS Report
During this season of preparation and waiting, we are reminded of the call to discipleship. As we prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ we work to make our world a peaceful and loving place, especially during these interesting times. One of our Advent companions is Mary, the mother of Jesus. She too waited for the birth of her son. What a time of joyous expectation. Let’s make a special effort to be signs that God is with us. This is what ‘Emmanuel’ means – “God with us”.
With expectant waiting
we anticipate your coming.
Come close to us, Lord,
come very close.
Come, Alpha and Omega,
who is from before the ages.
Come, Son of Joseph and Son of Mary,
who went down to Nazareth to be obedient to them.
Come, Morning Star,
who named the stars.
Come, carpenter from Nazareth,
who knows the smell of planed wood.
Come, Beloved Son of God,
who knows the heart of God.
Come, Son of Man,
who knows the hearts of God’s people.
Come, Lord of Life and Prince of Peace.
Come, Dayspring and Rising Sun.
Come, Wonderful Counsellor.
Come Emmanuel, God with us;
God very close to us.
-Ged Johnson/CAFOD
Sacramental Programme at St Mary’s Parish, Papakura
St Mary’s Parish in Papakura is now open for students who would like to be enrolled in the Sacramental Programme for 2022. All students enrolled must be 8 years old or older by May 6th 2022. If you would like to an enrolment form please email either St Mary’s Parish or Ana Silva at school.
St Mary’s Parish –
Ana Silva –
Christmas Nativity Community Video Sharing
On Thursday 9th December, we will be sharing a special Christmas pre-recorded video with some of our staff and families sharing what Christmas time means to them and the traditions they practise as a family during this special time. We thank all our whānau and staff who took part in this special video.
St Mary’s Parish, Papakura Mass Information
Mass & Liturgies in the traffic light system – It has now been confirmed that Auckland is to move to the “Red” light in the new Traffic Light system. In addition the limit on non “My Vaccine Pass” gatherings has been raised to 25, including all ministers. This is an increase from the 10 that we were originally planning on having. Also all indoor gatherings will require masks to be worn, regardless of whether “My Vaccine Pass” is used or not. These changes have been documented in an updated version of the Pastoral letter from Father James and has been published on the website in the “Covid Update” section here. A booking system for services will be available on the Parish website in due course.
God Bless,
St Mary’s Parish Papakura
Praise Giving
Next week, Tuesday and Wednesday (7th and 8th of December), students will participate in our 2021 Praise Giving here at school. Because of Covid restrictions in place, we will not be hosting our Praise Giving as we normally would.
For students in Aubert and MacKillop whānau , they will receive their certificates on Tuesday. For students in Pompallier and Patrick Dunn whānau, they will receive theirs on Wednesday. All this will happen within the safety of their Learning Communities (or in Taamaua) and it will be the students in those Learning Communities only.
Our teachers will record these presentations either as a video or a collection of photos, which will be collated and presented as a whole video to the Holy Trinity community on Friday the 10th of December. This video link will be made available through a HERO post.
Thursday 9th of December, a pre recorded video of our own Community sharing their traditional Christmas’ (as mentioned in the DRS report) will be made available for all to view through a HERO post.
Any queries or questions, please feel free to make contact with Andrew Malele
2022 Staffing and Learning Communities
Our staffing is confirmed for 2022 and the Learning Communities and kaitiaki/teachers have been organised as:
Learning Community Whenua – New Entrants/Year 1 students
Mrs Susan Champion, Miss Michaela Harvey, Ms Keryn Yip and Ms Rochelle Drollet (release teacher)
Learning Community Awa – Year 2/3 students
Mrs Mavis Chung, Mrs Lainee Davies and Mrs Danielle Clarivette
Learning Community Moana – Year 3/4 students
Miss Alana Gaynor, Miss Samantha Connery and Ms Laura Ahern with Mrs Maria Speechlay (release teacher)
Learning Community Maunga – Year 5/6 students
Mrs Lynn Rhodé and Miss Kirstie Gill with Mrs Mel Notley (release teacher)
Learning Community Ngahere – Year 6/7/8 students
Mrs Ana Silva and Mrs Aman Kaur with Mrs Mel Notley (release teacher)
2022 New Staff
We warmly welcome Keryn Yip and Danielle Clarivette as they join our 2022 teaching team. It is exciting for us to see our teaching team growing and we are very much looking forward to the contributions of each new staff member as together, we strive to provide effective teaching and learning programmes that best meets the needs of our children. Keryn is a parent of our school and has also been a relieving teacher for us so it’s wonderful to have someone so well known joining our staff. Danielle is currently teaching at Bishop Edward Gaines Primary School in Tokoroa and is shifting to Auckland later this month with her young family.
Farewell to 2021 Staff
We acknowledge and farewell Mrs Mel Notley who has been a very significant member of our school team. We are so thankful to have had Mel working alongside us in her kaitiaki role and for her sharing of gifts, talents and contributions made to our school community during her time as a Learning Community teacher for the senior students. Although Mel has stepped aside from teaching to spend more time with her family, she remains with us next year, 2022, in a part time role and will again be working with the senior students – we are so lucky!
Thank you to our School Staff!
Our staff is our best resource … our teaching staff AND our support staff (learning assistants, our office administrators, our caretaker) together, they form the backbone of our school and epitomise service, dedication, commitment, a passion for teaching and learning and a genuine care for our tamariki and our whānau. We thank you all for the way you have served with generous hearts especially during these past few months of home/school learning, covid-19 lockdown restrictions and uncertainties. We are so proud of you!
I especially mention our Senior Leadership Team, our Manutaki – Maria Speechlay, Andrew Malele, Ana Silva and Susan Champion for the way they have led alongside me and carried out their respective roles in this year of change and ups and downs. They have remained focussed, professional and positive throughout. Thank you team!
Stationery Requirements for 2022
We will be in touch with you very soon to confirm the learning community and year level that your child will be in next year, 2022. This information is essential for purchasing the correct stationery requirements for your child.
We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make getting school ready faster! Our back to school stationery lists are already loaded and ready to go on the OfficeMax MySchool website.
We encourage you to order early to ensure your child has all their stationery requirements ready to go in plenty of time for the start of Term 1. Don’t wait until mid-January, order now and avoid the back to school rush.
Laybuy* is also available, so you can pay in 6 weekly, interest-free payments – and still get your order right away.
It’s easy to shop online at Just search for our school, select your child’s class and/or subject lists and follow the instructions on the easy-to-use website.
If you prefer you can call the OfficeMax MySchool team on 0800 724 440 Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm.
OfficeMax makes it easy to get back to school ready with these great benefits
- Free delivery on orders over $46*
- Pay now or in easy instalments – internet banking, credit cards, debit cards or pay in 6 weekly, interest-free payments with Laybuy*
- School Rewards – when you shop on we earn rewards* that can be used to purchase extra resources for school
- Price match promise – shop with confidence, if you find a lower price OfficeMax will match it*
- Save valuable holiday time – avoid queues and busy shopping malls by shopping online from the safety and comfort of your home
* Terms & Conditions apply, see for details.
Learning Community News
Learning Community Awa
In Learning Community Awa, we have been settling back into school routine. It has been heartwarming to see the children so excited to see their friends.
The tamariki have been busy preparing for Christmas and learning about the coming of Jesus by making Advent wreaths, nativity scenes and a diorama of the manger.
We have been looking after our common home by using recycled materials to create all sorts of things. We spent 1 day painting our cardboard rolls and the next day they were dry. Yahoo! This meant we could cut them up and turn them into our chosen item. Some of us made a cake with candles, a few of the boys made planes, a couple of us made rabbit ears and someone made pirates, a zebra, a dog and a crocodile Snap! Snap! We had so much fun.
Learning Community Whenua
In LC Whenua we have been learning about cool and warm colours. We have created some amazing sun/moon artwork which we are very proud of. We have also been developing our science and engineering skills by creating rollercoasters out of paper. We had to make sure our rollercoasters stood up and an imaginary cart could go along the whole track. We loved making our rollercoasters.
Learning Community Moana
This week Learning Community Moana has been learning about Advent. We have learnt about the important symbols of Advent and their meaning. The Moana learners had lots of fun creating an Advent compliment wreath! They showed service by spreading joy in our bubble through the kind words they shared about each other.
Moana learners have also been enjoying the outdoors. They worked well collaboratively playing hockey and multi sports, they showed a lot of resilience when playing sports!
Learning Communities Maunga & Ngahere
This week, students have spent time exercising their creativity and reflecting on the importance of Advent – What are we preparing for? Who are we preparing for? Why are we preparing?
From Advent wreaths, pop up cards to completing set tasks, the students have settled into a work ethic that they have all missed whilst learning at home. Trey Hennessy claims that as much as it has been great being back at school, it has been even more rewarding seeing peers especially our outgoing Year 8’s.
Below are snapshots of some of our students’ work shared through their home learning pages.
- Frankie Aita sharing ways he will be a servant to others.
- Chelsea Winston sharing her book mark design.
- Jacob Cillo sharing his Christmas Art & Craft Design.
- Kaizer Wong sharing a puzzle site he found challenging and stimulating at the same time.
- Jahkobi Leung Wai sharing a literacy task about ‘Fake News.’
- Felix Anaua sharing a literacy worksheet he has done at home.
Summer School Uniform
In Term 1 2022, all students are expected to be in the correct summer school uniform. This includes the short sleeved blouse or shirt, open toed black school sandals and the school sunhat. Please name all items of clothing so that they can be returned to the children immediately when found.
Our School uniform is only available for purchase from NZ Uniforms on 5/20 Lambie Drive, Manukau.
All students are required to wear the correct school uniform for summer as listed below.
Girls Uniform
Tartan skort
Blue short sleeved monogrammed blouse (summer)
Black open toed school sandals (summer)
Navy bucket sun-hat monogrammed
Navy woollen monogrammed school jumper OR school jacket
Boys Uniform
Navy shorts
Blue short sleeved monogrammed shirt (summer)
Black open toed school sandals (summer)
Navy bucket sun-hat monogrammed
Navy woollen monogrammed school jumper OR school jacket
Upcoming School Events
Aubert and MacKillop whānau students return to school
Monday 6th Dec and Tuesday 7th Dec AND Monday 13th Dec
Aubert and MacKillop whānau
Tuesday 7th Dec Praise-giving Liturgy and certificate presentations
Pompallier and Patrick Dunn whānau students return to school
Wednesday 8th Dec and Thursday 9th Dec AND Tuesday 14th Dec
Pompallier and Patrick Dunn whānau
Wednesday 8th Dec Praise-giving Liturgy and certificate presentations
Essential workers students return to school by arrangement
Mondays to Fridays AND Monday 13th Dec and Tuesday 14th Dec
Pre-recorded School Gathering Liturgy and Assembly – led by Mr Malele
Monday 6th Dec 10am on HTCPS Home Learning Google site
Cultural/Traditional Christmas /Nativity stories shared by pre-recorded video
Thursday 9th December
School Praise-giving shared by pre-recorded video
Friday 10th December
School Digital Reporting shared on HERO
Friday 10th December
Pre-recorded School Gathering Liturgy and Assembly – led by Mrs Champion
Monday 13th Dec 10am on HTCPS Home Learning Google site
Term 4 2021 concludes at 2:50pm
Tuesday 14th December @ 2:50pm
Term 1 2022 commences
Thursday 3rd February 2022 @ 8:50am
Upcoming Community Events