Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
During these next few days, we have the opportunity to pause, reflect and reconnect with our God through the various Holy Week and Easter liturgies, Masses and services happening in our parish communities. We hope you are able to take time to celebrate this very special time in the Church year with your families as we welcome the gift of love and hope that is our Christian faith.
On Good Friday, we pray for all those “nailed” into hopeless situations, that through our concern and efforts, hope will dawn for all again. On Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday, we pray that we joyfully proclaim the good news of the resurrection through our own lives.
A Family Easter prayer to pray together …
Let us pray,
God of all, continue to walk with us as we journey through this Easter Tridumm.
Help us to keep you in our hearts as we remember Jesus’ dying and rising again.
Help our own hearts to burn and overflow with joy and love.
Help us to be a living family, alive with faith, joy and service of being your disciples.
Help us to love you more and more each day so that everyone else will love you too.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
DRS Report
Holy Week
This last week of Lent is known as Holy Week. It is when Christians remember the last week of Jesus’ life and is the most important time in the Christian year. We will be attending many church services and processions. During this time, we are called to pray and worship together as a community, for we are the Church and the Church is us!
Holy Week began last Sunday with Palm Sunday which is both a happy and sad day. As disciples of Christ, we sing praise, shouting ‘Hosanna’ and welcome Jesus as he enters Jerusalem on a donkey. Yet at the same time we are saddened by the knowledge that our Lord’s suffering and death is drawing near.
Holy Thursday is the night before Jesus’ death. Jesus had a final meal with his friends and then he surprised his friends by washing the feet of every person, a task that was normally done by a servant. He wanted to show his followers that they should love one another in humble ways, through service and acts of kindness.
Later in the meal, which is known as ‘The Last Supper’, Jesus passed around bread and wine. The bread was ‘his body broken for them’ and the wine was ‘his blood shed for them’. Jesus told them that he was going to die and that when they share bread and wine, they should remember him. Christians share bread and wine at their church services all year round, but it is even more special on Holy Thursday. Again, Jesus also told his friends that they should love one another. It was later on this night that Judas betrayed Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Stations of the Cross
Today our school gathered as a faith community and ended our day by journeying together with Jesus as we reflect and walk the ‘Way of Pain’ that Jesus walked on that Good Friday. We reflect on the suffering of our Lord as he was condemned to death by Ponticus Pilate, made to carry his cross to Calvary where he breathed his last and died on the cross for us all. His death on the cross saved us all. What a profound love that Jesus has for us and what a beautiful reminder to continue to live out this very same love each day!
For those of you who couldn’t make today’s liturgy, we have put a liturgy video together for you on our School Youtube Channel. That way, you can celebrate this amazing story of sacrifice and undying love together as a family. Click HERE to watch the video.
Last week, on Tuesday 23 March our Yr 7/8 students travelled to St Mary’s School in Papakura for a combined Reconciliation Liturgy with Father Iosefa Euese and Father James Mulligan. It was a beautiful occasion where our students experienced the love of their merciful God. It was also an opportunity to make connections with students from our local Catholic community school.
We were also very lucky to have had Father Rob Devlin from St Anne’s Manurewa, who came in to lead the Sacrament of Reconciliation with our Yr 5/6 students in our school hall (Taamaua) this week. Reconciliation is a healing Sacrament that restores our personal and communal relationship with God and with each other. It’s a humbling Sacrament that brings us closer to God and helps us to prepare for the coming of Easter to welcome our Risen Lord with open hearts.
Papakura Community Dinner
Last week on Tuesday 23 March, some of our Yr 7/8 students volunteered an hour of their time to serve their local community at the Papakura Community Dinner. It was amazing to see them show kotahitanga/unity by working together to welcome, organise, serve and clean up at the Dinner afterwards. Special thanks to our families who supported our children in their community outreach. Learning Community Maunga will be serving at the Community Dinner on Tuesday 27 April. We encourage our students to live out our vision statement of “Learn, Love and Serve in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Easter Liturgy & Commissioning of Student Leaders
When we return back to school from the Easter holidays on Wednesday 7 April, we will be gathering as a school community to celebrate our Easter liturgy in Taamaua/school hall at 9:00am. It will be a joyous occasion where we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will also be commissioning our school leaders for 2021. Father James Mulligan of St Mary’s Papakura will be there to witness and bless our leaders as they are sent forth to serve in their roles for this year. May our Risen Lord continue to guide them as they embrace and grow as leaders and role models of our school.
Holy Week Parish Mass Times
St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa
Holy Thursday 1st April – 7:00pm Mass
Good Friday 2nd April – 3pm Liturgy – Veneration of the Cross
Easter Vigil Saturday 3rd April – 7:30pm Mass
Easter Sunday 4th April – 8:00am, 10:00am, 7:00pm (Regular Mass Times)
Good Friday 2nd April
Easter Holiday Dates
A reminder that school will be closed for Good Friday (2nd April), Easter Monday (5th April) and Easter Tuesday (6th April).
EASTER HOLIDAYS: Friday 2nd April to Tuesday 6th April.
Generally the Easter holiday period falls during the April end of term holidays. However, this year we return to school on Wednesday 7th April with Term 1 concluding on Friday 16th April.
SKIDs (Before and After School Care and Holiday programmes) will be open on Tuesday 6th April and operating from Taamaua/school hall. Please contact Rose King 021 289 9939 or for further information.
PTFA School Fun Run Information
On Friday April 9th from 4pm-6pm, we are holding our School Fun-Run at school, as a major fundraising event! We’re holding it to raise much needed money for our Sacred Space project – an outdoor prayer garden and Mary Grotto.
It’s not too late!
We know there have been a few parents who have been experiencing some issues with the system over the last couple of weeks. We can assure you those have all been fixed now. Currently we’re still a long way from our goal, so we need everyone to pull together to help. The easiest way to help your child raise money is through online fundraising. Go to, create a student profile page and share your online fundraising link via Text Message, Email and Social Media.
If you are currently fundraising, THANK YOU! We hope you will continue to share your link and fundraising for the school.
Cash Donations:
Students will be able to fundraise until the 12th of April, so please make sure you keep sharing your link after the event. If you have raised cash for the school, please ensure you bring it – along with the back panel of the sponsorship form – back to the school office before the end of term.
On top of raising more money for the school, students who raise just $10 will be able to choose a prize! They can start ordering from the 12th of April right through until the end of the school holidays. Remember, ordering online is the best way to ensure you get what you’d like, so please get online – even if all your money is raised cash.
About the School Fun Run Afternoon:
The School Fun-Run is all about FUN! Your children will get to come on the day and run with their fellow classmates, friends and students… sometimes even the teachers get involved! This will be one of the most exciting days on our school’s calendar, with everyone’s participation the aim, so please make sure they attend on the day and cheer the other kids on!
What should my child wear to the event?
Wear something white or light in colour, that you don’t mind getting dirty to get the maximum effect of the colour run! Always remember to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide!
What should my child bring to the event?
A few things you should pack are:
- A Water Bottle
- Hat
- A Change of Clothes
- Sunscreen
- A Towel
Kind regards
Laura Cooper and Michelle Porter
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School
Parent, Teacher & Friends Association
Upcoming School Events
Many thanks to those wonderful families that have got behind their child(ren) to support us in our bid to raise money for our school. Friday April the 9th, from 4pm to 6pm is when it will all go down! There will be lots of water, exploding colours, fun obstacles to navigate through and under, and music to keep the ‘fun’ going for all. There will be raffles on offer, food and drinks you can buy, and Mr Whippy who will answer any scream for ice cream!
We have two weeks left for our students to continue their fundraising efforts. We’ve been very impressed with the enthusiasm of our students and the amount of money that has been collected. All our students efforts will go towards our special Sacred Space (Prayer Garden), that we hope to have a Grotto in, to honour a statue of Our Lady. So for those who haven’t yet started – it is not too late! Unlike other fundraisers, students are rewarded for their efforts in return – a prize best suited to the amount of money raised. This could range from a cup of gooey slime to a bluetooth headphone set!
Many thanks to the PTFA for this mammoth undertaking and many thanks to those of you who continually support our very lucky school. We look forward to the event, and we hope to see you all there!

Michelle Porter and Laura Cooper as Co-Chairpersons
Clair Kent and Eloisa Floresca as Co-Secretaries
Fiona Rudsits as Treasurer
Thank you all for putting your hand up for these significant roles, for offering your knowledge, experience, expertise and most of all your enthusisiam. We know we are in very good hands with such a great team at the helm! THANK YOU!
Second hand uniform shop:
Our second hand uniform shop opens Friday 9th April from 8:30 – 9:30am in the staffroom! Thank you to Fiona for all your hard work putting this together.
Fun Run:
We have a wonderful School Fun Run event planned, thank you to those who have volunteered to help on the day. A reminder to please bring any water guns you have at home to the Fun Run Event, and if you’re able to donate any non-perishable grocery items for our raffles, please bring them into the school office.
Important dates:
Fun Run Event
Friday 9th April from 4pm – 6pm
Next PTFA Meeting
Scheduled for 25th May at 7:30pm
Matariki Children’s Disco
Proposed date: Friday 18th June
Community Whānau/Fono Meeting
Community Feedback
Learning Community News
Learning Community Awa
In LC Awa, we have been learning about the season of Lent. Over the last week our focus has been on the Stations of the Cross and Holy Week.
As a whole school each Learning Community was assigned a couple of stations to re-enact. Our children re-enacted the sixth station where ‘Jesus stumbles and Veronica wipes His face’ as He continues the ‘Way of Pain’. We moved onto the eleventh station where ‘Jesus is nailed to the Cross’. These stations make up part of a collaboration of fourteen stations which were shared with the school and whanāu in Taamaua on Holy Thursday. A wonderful way to start the Easter Triduum.
The tamariki have been using Art as a way of enhancing their learning about Palm Sunday, The Last Supper and Easter.
Curriculum News
Northern Stars Players
We were fortunate enough to have Maia Wilson, Elle Temu and Lisa Mather from the Northern Stars Netball Team recently speak at Assembly this term. They were able to share with our students and staff, as professional sportspeople, about the importance of Hauora/Well Being and how Hauora/Well Being might influence our lives.
Afterwards, they spent some time working with our school netball teams teaching them some fun netball drills. It was wonderful that they were able to visit and share their expertise and talents with our students. We wish them all the best for a successful 2021 ANZ Premiership campaign.
Hauora News

Reminders …
2021 School Dates
Term One Tuesday 2nd February – Friday 16th April
Term Two Monday 3rd May – Friday 9th July
Term Three Monday 26th July – Friday 1st October
Term Four Monday 18th October – Tuesday 14th December
School Holidays 2021
EASTER Friday 2nd April to Tuesday 6th April
End Term One – Saturday 17th April – Sunday 2nd May includes ANZAC Day Sun 25th April
End Term Two – Saturday 10th July – Sunday 25th July
End Term Three – Saturday 2nd October – Sunday 17th October
2021 Teacher Only Days – School Closed
As part of the Primary Teachers Collective Agreement, there are days that schools can use for Teacher professional learning and development. This means that schools can close on a day to allow for all teachers to attend various professional development.
In 2021 – Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School will be closed:
Friday 28th May – South Auckland Catholic Schools Community of Learners Seminar Day
Friday 25th June – RE/Health Seminar “Having Life to the Full” Day 3
Monday 23rd August – RE/Health Seminar “Having Life to the Full” Day 4
One further date is still to be confirmed. Further notice of these dates will be given closer to the time.
St Vincent de Paul Community News
St Mary’s Papakura, St Vincent de Paul Society news
Our store, “Vinnies Boutique”, 275A Great South Road Papakura is G-R-O-W-I-N-G!!! We are delighted to have gained the additional space of the shop next door, formerly Small Business Accounting. This will enable us to receive donations of small furniture items for sale, as well as our current stock range, and to increase our ability to assist our wider community.
Official opening and blessing on TUESDAY 13TH APRIL, 10AM, followed by morning tea. All welcome.
Your prayers, support and donations are greatly appreciated.
Up Coming School Events
Friday 2nd April – Tuesday 6th April SCHOOL CLOSED
School EASTER Liturgy and Assembly – led by Miss Lindstrom
Wednesday 7th April 8:50am in Taamaua/School Hall
Commissioning of 2021 Student Leaders (with Easter Liturgy)
Wednesday 7th April 8:50am in Taamaua/School Hall
Footsteps Dance programme
Friday 9th April 9:00am -11:45am in Taamaua/school hall
Friday 9th April 4:00pm – 6:00pm on the school field
School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Ngahere
Monday 12th April 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall
Community Meeting – Whānau/Fono Hui for Māori and Pacific Families
Wednesday 14th April 6:00pm – 8:00pm in Taamaua/school hall
Footsteps Dance programme – continues for all classes
Friday 16th April 9:00am -11:45am in Taamaua/school hall
Term 1 Concludes
Friday 16th April
Term 2 Commences
Monday 3rd May
Job Vacancies
St Anne’s Parish, Manurewa – Are You Our Next Operations Manager?
Do you have what it takes to lead in one of NZ’s biggest, busiest, and most active parishes?
St Anne’s Manurewa is looking for a highly capable and motivated Parish Operations Manager for 22 hours per week, including some evening meetings. See the full job description and a link to the online application on our website: Apply today and become part of the close-knit, hands-on team at the heart of the St Anne’s Catholic Parish.
Manager – Ministries to Young People Role
The Catholic Diocese is seeking a full time person for the role of Manager – Ministries to Young People. This role is responsible for ensuring a collaborative outreach to young people in the Diocese, to provide a clear direction and coordinated approach of Catholic ministry to young people. To deliver the goals of the Diocesan Mission Map, particularly those under the priority to build up the spirituality of our young people.
This position will work with and alongside Auckland Youth and Young Adults Ministry, Tertiary Chaplaincy, Parish and Faith Communities, DRS and School Chaplains to build the spirituality of young people.
For more details, and a full position description, please visit the Diocesan website
Applications close 9 April 2021
Upcoming Community Events
SH1 Papakura to Drury South Project
The first stage of the SH1 Papakura to Drury South project will begin construction on 6 April following the award of a contract to widen the Southern Motorway between Papakura to Drury. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has announced Fulton Hogan as its construction contractor.
The first stage of construction covers works within the existing motorway boundaries from the north side of Papakura interchange to the south side of the Drury motorway service centre.
Key features of this first stage include:
An additional third lane in each direction and wide shoulders for future bus services
The replacement of the Park Estate Road overbridge
A new noise wall on the eastern side of the motorway between Papakura Interchange and Park Estate Road
The upgrade of three culverts crossing under the motorway between Papakura Interchange and Park Estate Road
Treatment of all stormwater coming off the motorway (as currently there is none in this area).
Please click on the link below for additional information:
NZ Transport SH1 Papakura to Drury South and SH1 Papakura to Drury South Project