Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
Welcome back to Term 4 and a very warm welcome to new families who have joined our school community this week. We are looking forward to an actioned packed term ahead with many school activities and events planned for all to participate in! This term culminates our learning from across the year and as Kaitiaki/Teachers, we have been talking with the students about using their learning time to really strive to achieve their learning goals whether it be academic improvement, developing self-management skills, participating and contributing positively, building resilience, etc so that we all finish the year proud of our achievements and successes!
Recently we have had some very positive feedback about our school which is wonderful to hear and to be very proud about! It is something that we can all rejoice in as we grow together as a school whanau and work in partnership to be a school community that is always a place of faith, hope and love.
Here is a lovely reflection about Faith that sums it all up … by James B. Lyons
Sometimes someone believed
enough to plant and to build.
Others agreed and shared
and spread the seeds of faith.
Vision and pride marked out a space and said here will
grow our faith.
But faith persists beyond all
Space and know no bonds
or bounds!

Filipino Fiesta Day
Our wonderful Filipino Community is sharing their culture, language, customs and rituals with us in a Filipino Fiesta celebration on Friday 26th October. This is a great learning opportunity for our staff and students as we gather together to learn about the unique and special culture of our Filipino families. THANK YOU to the many parents and children who are involved – THANK YOU for your generous gift of “culture and language” that helps to grow us a community that truly celebrates diversity! We are looking forward with great excitement to the festivities that commence on Friday 26th October at 9am in Taamaua.
End of Year Dates
The end of the year is fast approaching! Please note these important schools dates so that you don’t miss out on any of the activities and events leading up to the end of term. We will advise immediately if there are any changes.
Thursday 1st November All Saints Day Mass 11:00am @ school
Friday 2nd November All Souls Day Liturgy 2:15pm @ school
Wednesday 28th November Whole School Athletics Day
Tuesday 4th December Mahi Tahi “Working Together” Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
1:30pm – 7:30pm
Friday 7th December Praise-giving Awards 1:30pm @ school
Monday 10th December Family picnic and Nativity Liturgy celebrations 5pm @ school
Wednesday 12th December End of Year Mass/Leavers acknowledgement 9am @ school

Term One Thursday 31st January – Friday 12th April
Term Two Monday 29th April – Friday 5th July
Term Three Monday 22nd July – Friday 27th September
Term Four Monday 14th October – Monday 16th December
School Holidays
Saturday 13th April – Sunday 28th April includes …
GOOD FRIDAY Friday 19th April
EASTER Sunday 21st and Monday 22nd April
ANZAC DAY Thursday 25th April
Saturday 6th July – Sunday 21st July
Saturday 28th September – Sunday 13th October
Attendance Dues Payment Information
Attendance Dues invoices for Term 4 2018 will be sent by email to families on Tuesday 23rd October. If you have already paid the full amount for the 2018 Attendance Dues then you will not receive an invoice. Term 3 receipts will be issued for all payments this coming week and Term 4 receipts will be issued at the end of Term 4.
Please note that there are 3 options for payment.
- Full amount paid by Internet Banking to ASB school account – details on the invoice
- Automatic Payment to be set up via internet banking to ASB school account
- Payment can be made at the school office – cash or Eftpos
Please see Jennifer Quarterman (Office Administrator) or Peta Lindstrom (Principal) in the strictest confidence if you have any concerns or questions regarding the payment of Attendance Dues.
The Auckland Common Fund Ltd Hardship Scheme is available to help with the payment of attendance dues where families face financial hardship. It is a means of helping parents and caregivers who have a real and just need. Please contact Peta Lindstrom (Principal) if you require further information in regards to the scheme.

School Photos will be taken on Wednesday 31st October at school. Students are requested to be neat and tidy in their correct school summer uniform.
If families would like siblings to be taken together as a family group photo, then please collect the necessary form from the school office. Family photo request forms need to be signed by parents/caregivers.
Flyers explaining the online ordering system will be given to the students on Tuesday 23rd October to bring home for families to read to enable purchasing of photos on line.
School Summer Uniform
Students are expected to be in the correct school uniform from Tuesday 23rd October, Term 4. This includes the short sleeved blouse or shirt, open toed black school sandals and the school sunhat. Please name all items of clothing so that they can be returned to the children immediately when found.
Our School uniform is only available for purchase from NZ Uniforms on 20/5 Lambie Drive, Manukau.
All students are required to wear the correct school uniform for summer as listed below.
Girls Uniform
Tartan skort
Blue short sleeved monogrammed shirt (summer)
Black open toed school sandals (summer)
Navy bucket sun-hat monogrammed
Navy woollen monogrammed school jumper
Boys Uniform
Navy shorts
Blue short sleeved monogrammed shirt (summer)
Black open toed school sandals (summer)
Navy bucket sun-hat monogrammed
Navy woollen monogrammed school jumper

Policy and Procedures
It is always good practice at the beginning of each term to inform parents and community of the appropriate channel to share concerns or worries. Schools are required to have a Complaints Policy in place. The purpose is to provide clear guidelines for the school community in raising and resolving concerns and complaints.
These procedures enable us to:
- maintain the best learning environment for our students
- resolve matters of concern early, if possible
- respond to feedback and concerns constructively
- deal with complaints fairly, effectively, and promptly
- take into account individual circumstances
- maintain confidentiality
- preserve school/community relationships and communication
- monitor and record complaints and concerns about student safety.
Most complaints can be resolved informally by discussions with the people concerned.
- Discuss the issue with the right person.
- Work towards a resolution.
School policies and procedures are held online with SchoolDocs.

DRS News
Holy Rosary
During the month of October, our school has been lucky enough again to welcome the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to be with us for the month of the Holy Rosary. We began our week with the special Rosary prayers which we pray to Mary our Mother, to intercede for us and pray for us. Our Lady has been set up in the Library and during this month, each Learning Community will be visiting her and praying the rosary prayers for the mysteries of each day. You are welcome to come early before school finishes and pray the rosary in the Library.
Mission Market Day
On Wednesday 24 October our students will be running a Mission Market Day to raise money for The Sisters of Our Lady of the Mission. The Mission Sisters work alongside and support those who are vulnerable, neglected and marginalised in our world today. Their ministries cover areas such as education, social development, health and pastoral work. So come along, bring some coins and join in the fun filled activities and challenges that our students have planned and prepared for the day. This will start at 1pm in the court area of the school.

All Saints Day Mass
You are invited to join us for All Saints Day Mass to be held in Taamaua (hall) at 11am on Thursday 1 November. Father Peter Murphy of St Mary’s Parish in Papakura, will be celebrating Mass for us. Our students will be participating in our school Mass.
Baptism Classes
This term, Father Peter Murphy of St Mary’s Parish Papakura and Father Brian Prendeville of St Anne’s Parish Manurewa, will be working together to run Baptism Programmes at school for the children who wish to begin their faith journey in the Catholic Church. There will be more information coming out later in the term. Any questions or queries please contact the school office to speak with Mrs Silva.

Parish Sacramental Programmes
If you are interested in signing your child up for the Sacramental programmes, the registration forms are now available at the Parish offices.
St Anne’s Parish Manurewa – (09) 266 5826
St Mary’s Parish Papakura – (09) 298 5134
Learning Communities
Learning Community Whenua
During the term break, Whenua children were very busy being Holy Trinity Special Service Agents. They had to complete a variety of acts of Service and then come up with their own activities. This was to encourage conversations and learning about Service during the holiday and to help them develop further their knowledge and understandings around Service.
First week back at school and the children have proudly shared their acts of service with everyone. We were amazed at how the acts of service were presented through the use of photos, drawings, story writing and then shared orally in class. A special thank you to our wonderful parents who worked alongside their children to help capture this journey. Ka pai rawe e te whānau!

Learning Community Maunga
This term, Learning Community Maunga will be taking part in a Healthiest School pedometer challenge. Students will receive red pedometers to wear and track their physical activity. They will be logging their steps and trying to make it all around the world! Students can log in to the website (‘how to’ info sent home with students) and see how far they have travelled.
Year 5&6 Turbo Touch Tournament
There will be a Turbo Touch tournament for our Year 5&6 students in Week 3 on Thursday 1st November (Save Day 5th November). The location is currently not organised. We finished second in this tournament last year and are looking to do just as well this year! There will be a separate Year 5 and Year 6 grade with mixed teams of boys and girls. More information to come in a notice to those students participating.

School Athletics
This term, our Physical Education focus will be on the athletics skills of RUN, JUMP, THROW. We will be practising our skills over the term ready to showcase what we have learnt at our School Athletics Day. We are currently looking at Week 7, Wednesday 28 November (date could change). More information about this day to come later in the term.
Year 7&8 Inter-school Athletics
Holy Trinity has 9 students entered into Year 7&8 Athletics Inter-school event. It will be held at Massey Park in Papakura next Thursday. Good luck to our competitors – give it 100%! The students involved will have received a notice with more details.
Where: Massey Park Athletic Track, Papakura
When: Thursday October the 25th
Time: 09.10am – 2.30pm
First Track Event starts at 9.30am.
Year 5&6 Interschool Athletics
On the 13th of November, the Papakura cluster Year 5&6 Interschool athletics event will be held. Students have not yet been chosen or registered interest. This falls in our swimming week – so some families will need to make a choice between athletics and swimming lessons. More information to come later in term.
As stated in the notice sent out last term, the whole school will be heading to Massey Park Pools in Papakura to engage in swimming lessons. We have had to make a change to the programme due to the likelihood of teacher strike action in that week.
We are now looking to begin swimming on Tuesday 13th November and finish the following Monday, the 19th of November. The lessons will cost $15, which you can pay at the school office as soon as possible.
More information about swimming will be coming out in the next few weeks regarding equipment needed and a finalised timetable.

Weetbix Kiwikids TRYathlon
The Weetbix TRYathlon is happening in December ( Week 8 – 5 December) at Mountfort Park, Manurewa this year and Holy Trinity is creating a school group to participate. This gives participants access to a group discount rate and to win special spot prizes.
This is a great event for kids to be involved in a fun event. All participants receive a medal, shirt, bag and swim cap, breakfast and a certificate.
Triathlon events involve three events: swimming, biking and running. There are two ways to participate – individually or as a team of two – all the details are on the tryathlon website. Make sure you sign up using the Holy Trinity link below.
If you are keen to participate, first decide if you would like to enter alone or as a team, then head to https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?E=31830&G=68674 to sign up.
Make sure you join our school group: Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School. All admin and payments are made through the Weetbix website.
St John’s First Aid
On Friday, 19th October, we had a St John’s First Aid teacher in at school, teaching us about how to respond to emergencies safely. Below is a list of the lesson objectives. Over the weekend, have a chat with your child about what we should do in an emergency situation. These are great life skills for students to learn and relates well to our Service Concept – nurses, doctors, paramedics and people who know first aid are able to serve the community by helping injured and sick people.
Emergency Smart – Year 1/2
– Identify and describe the three different emergency services
– Recognise and match emergency scenarios with the correct services
– State the NZ emergency services phone number
– Describe and recognise medical equipment that an ambulance officer may use or wear in caring for patients
Emergency Ready – Year 3/4
– Correctly identify and describe three different emergency services
– Recognise and match emergency scenarios with the correct service
– Demonstrate the correct way to dial 111
– Outline appropriate responses questions from operator when calling 111
Emergency Responder – Year 5/6
– Demonstrate the assessment of patients using DRSABC and take appropriate actions
– Describe appropriate responses to a variety of situations requiring first aid
Emergency First Aider – Year 7/8
– Demonstrate the assessment of a patient using DRSABC and take appropriate action
– Demonstrate the appropriate responses for an unconscious patient and perform effective CPR
– Describe appropriate responses to a variety of situations requiring First Aid

New Zealand ShakeOut!
On Thursday 18th October, we held our earthquake drill alongside almost 1 million other New Zealanders across the country. Students practised the three skills needed …
Everyone did a great job, quickly heading under tables for cover and then waiting until the ‘shaking’ stopped. Even Mrs Quarterman in the office got to safety under the desk! Well done everyone. If you want more information to help at home visit the ShakeOut website at www.shakeout.govt.nz

Kids for Kids Choir
Our students are really excited and looking forward to participating in the Kids for Kids Choir this year with Kiwi entertainer, Jackie Clarke and musician Nathan King. This year’s Kids for Kids is all about celebrating the ‘Kiwi As’ spirit and students will be singing some of the best of Kiwi music with students from local schools.
Th school choir will perform on Wednesday 14th November at the Sir Woolf Fisher Vodafone Events Centre, 770 Great South Rd, Manukau City, 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Tickets are on sale and available from www.eventfinda.co.nz/2018/kids-for-kids-kiwi-as/auckland/manukau-city
Calendar ART
At the moment students are creating their own artwork that will be made into calendars for next year. What a wonderful unique gift for special celebrations especially birthdays and Christmas for families and friends. We don’t want you to miss out so please read the Linc-ed Community notices for more information regarding this and how you can order your child’s 2019 calendar.

Upcoming School Events
School Assembly and Prayer – Learning Community Whenua leading
Tuesday 23rd October 8:50am in Taamaua/Hall
Kāhui Ako Catholic Principals Meeting at Holy Trinity
Wednesday 24th October 8:30am – 11:30am
Mission Market Day
Wednesday 24th October 1:00pm – 1:30pm
Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 24th October 7pm in the school staffroom
PTFA Monthly Meeting
Thursday 25th October 7pm in the school staffroom
Filipino Fiesta Day
Friday 26th October 9:00am – 10:30am in Taamaua/Hall
School Assembly and Prayer – Learning Community Awa leading
Monday 29th October 8:50am in Taamaua/Hall
Wednesday 31st October
Thursday 1st November 11am in Taamaua/Hall
Yr 5/6 Turbo Touch Tournament
Thursday 1st November
Friday 2nd November 2:15pm in Taamaua/Hall
With God’s Blessings
Peta Lindstrom
Community Events
Rosehill Raptors Advert
Get Balling with the Rosehill Raptors, Papakura. Learn the fundamentals of Basketball with coaches in a fun environment. The Raptors are looking for teams and players that want to improve and represent Papakura. We are looking for keen year 3 through to year 8 students to compete in the tournaments throughout the year and local leagues.
When: Thursday Afternoons – every Thursday of the school term, starting week 2 of each term
Time: 3:45 – 4:45 (Year 3-5) 4:45 – 5:45 (Year 6 – 8)
Where: Rosehill Sport Centre (Rosehill College)
Cost: Free
For more information check out the Raptors Facebook page
Papakura Athletics and Harriers Club
Just a heads up with what’s happening at Papakura Athletics and Harriers Club based at Massey Park, Papakura. Either you and your family might be interested. Or you know of whanau in the greater Papakura/Takanini area who would be keen. Please share this with them.
- The Summer season has begun! Club nights on Wednesday starting at 5.45pm for Tiny Tots (0 – 5 years) and Juniors (6 – 14 years) at 6.30pm. Check out our PAHC FB page and websitewww.pahc.co.nz for more info.
- In fact this season we have a host of specialist coaches helping and mentoring our athletes. See below and finally…
- Event Fundraiser for the club with NZ’s leading mental performance coach – David Niethe. Friday Oct. 26th, 7 – 9.30pm. Details below. All profits go to the club and in turn help our tamariki in the community. Hope to see you there!