Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
At our Gathering Prayer and Assembly this week, Learning Community Awa students led us in reflecting on the Gospel story of the Transfiguration which was celebrated in the Church Masses on Sunday. This story focuses on the Father’s words “This is my Son … Listen to Him,” reminding us that it is important that we listen to the teachings of Jesus. At times we can be like the disciples … Peter, James and John running around, busy in our daily lives, being flustered and forgetting to slow down and listen to Jesus – great advice from God for us all today. We need to remember what our Heavenly Father said to Peter up on the mountain of transfiguration when he was confused. He said to Peter, “This is my Son whom I have chosen, Listen to Him!” Listening to God’s Son Jesus is so very important and we can do this by reading about the life of Jesus in the Bible and through prayer.
We pray … Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding Peter to listen to your son Jesus. Help us to listen to Jesus as well. Through your Holy Spirit help us to hear and know your son Jesus more and more each day. Amen!
Parents Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)
We sincerely congratulate the PTFA Office Holders elected at the recent PTFA AGM.
Chairperson – Juliet Nawisielski
Deputy Chairperson – Kim Anketell
Treasurer – Fiona Rudsits
Secretary – Karishma Kenyon
Thank you for accepting this mantle of leadership as a school community group. We are grateful for the generosity of service/ka manaaki that you are sharing with us and know that you will be well supported by the PTFA Committee members. We look forward to working alongside you as you guide and lead us in community and fundraising activities.

Catholic Special Character Community Information
Earlier this year, the Board of Trustees Catholic Special Character Committee undertook a Community Survey on ways we could strengthen the connection between school and our local parishes. This survey was a direct result of the feedback received from the community as part of the Consultation Evening held in Term 4 2017. The community expressed a desire in wanting a closer connection with our parishes.
This became part of the school’s Strategic Plan and is a major goal for development as part of catholic special character stewardship. The main objective is to strengthen the connection between our local Parishes and the school and to find ways to gather further information and data about what and how we can strengthen the parish/school relationship. This was undertaken in the Google Form Survey.
Our BoT Catholic Special Character Committee chose to survey parents to understand the involvement our school families already have in our local parishes, to find out what opportunities exist where the Parishes can support our families and to find out what opportunities exist where our families can support our Parishes. Please find below some helpful Parish information for both St Mary’s Papakura and St Anne’s Manurewa.
Details | St Mary’s | St Anne’s |
Mass times | Saturday (vigil) 5pm
Sunday 8.30am Sunday 10.30am |
Saturday (vigil) 5.30pm
Sunday 8am Sunday 10am Sunday 7pm |
Priests’ Names | Father Peter Murphy (Parish priest)
Father James Mulligan |
Father Brian Prendeville (Parish priest)
Father Percy Kimble Father Kerry Prendeville |
Children’s Programmes | Liturgy at the 10.30am mass
Children’s Choir (Sings every 2nd Sunday) Youth Group (Friday’s 7pm, 8+years) |
Liturgy at the 10am mass
Youth Group (Friday 27th July 6.30-8.30pm, 11-19+ YEARS). |
Parish websites | https://papakuracatholic.org.nz/ | https://manurewacatholic.org.nz/ |
Other information – at the School | A copy of the Parishes’ Weekly newsletters available at the School Office |
- Support to or from the Parishes
St Mary’s Parish
- St Mary’s are involved in Papakura Community Dinners ‘Tuesday nights @ 6pm’ at the Anglican Church Hall. All are welcome to attend and volunteers are encouraged.
- St Mary’s are fundraising for a new Church Building and a Christmas Gala Day is being held in November 2018.
- Volunteers are needed for the St Vincent de Paul – Papakura Shop and Foodbank.
St Anne’s Parish
- St Anne’s 2018 Parish Expo on 7 October
- Volunteer Part time maintenance round the parish. Drains, damage repair, locks, windows, toilets etc.
- Volunteers needed for the St Vincent de Paul – Manurewa, Flat Bush & Mangere Bridge Shop and Foodbank.
- Catholic Faith opportunities for involvement:
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Readers
- Altar Servers (Youth)
- Commentators (St Anne’s Masses)
Dear Parents and Whanau
You will be aware through the public media and the school communications, that the Primary Principals’ and Teachers’ Union, the N.Z Education Institute, is taking strike action for a full day, this coming Wednesday 15 August 2018.
As already advised, the Board of Trustees has approved the closure of the school on this day, because we are unable to safely staff the school for instruction or supervision.
SCHOOL will be CLOSED for the full day on WEDNESDAY 15 AUGUST.
It is important that you make alternative arrangements for the care of your child/children on this day.
SKIDS, our school’s Before/After School Care Provider, has advised that they will run a days programme at school in Taamaua for the day: 7.00am to 6.00pm. It is up to parents to organise this care should they wish to avail themselves of this service. Phone Rose and Luke King: 0212899939 or 0800546475.
We do acknowledge that this is an inconvenience for parents and students alike, but pleased be assured that student safety is our main concern.
Our Board of Trustees is very appreciative of the great work our principal and staff do and the many hours they put in to providing the best Catholic education they can for our children. As more and more demands are placed on teachers, with not enough resources, our staff continue to give of their very best. The Board is totally supportive of our principal and staff, through their Union, the N.Z.E.I, in their endeavours to get some positive changes with regard to the staffing shortage, which in Auckland particularly, is at crisis point, staff workload, salaries which reflect this workload, support for children with special learning and behavioural needs, and making teaching as a career, a more valued profession. This will result in continued positive outcomes for our children.
As a community, we ask for your continued understanding and support as together we work for the benefit of our children.
Yours sincerely
Philip Cortesi
Chairperson, Board of Trustees.

A reminder that Mrs Cheryl Iosefo completes her work with us at the end of Week 4 with Mrs Lynn Rhodé, taking up the teaching position in Learning Community Awa until the end of the year.
Mrs Viv Smith is the relieving Office Administrator for the next month whilst Mrs Quarterman is travelling overseas.
We will be farewelling Cheryl at School Assembly and Prayer this coming Monday and you are most welcome to join with us. Thank you too, for the warmth of welcome you have extended to both Lynn and Viv this past week as they join our Holy Trinity whanau.
Maori Whānau Evening
Nau mai, haere mai to our Maori Whānau evening on Thursday 23rd of August at 6.00pm in Taamaua/Hall. The kaupapa is to build Whanaungatanga with our Maori Whānau and school, whilst sharing some kai together.
We are looking forward to sharing this special time with our whanau. Invitations with further information will be sent home this coming week.

Health and Safety
Kuaka Drive School Entrance
The school pathway to Kuaka Drive entrance/exit will be open from the beginning of next week. This is a great alternative for families who live near Bruce Pulman Park or who want the safety of parking in a quieter traffic zone. The inner fence gate will be open from 8:15am each morning and closed again from 3:15pm each afternoon. The black fence gate near the Kuaka Drive entrance is on a latch that just needs to be lifted to open or shut – the gate will not be locked at this stage. Please walk with your child/children on the pathway ONLY as the school fields are still under development and are not suitable for use.
Our thanks to Mr Brad Rudsits (BoT member) who spent last weekend fencing off the last 50 metres of the walkway to ensure all is safe for our families! Well Done Brad!
Emergency Drills
A very successful Lockdown Drill was held at school this week. Children responded positively and followed directions and procedures that allowed them to practice what to do in the event of an incident happening at school. It is important that we teach the skills of managing ourselves safely in different situations so we were very pleased with the quick and correct response of the children. Further emergency drills for fire and earthquake will occur over the term.

DRS News
Feast of the Assumption
The Feast of the Assumption falls on Wednesday 15th August which is a Holy Day of Obligation. Unfortunately, it is also the same day that the school will close for teacher’s strike action. Therefore, our school will celebrate the Feast of the Assumption on Tuesday 14 August in the school hall at 2pm. We gather to remember and reflect on Mary our Mother being assumed both body and soul into heaven at the end of her earthly life. We also reflect on Mary’s wonderful virtues of faithfulness and humility as we listen to the story of her resurrection.
Upcoming Mufti Mania Outreach for Tonga
In February, Cyclone Gita caused widespread damage throughout Tonga and one of the worst affected schools was Apifo’ou College in Nuku’alofa. On Friday 7 September our school will be holding a special Mufti Mania Day with the theme of Tongan colours and culture. A gold coin donation will be welcome and all proceeds will go towards the rebuilding of Apifo’ou College.

Beginner’s Bible/Family Whanau Book
We have available in the school office, two great resources that you can purchase to support the Religious Education programme. We have a hard cover Beginner’s Bible selling at $25 and the Family Whanau book that you can purchase for $12.50. The Family Whanau book provides you with the overview of what your child will be learning in the different year levels in Religious Education. It’s a great book to have as it gives you some family activities that you can do at home that aligns with what the children are learning about at school.

School Bell Times
School commences at 8:50am each day. Please endeavour to have your child/ren here on time for the start of their school day. If the children have time to organise themselves and have preparation and play/social time before the bell rings, they are more positive and comfortable about settling down for daily prayer/karakia and being ready for a day of learning and action!
If your child/children are going to be absent from school, please advise us of their of non attendance by either phoning school on 09 296 9039 or emailing the office office@holytrinity.school.nz. As a matter of safety we must check absences each morning and afternoon and if we are unaware of why student/s are absent then we will make contact with you by phone or email. The attendance system marks unknown absences as “truant” after 24 hours – with this information going to the Ministry of Education so please do remember to contact us
Office Hours – OPEN
Please note that our Reception Area has Office personnel … Jennifer, Viv and Carolyn there to assist you from 8:30am – 4:00pm Mon/Tues/Wed and 8:30am – 3:00pm on Thurs/Fri. Thank you for you patience and understanding as we are only a little staff and are not always able to be of assistance outside those hours.
Attendance Dues Receipts
Receipts for Term 2 Attendance Dues payments are now available for collection from the school office.
Food and Nutrition
Break 1/morning tea time is 10:30am – 11:00am and Break 2/lunch time is 1:00pm – 1:40pm. Students are great at managing their eating times and it’s good to see them eating and drinking a substantial amount at the first break as it is a significant length of time before Break 2. Thank you for encouraging “water” only drink bottles and for ensuring foods are healthy and nutritious. Sweets, lollies or chocolates are not permissible at school unless it is a special occasion. Chewing gum is not permissible at all!
We encourage the children to take their empty wrappers, packets, paper, etc home in their lunchbox as a way of us all contributing to caring for God’s creation by reducing, recycling and reusing!

Learning Community Moana
Last week we learned about the Rublev icon which is the depiction of the Trinity that was painted by Andre Rublev in the 14th Century. We talked about the symbols in the Rublev. The most interesting is the three angels. It originated from the three visitors in the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18. The angels represent the three persons of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We took some quiet time to reflect on the icon by colouring our own and reflecting on our calling to be saints in this world. So when you walk into our school Reception area or into the staffroom, take some time to look at and reflect on the Rublev icon which is displayed there – it is very special and meaningful to our school as we are named Holy Trinity.

Learning Community Maunga
We have been focussing on the Visual Art skills of collage, stencil and layering to create Eric Carle inspired Holy Spirit symbols. Eric Carle is an author/illustrator famous for his book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, among others. We looked into his artwork, watched some how to videos of Eric Carle doing the art himself and then went off to try it ourselves!
We used painting techniques to create painted pieces of paper, which we then cut out and layers to create symbols of the Holy Spirit – dove, water, fire, wind, cross. We think the end result is amazing. Come on up to Learning Community Maunga if you want to see them for yourself!

Oral Language Celebration
In week 6, on Tuesday 28th of August, we will be holding an Oral Language celebration in the Taamaua. This is a way for us to celebrate those in our Learning Communities who have a talent in public speaking and presenting. It will begin at 11am and probably run through until lunchtime.
Learning Communities will hold their own smaller celebration, where a few students will be chosen to present at the whole school event. The senior students will be using this as a way to select Y5-8 students for Inter-school Speech Competitions coming up later this term.
More information to follow via Linc-Ed.
Sausage Sizzle on Cross Country Day
The PTFA will be running a sausage sizzle on Cross Country Day! Sausages and bread will be available and can be purchased for $1 back at school during lunchtime, once we return from the cross country event at Bruce Pulman Park. THANK YOU PTFA folk!

Cross Country
Our School Cross Country event will be running on Friday 17th August over at Bruce Pulman Park. We will gather as a school after morning tea, walk over together and begin races at 11:30am. As mentioned in the notice, we will be running each race one after another, so please arrive early to avoid missing any races!
Students need to be wearing their PE gear and must have running shoes. They will also need a jumper and jacket to stay warm when not running!
All are welcome to come along and cheer on the racers!
Interschool Events
After our school cross country event we have two more events for our Year 5&6 runners. Our Local Inter-school Cross Country run at a farm near Te Hihi Primary and a Catholic Schools Cross Country run in Hillsborough by Monte Cecilia Primary. Hopefully we can enter some runners into these events to represent Holy Trinity in the community. More information for these following our school event.
Other Schools Information
De La Salle College enrolments for 2019 are filling up quick. We encourage parents to enrol NOW for 2019. Pick up an enrolment pack from our school office or print it out from the school website www.delasalle.school.nz For enrolment enquiries please ph Bianca on 2764319 ext 816.
Kind Regards,
Bianca Leau Admin & Enrolment Officer De La Salle College 81 Gray Ave P.O.Box 86-001 Mangere East 2158 Auckland Ph (09) 2764319 ext 816
Upcoming School Events
School Assembly and Prayer – Learning Community Whenua leading
Monday 13th August 8:50am in Taamaua/Hall
Liturgy for Feast of the Assumption
Tuesday 14th August 2:00pm in Taamaua/Hall
Wednesday 15th August
School CROSS COUNTRY and Sausage Sizzle
Friday 17th August 11am – 1pm @ Bruce Pulman Park
Sausage Sizzle from 1pm back at school
School Assembly and Prayer – Learning Community Moana leading
Monday 20th August 8:50am in Taamaua/Hall
Inter-school Cross Country Year 5/6
Thursday 23rd August
Hearing and Vision Screening @ School
Thursday 23rd August 9:00am
School Maori Whanau Hui
Thursday 23rd August 6:00pm in Taamaua/Hall
With God’s Blessings
Peta Lindstrom
Community Events
Choral Mass for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant…”
The Cathedral of St Patrick & St Joseph, Wednesday 15 August at 7.30 pm we celebrate the Assumption of Mary with a Choral Mass. With the Cathedral Vocal Ensemble directed by James Tibbles, this is an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the musical tradition of the Catholic Church, music that is now often only heard in concert performances.
Validated parking will be available at the Wilson car parks on Durham Lane ($2) & Hobson Street ($4).
St Marys Parish Pilgrimage Motuti, Hokianga 2019
Fri 8th February – Sun 10th February 2019
Cost: $100.00 per person 18 + years / $150.00 per couple
All Children 0-17 years FREE – Must be accompanied with Parent/s or Guardian
(Adult only). $20 non-refundable deposit per 18+ / adult required upon booking
Full payment required no later than 31st October 2018. Please make all payments direct to the main Parish account noting your name & Pilgrimage for your references
To register your interest or book your seat on the bus please email
stmarysparishpilgrimage@gmail.com, or contact 0212615292.