Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
As we come to the end of Term 2, we pause to give thanks to God for all that has been achieved as a school community. We give thanks to God for our staff and the dedication they show in working with each child as they grow in their learning and personal development. We give thanks to God for our children who take on the opportunities and challenges of school life with willingness and positive attitudes. We give thanks to God for our families/whanau who continue to support their child and school in the many shared activities and events AND we give thanks to God for all those who lead and support our school through governance (Board of Trustees), prayer and spiritual life (our Parish Priests), fundraising and social events (PTFA) – may we all be blessed for the work we do to nurture and grow this special school community in learning, loving and serving.
A prayer to share from the Catholic Education Convention …
Through the Grace of God the Creator
Through the Power of God the Spirit
Through the Call of God the Son
We commit ourselves through Catholic Education to the call of Christ
Hehu Karaiti, Jesus the Christ, we hear your call
PTFA Annual General Meeting
The Inaugural PTFA (Parents Teachers Friends Association) AGM will be held Thursday 2nd August 7:00pm in the school staffroom. At this meeting, an election of office holders will be held for Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer along with the adoption of the Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School PTFA Constitution. We hope you can attend this meeting and be part of this enthusiastic, vibrant school community group.
A big thanks goes to the current committee who have been organising and running the recent fundraising activities at school – Winter Mufti Day, Pizza Lunch and tonight our very first children’s DISCO here at school! It has been very exciting for the children who have thoroughly enjoyed all the fun opportunities. We look forward to more PTFA activities in Term 3!

Digital Reporting
on Student Progress and Achievement
Kaitiaki/Teachers have completed reporting information to share with family/whanau and students through the LINC-ED digital online reporting system. Parents will
receive an email alert to say that new information on their child’s progress and achievement will be available on LINC-ED through the parent portal. Kaitiaki will have written information on reading, writing and maths with comments on concept learning in the science/technology learning areas plus a general comment including the key competencies. This information will be shared with you so please do take the time to sit with your child/children and talk through with them their successes with learning goals, their progress and achievement with expected levels in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum and next steps with their learning.
Mahi Tahi “Working Together” Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held at school in the first week of Term 3, Thursday 26th July from 1:30pm – 7:30pm (15 minute conference times). These are always wonderful opportunities for families/whanau and students to sit together with kaitiaki to contribute to and share in learning conversations about what they’re doing, how well they’re going and what they can do to take next steps in their learning.
Next week, we will open the on line school interviews portal to enable you to book your conference time. We will notify you on Linc-Ed of when this is available.
Visiting Principals
We welcomed 8 principals and teaching staff from Catholic Schools in Cairns, Australia to our school this afternoon. Some of these educators visited with us last year so it’s lovely to know that they are keen to return to see how we are progressing and developing and for us to be able to share innovative learning and collaborative practices with them and in particular what this looks like in a catholic educational setting.

School Carparking – TAKE CARE!
We are having difficulty with parents parking unsafely in the school carpark during the afternoon pick ups from school. PLEASE only park in a designated carpark. The painted pedestrian crossings must be kept clear at all times as we need the children to be able to cross in safety. As part of Health and Safety, our Board of Trustees members are required to monitor the car-park from time to time and may speak with you if there is a problem. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Strike Percussion
This morning, we had STRIKE Percussion ensemble group perform for the whole school. It was a very professional musical performance from the musicians working with a range of percussion instruments. Even Mr Williams and Mrs Silva were able to show off their musical skills. Check them out on facebook @StrikeNZ to see videos of the Strike Team performing.

DRS News
First Holy Communion
We celebrated a group of our wonderful children who made their First Communion on Saturday 16 June at St Mary’s Parish Church in Papakura. It is a great way to witness the faith journey of our students as they go through the different Sacraments. We congratulate these children. If you would like to register your child to attend Sacramental Programmes please get in touch with your local Parish or speak to Mrs Silva for support.
End of Term Mass
Our MacKillop Whanau group led us on a wonderful end of term Mass looking at Mary MacKillop’s message of “Never seeing a need without doing something about it”. A great reminder for us all to reach out and help those in need and by recognising the face of Christ in all people.

Religious Education – Holy Spirit Strand
In Learning Community Maunga, we have been learning about the Holy Spirit and the people in the Bible that the Holy Spirit guided, such as King Solomon, John the Baptist and prophets like Deborah and Isaiah. Maunga enjoyed learning about John the Baptist who baptised Jesus in the Jordan river in front of a lot of believers and was a strong believer himself. This is an awesome story where the Trinity comes in: the voice of God from the clouds, the Holy Spirit comes down from heaven in the form of a dove and the beloved son, Jesus Christ at his baptism.
By Stephen
Learning Community Awa has been learning about the fruits of the Holy Spirit and how we can share these gifts with each other. For example, sharing the gift of joy by making someone happy and being there for someone who is sad. They love the wonder of God’s presence all around us, that God is in us and around us all the time.
Learning Community Whenua focussed on how the Holy Spirit is like the wind, that we can feel it in us and around us. They explored the different ways that the Holy Spirit works in them by: being kind to each and taking turns when they play and showing aroha to our families, friends and teachers. The Holy Spirit is a wonderful friend to have.
By J’navieve & Eva
In Learning Community Moana we have been learning about what holiness means and how we can live holy lives. Everyone is called to holiness when they learn about God, to love God, ourselves and others and serve each other. We are holy because we are all made in the image and likeness of God and so we have to treat each other with love and respect.
By Lusia

Litter Warriors
Starting next week, our Enviro Group will begin a new initiative called Litter Warriors. We have noticed a lot of students are interested in cleaning up the school grounds and caring for the environment.
We have made up some lanyards that students can wear at morning tea and lunch while they help show manaakitia – respect for our school environment. This is great way for us to show appreciation to those students who care for our community! Although we love it when students want to help clean up, we will be asking them to choose either morning tea OR lunch to be a litter warrior, not both – kids still need time to play!!
Litter Warrior leaders will share this with the students and community at our Monday morning assembly in Week 10.
Winter Pyjama Mufti Day
We had a great day last Friday at our Winter Pyjama Day. Everyone was snuggled up warm in their onesies, pyjamas and dressing gowns. We raised $150 for school EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) events!

Hip Hop Showcase
Next Thursday – July 5th – we will be holding a Hip Hop Dance Showcase for the students who have been learning dance all term, to show off their skills.
Learning Communities Maunga and Moana also have a couple of performances to share. Come along and enjoy the show!
Manu Aute – Kite Day
We had a wonderful Manu Aute Kite day on Wednesday! The weather was beautiful although we would have liked a bit more breeze. Our children had so much fun flying their kites and it was great to see so many different designs. Thank you all for helping us to celebrate Matariki.
The winners of the spot prizes were:
Most creative – Taylor, Aimee and Max
Most colourful – Seth and Sophie
High flyers – Frian and Mya

Rippa Rugby
In week 7, our Year 5&6 students participated in the local school Rippa Rugby tournament. Although we did not make the Semi Finals, we all had a great time and represented our school with pride. A big thanks to the parents that supported us on the day with transport and coaching help, Mr Iosefo, and Mrs Taimalie. Also a huge thank you to Mikaylar Taimalie from LC Maunga who gave up her lunchtimes and the day to support me in coaching and organising the teams – she is a great example of leadership within our school community!
Cross Country
Our school Cross Country event will be held Week Four of Term 3 – Friday 17th of August. Training will begin fully next term, but individual Learning Communities may begin some running before the end of term – keep an eye out for notices. Some children might like to start their training in the holidays – a great family activity to do together!

Upcoming School Events
PTFA DISCO Fundraising Night
Friday 29th June 6:30pm – 8:00pm in Taamaua/Hall
School Assembly and Prayer – Learning Community Maunga leading
Monday 2nd July 8:50am in Taamaua/Hall
Thursday 5th July 2:00pm in Taamaua
END of TERM 2 – school closes for the July Holidays
Friday 6th July 2:50pm
COMMENCEMENT of Term 3 – school re opens
Monday 23rd July 8:50am
Caring Foundation Mass and Awards
Wednesday 25th July @ Auckland City Catholic Cathedral
Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 25th July 6:00pm in the school staffroom
“Mahi Tahi Working Together” Parent/Teacher /Student CONFERENCES
Thursday 26th July @ school 1:30pm – 7:30pm
PTFA Inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Thursday 2nd August 7:00pm in the school staffroom
With God’s Blessings
Peta Lindstrom
Community Events
Notice for School Newsletter
Come away to be refreshed, renewed & restored – Dove Retreat 27-29 July.
Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women National team is delighted to invite all women to a retreat weekend with special guest speakers Wilma Conroy and Anne Claessens.
Theme: “Harvest” Come and enjoy your personal harvest
Venue: Willow Park Christian Camp, Eastern Beach, Auckland
To Register online (or download a Registration Form) visit
For further information contact Shona Williams 07 543 0101 or email
APPA Music Festival 3 Day Course
This is for accomplished instrument players in years 4 – 8 who wish to develop their musicianship skills in orchestral and band performance, and perform at the Auckland Town Hall as part of the wider APPA festival in November. The students need parental commitment so they can attend the 3 Day Course at the venues below, in the last week of term 3; plus there will also be a few Saturday or Sunday rehearsals, lots of practice at home and one rehearsal in the Town Hall which they also need to get their child to. The venue for the practices is below:
FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA: Rehearsals at Auckland Normal Intermediate
JAZZ BAND:Rehearsals at Parnell School
CONCERT BAND:To be advised
Registrations close on Friday, 31 August 2018
Papakura Public Library School Holiday Programme
July school holidays at Auckland Libraries-Poster
July school holidays at Auckland Libraries-Fliers
Auckland Live Shows Holiday Programme
What’s in the latest issue of Tots To Teens Magazine
The latest issue of Tots to Teens is out, and we have a fantastic new phone and computer friendly digital version for parents to view. Be the first to read about the latest way to connect with your kids by “love bombing”, go beyond books to ramp up children’s reading, feed your kids 5 healing foods that are easy on the pocket, teach kids how to spot a frenemy, become a gut microbiome expert, and discover 9 playful ways to teach children mindful breathing.