Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta
Dear Families
During these next few days, we have the opportunity to pause, reflect and reconnect with our God through the various Holy Week and Easter liturgies, Masses and services happening in our parish communities. We hope you are able to take time to celebrate this very special time in the Church year with your families as we welcome the gift of love and hope that is our Christian faith.
Good Friday – we pray for all those “nailed” into hopeless situations, that through our concern and efforts, hope will dawn for all again. Amen.
Easter Saturday/Sunday – we pray that we joyfully proclaim the good news of the resurrection through our own lives. Amen.
Catholic Special Character Community Survey
In November 2017, our families/whānau gathered together at a school community meeting. We reflected on some areas of our Catholic Special Character and asked the community to respond to some focus questions. From the collated responses, families/whānau identified the need to strengthen the connection between our local Parishes and the school.
To help gather further information and data about what and how we can strengthen the parish/school relationship, please click on the link below which will take you to a Google form survey.
Catholic Special Character Community Survey
The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete and needs to be submitted by Wednesday 4th April. We really value your time, thought and commitment in completing this survey.

We extend our love and warm congratulations to Ms Cheryl Schuster, Learning Community Awa Kaitiaki, as she prepares for her forthcoming marriage to Henry Iosefo.
As they continue their lives together, we pray that their hearts will unite as one with God. We pray that their wedding day is beautiful and a wonderful celebration of a love that is patient and kind, not boastful or proud, one that is unselfish and trusting, and a love that protects and perseveres through every season of life! Amen.
DRS News
Holy Thursday
It was a wonderful sight to see so many of our families join us in our celebration of Holy Thursday with the children leading our Liturgy with the Stations of the Cross. A wonderful reminder of the journey that our Saviour Jesus Christ took to his Death and Resurrection. Jesus is our Salvation, our Hope and very much the centre of our Holy Trinity whanau.

Aimee’s Easter Poem
When we think of Easter
It’s of bunnies and chocolate eggs
People celebrate around the world
Finding treats with their legs.
But what we need to remember
Is when Jesus died for us
He carried the cross for all our sins
And did this without any fuss.
This week is so important
To remind us He rose again
He came and taught us how to live
And He suffered but did not blame.
So as we indulge in chocolate
And buttery hot cross buns
Make sure you Thank God!
Sacramental Sessions & Learning
Once a week, Mrs Silva holds a little session for the children who are participating in Saint Mary’s Parish Sacramental Programme. We talk about what we have learnt in the classes and especially discuss the seven Sacraments, Pentecost and Lent. Mrs Silva tells stories about the Saints and we talk about the life of Jesus and what he did for all of us. We would really love it if you could encourage your children to take the next step in receiving their Sacraments. We are now preparing for our Confirmation and we are excited to know that we will be receiving the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit when we go through the Sacrament of Confirmation – Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Piety, Fortitude and Fear of the Lord.
By Mya Year 4 (Learning Community Moana)
My simple summary of what I have learned about the seven Sacraments.
The seven sacraments start when you get Baptised and officially become a part of God’s family. Reconciliation is when you confess your sins to the Priest and you are reconciling with God. Confirmation is when you confirm that you are truly a follower of Jesus and that you believe in the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Holy Communion or Eucharist is the first time you receive the body and blood of Christ. Matrimony is when you get married and are called by God to love and build a family. Anointing of the Sick is when you get spiritual healing and are anointed by oil. The last Sacrament is Holy Orders and only men who want to become Priests can receive this particular Sacrament.
By Eli Year 4 (Learning Community Moana)

End of Term Mass
We will be celebrating our End of Term Mass on Thursday 12 April at 9:30am in Taamaua. Fr Percy Kimble of St Anne’s Parish,Manurewa will be leading our celebration and the children of Patrick Dunn Whanau will be participating in this special Mass. We will be commissioning our school leaders at this Mass and celebrating with them the beginning of their leadership journey. We look forward to seeing you there as we end our term with much to celebrate and be thankful for.
Reporting to Parents/Whanau
On Monday 9th April, we will be publishing students’ learning pages for R.E., Health and Concept Relationship/Social Science learning as well as the students’ personal learning goals for reading, writing and maths. Please take the time to discuss the learning comments with your child so you can share in and praise their learning successes. You are able to “like” the learning comments by clicking on the relevant icon. We will publish the learning pages through our internal Linc-Ed communication system. Please make sure you are able to access the Linc-Ed parent portal or call into Reception and we will assist you to do this.
Road Maintenance Notification – Airfield Road
Auckland Transport (AT) will be completing road maintenance along Airfield Road over the next few weeks. There will be 3 stages to the roadworks with the first stage commencing today. Temporary traffic management is in place including a stop/go operation. Please remain vigilant when driving through this area and entering and exiting the school driveway. It’s important that all traffic management signs are followed so that everyone is kept safe especially around the worksite. Thank you.
Poppy Day
In the office we have an Anzac Day Poppy collection basket. Anzac Day is the 25th of April, the day we remember the Australian and New Zealand soldiers that fought for their country.
If you would like to support the Papakura Returned Services Association (RSA), feel free to put a gold coin donation in the bucket and take a poppy.

Sports Success!
Learning Community Whenua

Learning Community Awa
On Tuesday, Awa celebrated Ms Schuster’s ‘wedding’. The bride and her attendants were very beautiful and the groom and his best man were so handsome. The ceremony, led by Toia, was so touching that Ms Schuster had a tear in her eye. We then gave her our special gifts – artwork with our thumbprints and a booklet of good advice for Ms Schuster and Mr Iosefo. We hope they have a great wedding in Bali!

Learning Community Maunga
A big congratulations to our Year 7&8 Softball team who went through the Interschool Competition unbeaten, coming 1st Place in their grade. They represented Holy Trinity with pride and showed Resilience, Respect and Unity during the day. A huge thank you to Mrs Taimalie who coached the team on the day.
Counties Manukau Sport
All Holy Trinity students have been learning throwing, catching and striking skills with our Counties Manukau Sport coaches, with Moana and Maunga students using these skills in a softball game situation. These skills are fundamental skills designed to develop students’ hand/eye coordination and awareness of what is happening around them.

Our Travelwise Leadership group has been working alongside Auckland Transport personnel, to promote safe parking and driving around our school. A few weeks ago they ran a Positive Parking event in the morning, encouraging parents to park safely – not on yellow lines or in handicap parks.
Last Friday, alongside the local Police, the school Travelwise Team ran a Slow Down Around Schools programme. The speed camera guns were set up and drivers were pulled over on the side of the road. If they were obeying the limit, students thanked them and gave them a gift. If they were speeding, students asked them to slow down and the Police Officers gave them a warning.
This has been a great opportunity for our senior students to make a positive impact in our school community.
Hip Hop Dance Opportunity
We would like to offer a Hip Hop Dance opportunity through “Imitate Me Dance Community” based in South Auckland – Express Yourself! Which is a hip hop dance programme focused on the mental, physical and emotional development of students through hip hop dance.
The group sessions would be run during school time and is great opportunity for students to develop dance skills in a fun environment.
It could cost up to $25 for the term – at this stage we are just looking for an indication of who could be keen. Please indicate on the google form link below if you are interested.

Upcoming School Events
School closes from Good Friday 30th March to Tuesday 3rd April
School reopens Wednesday 4th April 8:50am
School Easter Liturgy and Prayer – Manutaki to lead
Wednesday 4th April 9:00am in Taamaua/Hall
School Assembly and Prayer – Manutaki to lead
Monday 9th April 9:00am in Taamaua/Hall
School End of Term MASS
Fr Percy to celebrate and to commission School Leaders
Thursday 12th April 9:30am in Taamaua/Hall – Patrick Dunn Whanau/House to lead
End of Term 1
Friday 13th April 2:50pm
School reopens for Term 2
Monday 30th April 8:50am
With God’s Blessings
Peta Lindstrom