Event 1
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held this Thursday 23rd March 2017 at school
Families are invited to meet with Learning Community Teachers/Kaitiaki to share school and home information, discuss recent assessments and current learning goals for your child/children.
You are able to meet with either of the Learning Community Teachers/Kaitiaki at this time.
Conference times are 15 minute intervals with each child encouraged to be part of this learning conversation as well.
Information steps on how to access the parent portal on our LINC-ED Student Management System will also be made available in the staffroom. Staff will be available to help.
Afternoon Conference times commence at 3:15pm – 5:00pm
Staff dinner break from 5:15pm – 5:45pm
Evening Conference times from 5:45pm – 7:00pm
Please contact the school office to book conference times for your family.
School Ph. No. 296 9039 or office email office@holytrinity.school.nz
We look forward to sharing this important learning conversation opportunity with you all.
Event 2
Papakura/Takanini Schools Haka
This Friday 24th March at 9:20am – 11:00am the whole school will be attending the Papakura Schools Haka practice at Papakura Intermediate in preparation for the “launch” of the Papakura/Takanini Schools Haka on Wednesday 29th March. We will also be “launching” our own school Haka – unique to Holy Trinity at this event.
We will be traveling to and from this event by bus.
You are most welcome to join us for our school daily practices 9:00am – 9:15am and also at Papakura Intermediate this Friday 24th March at 10am (practice) and at the launch on Wednesday 29th March at 10am.
With God’s Blessings
Peta Lindstrom